Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/515

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FIFTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3553. 1906. 485 dred and six, all receipts of the WVholesale Producers’ Market, including the receipts for the occupation of the south side of B street northwest, and the farmers’ street markets adjacent to the Eastern, lVestern, and Georgetown markets, respectively, be paid through the sealer of weights and measures to the collector of taxes, to the credit of the revenues of the District, weekly. And the Commissioners are hereby Ciwrses for mcs authorized to make such reasonable charges for the use of space at the °t°' above-mentioned street markets as may be deemed just, but in no case shall the collections for such space and for labor, and the sweeping, cleaning, and hauling away of refuse at such space exceed the sum of ten cents per day for each space occupied, and the market masters of the several markets herein mentioned shall make such collections daily and make a return thereof, with a sworn statement, weekly to the sealer of weights and measures, who shall deposit the same with the collector of taxes to the credit of the revenues of the District of Columbia. `NHOLESALE PRODUCERS, MARKET: One market master, nine hun- mzbglcgif P*°<*¤- dred dollars; one assistant market master, who shall also act as night M 3 watchman, five hundred and forty dollars; one watchman for eight months’ service, three hundred and twenty dollars; one laborer for sweeping B street sidewalk used for market purposes and the wholesale market square, two hundred and forty dollars; swee ing B street used for market purposes, four hundred and eighty dodars; haulin refuse (street sweepin s), three hundred dollars; in all, two thousand seven hundred and eigdity dollars. EASTERN MARKET: Laborer for cleaning sidewalk and street where mtem M·*°*· gsi;] for market purposes (farmers’ market), one hundred and twenty o ars. WESTERN MARKET: Laborer for cleaning sidewalk and street Where W°"°’¤ *"‘*°'" mai for market purposes (farmers' market), two hundred and forty o ars. Fon orrron or SEALER or wmenrs Ann MEASURES! For sealer of _,?,,°,'},;°,f,_"°l""' weights and measures, two thousand five hundred dollars; iirst assistant sealer of weights and measures, one thousand two hundred dollars; second assistant sealer of weights and measures, nine hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand dollars; laborer, four hundred and eighty dollars; in all, six thousand and eighty dollars. · Fon ENo1NEEa’s orrronz Record division: For chief clerk, one thou- iiZ`é'¢ii°a°$$i(§¤il2»i¤i' sand nine hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand four hundred dollars; three clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; clerk, eight hundred and forty dollars; two nn·s··=engors, at tivo hundred and forty dollars each; engineer of highways. three thousand dollars; assistant engineer, one thousand six hundred dollars; two assistant engineers, at one thousand five hundred dollars each; three rodmen, at seven hundred and eighty dollars each; three chainmen, at six hundred and fifty dollars each; draftsman, one thou. sand two hundred dollars; three inspectors of streets, at one thousand two hundred dollars each: superintendent of streets, two thousand dollars; superintendent of county roads, one thousand five him. dred dollars, and five hundred dollars additional as assistant engineer in Rock Creek Park; superintendent of parking, one thousand three hundred dollars; assistant superintendent of parking, one thousand dollars; clerk, nine hnndred dollars; inspector of as halt and cements, two thousand four hundred dollars: Provided, lgfhat the mmu 0,, ,,_ inspector of asphalt and cements shall not receive or accept compensa- 1**** *¤¤r¤=¤°°’· tion of any kind from or perform any work or render any services of a character required of him odicially by the District of Columbia to any person, iirm, corporation, or municipality, other than the District of Columbia; inspector of gas and meters, two thousand dollars; assistant inspector of gas and meters, one thousand dollars; assistant