Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/596

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. 566 FIFTY-NINTH oouennss. sms. 1. on. :2.590. woes. Puget sauna, wasn. NAVY-YARD, Pucrrr SOUND, Wasumoronz Sewer system, extensions. three thousand dollars; to continue ading, ten thousand dollars; electric-light plant, extensions, five irousand dollars; water system, extensions, two thousand five hundred dollars; heating system, extensions, four thousand dollars; dredging, to continue, ten thousand dollars; roads and walks, extensions, two thousand five hundred dollars; stone and concrete dry dohk (to cost one million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars), one hundred thousand dollars; smithery for construction and repair,to complete, four thousand dollars; telephone system, extensions, onethousand five hundred dollars; central power plant, sixty thousand dollars; water-closet for ships in dock, two thousand five hundred dollars; in all, navy- yard, Puget Sound, Washington, two hundred and five thousand dollars. · P°““°°‘°· “* NAVY-YARD, Pnnsaoom, FLomDA: Water system, five thousand dollars; sewer system, ten thousand dollars; conduits and conductors for distribution of power, five thousand dollars; crib for wooden iioat- }ng dry] dock, ézvgeaty thousand dollars; in all, navy-yard, Pensacola, orty thousand dollars. N'"' °'*“”“·‘* NAVAL srnion, Nnw Onmmns, Lomsuiuz Improvement of water front, forty thousand dollars; levee improvement and grading, ten thousand dollars; machine and tools for ards and docks shop, three thousand dollars; centrab Electric light and power plant, to complete, fifty thousand dollars; rebuilding crosswharf, ten thousand dollarsstrengthening 85}Pl‘0&Cl1€S to floating dock nine thousand five hundred dollars; railroa system, Eve thousauddollars; underground conduit system, five thousand dollars; drainage system, eight thousand dollars; sawmill, boat shop, and storage for construction and repair, sixty thousand dollars; toward the construction of street around naval station in lieu of Patterson street, fifteen thousand dollars; in all, navy-yard, New Orleans, two hundred and fifteen thousand five hundred dollars. °'°""’°·P·‘· Nxvn. srynon, Onosearo, Pnimrrrnn Ismsnss Purchase and installation of tools and machinery, one hundred thousand dollars; wharf for floating dry dock, sixty —five thousand dollars; extension of drainage canal, twenty-five thousand dollars; steam Boating derrick, seventeen thousand dollars; in all, two hundred and seven thousand dollars. °““"* Naviui srynon, rsumn or GUAM: Dredging, five thousand dollars; extension of naval—statiou roads, five thousand dollars; artesian well, H wm two thousand dollars; in all, twelve thousand dollars. " ‘ Navn. snrron, Hawaii: For the reclamation of that portion of the naval station at Honolulu, Hawaii, known as the Reef, from materials now being dredged from the harbor at Honolulu, and for the necpsslary dgkes or retgining walls, thirty-five thousand dollars, or _ so muc 1 ereo as may necessary. §l§T",f§T5663_P_m_ Pmss AND srncirroarross Fon PUBLIC wonxs: Plans and estimates required by section thirty-six hundred and sixty~three, Revised gtafutes, and plans and specifications for public works, thirty thousand , _ ol ars. v.l#§H,'T'” ""° *"°“°”` Rmmms AND rnasmevariou AT iuvr-nuns: For repairs and preservation at navy-yards and stations, five hundred thousand dollars. Total public works. navy-yards and stations, two million nine hundred and fifty-two thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. PUBLIC womcs UNDER rm: snonmanr or Tun zuvr. i}:lv°i§ii5°1°i.i;i$i°' BUILDINQS·AND onomms, Nunn. Acanmrrz Toward the construc- ,,0, 3L p_ 696. tion of buildmgs, and for other necessary improvements at the Naval vo1.s;,p nas. Academy, Annapolis, Maryland, as authorized by the Acts of Congress approved June seventh, nineteen hundred, and March third, nineteen hundred and three, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars. I