Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/530

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500 rirrr-Nmrn conomcss. . sm. 1. cH. 2.55:1. 1906. Igpr two hundred and forty-one, at six hundred and fifty dollars eac ; For twenty, at six hundred and twenty-five dollars each; For three hundred and nineteen, at six hundred dollars each; For three, at five hundred and seventy-tive dollars each; For three, at five hundred and fifty dollars each; For nineteen, at five hundred and twenty-five dollars each; For thirty-four, at five hundred dollars each; d lp all, one million two hundred and eighty-one thousand and fifteen o ars. Q',;",,"}",;,,,,,,,,,, m1_ Provided, That when a salary in any class or group shall be vacated =¤*¤¤· by resignation or otherwise the salary required to be paid to the teacher or officer promoted to fill such vacancy under the provisions of an Act to fix and regulate the salaries of teachers, school officers, and other employees of the board of education of the Dnstrict of gnu, p. ggcm i Columbia, approved June , nineteen hundred and six, may be ,,,,,3 °°‘ "“` substituted therefor: Bwided further, That in assigning salaries to teachers no discrimination shall be made between male and female mm f sd _ teachers employed in the same grade of school and performing a like ,,,,,mb,,‘§'§_° m" class of duties; and it shall not be lawful to pay, or authorize or require to paid, from any of the salaries of teachers herein provided, any porltion orlpercentage thereof for the purpose of adding to salaries of 1 er or ower grades. N*¤h* '°**°°l*- BIGHT scHo0Ls: For niglht schools for pupils, and teachers of night gclqpols may also be teac ers in the day schools, twelve thousand o ars. h F gr qprétiagent and other necessary expenses of night schools, seven un re dollars. p;Efd°"°"°° '"p' KINDERGARTEN SUPPLIES: For kindergarten supplies, two thousand · five hundred dollars. * "*“*°°'“- °“’- _ For: Jaurrons AND cam: or BUILDINGS AND enonrms: For supermtendent of janitors, one thousand two hundred dollars; For care of Central High School and annex, two thousand dollars; Of the Business High School, one thousand six hundred dollars; Of the Jefferson Building, Franklin Buildin , and the Western `

 School, three in all, at one thousand four dundred dollars each;

the Eastern High School, M Street Hi h School, McKinley Manual Training School, Armstrong Manual Training School and Stevenshbchool buildings, five in all, at one thousand two hundred dollars eac ; Of the Wallach Building, one thousand dollars; Of the Brookland, Curtis, Dennison, Emery, Force, Gales, Garnet, Grant, Henry, Peabody, Seaton, Sumner, and Webster school buildmg;, thirteen 1u all, at nine hundred dollars each; _ bt: tihe (B1r3e(y,lTincoln}, Miner, and.Mott buildings, four in all, at eig un re dollars eac ; ` Of the Abbott, Berrett, Sayles J. Bowen', Brightwood, John F. gleqcgk, éliagcgd Bmqdall, Syphax, and Tenley buildings, nine in all, at ·n unr oarseac; Of the Adams, Addison, Ambush, Amidon, Anthon Bowen Arthur Banneker, Bell, Blair, Blake. Blow, Bradley, Breng Briggd, Bruce; Buchanan, Carberry, Lardozo, Congress Heights, Corcoran, Dent, Douglass, Edmunds, Fillmore, Gage, Garrison, Giddinlgs, Eckintgton, Greenleaf, Harrison, Hayes. Hilton, Hubbard, Hyde, ackson, obnson, Jones, Langston, Lenox, Logan, Lovejoy, Ludlow, McCormick, Madison, Magruder, Maury, _Monroe, Montgomery, Morgan, Morse, Pattison, Payne, Phelps, Phillips, Pierce, Polk, Ross, Abby S. Simmons, Slater, Smallwopd, Takoma, aylor Toner, Towers, Twining, Tyler, Van _Buren, li ebb, Weightman, ’VVheat| ·, Wilson, and \Vormly biuldings, seventy-two in all, at six hundredy dollars each;