Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/538

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508 FIFTY—NDNTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3553. 1906. INTEREST AND SINKING FUND. . I“{°'*’§° °¤d smb For interest and sinking fund on the funded debt, nine hundred and mg imseventy-five thousand four hundred and eight dollars. ‘ EMERGENCY FUND. Em¤rs·=¤<=y f¤¤·1- To be expended only in case of emergency, such as riot, pestilence, public insanitary conditions, calamity by flood or fire, and of like character, and in all cases of emergency not otherwise sufficrently pro- P¤>·>*··¤- vided for, eight thousand dollars: Provided, That in the purchase of mmm all articles provided for in this Act no more than the market price shall be paid for any such articles, and all bids for any of such articles above themarket price shall be rejected. Courts Md r>ri¤<>¤¤- FOR COURTS AND PRISONS. Sup rr <1f¤¤¤vi€=¢¤ Surroxtr or oouvrocrs: For su rt, maintenance, and trans orta- °"t°IPgm”°t' tion of convicts transferred fromlthe District of Columbia, to he expeaded under the direction of the Attorney-General, forty—Iive thousand 0 BIS. | ¤¤¤r¢~1¤>¤¤¤- Conmr-Housn, Drsrrzror or CoLUms1A: For the following force necessary for the care and protection of the court-house in the istrict of Columbia, under the direction of the United States marshal of the District of Columbia: Engineer, one thousand two hundred dollars; three watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; three firemen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; five laborers, at four hundred and eight dollars each; and three messengers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, ten thousand and eighty dollars, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney—General. Jan. WARDEN or THE JAIL: For warden of the jail of the District of w"""' Columbia, two thousand dollars, to be paid under the direction of the Attorney—General. maintenance. Sryrronr or rnrsoxnns: For expenses for maintenance of the jail of the District of Columbia, including pay of guards and all other necessary personal services, and for support of prisoners therein, to be expended under the direction of the Attorney-General, fifty thousand do lars. mpggrlun and we- CHARITIES AND CORRECTIONS. mm ercnmues Bonn or Cmnmns: For secretary, three thousand dollars; clerk, one thousand two hundred dollars; stenogra her, one thousand two hundred dollars; messenger, six hundred dollars; one inspector, nine hundred dollars; six inspectors, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; four drivers, at six hundred dollars each; hostler, five hundred and forty dollars; traveling ex uses, two hundred dollars; in all, fourteen thousand three hundretignd sixty dollars. Reformatorles. REFORMATORIES AND CORRECTIONAL INSTITUTIONS. \gs;:gg•¤¤A¤v¤¤¤~ Fon Vlksmmcron Asrmnvr: For superintendent, one thousand live ' hundred dollars; visiting physician, one thousand and eighty dollars; resident physician, four hundred and eighty dollars; clerg, eight hundred and forty dollars; property clerk, eight hundred and forty dollars; baker, six hundred dollars; principal overseer, one thousand two hundred dollars; fifteen overseers, at six hundred dollars each; engineer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; assistant engineer, four hundred and eighty dollars; second assistant engineer, three hundred and sixty dollars: engineer at hospital for seven and one—half months, at fifty do -