Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/604

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574 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3590. 1906. plapt at navy·yard, Portsmouth, New Hampshire, fifteen thousand o ars. B°°*°“·“"‘ Construction plant; navy—yard, Boston, Massachusetts: Repairs to, and implpovemelng B , plant at navy-yard, Boston, Massachusetts, twent thousand dollars. New Y°’*· N·Y· Conistruction plant, navy—yard, New York, New York: Repairs to, and impaovemeptl oi, plant at navy-yard, New York, New York, twent thousand 0 rs. . I“¢“° ‘*’•¤‘·*’“· Congtruction plant, navy—yard, League Island Pennsylvania: _ Repairs to, and improvement of, lplant at navy-yard, League Island, Pennsylvania, fifteen thousand do lars. _ N°"°“‘·V°· Construction plant, navy-yard, Norfolk, Virginia: Repairs to, and impdrolvelnent of, plant at navy—yard, Norfolk, irginia, twelve thousan ol ars.

  • ’*"“‘°°“·“‘· Construction plant, navy—yard, Pensacola, Florida: Repairs to, and

implrolvement of, plant at navy—yard, Pensacola, Florida, fifteen thousan o lars. N"' °'**‘*'“’·L*· Construction plant, naval station, New Orleans, Louisiana: For repairs to, and ilmprovelmtenh of, plant at naval station, New Orleans, Louisian ten thousand dollars. “‘“'°""“°· °'“· Constriiiction plant, navy·yard, Mare Island, California: Repairs to, and ignlproverpelntlpf, plant at navy-yard, Mare Island, California, fifteen thousand o rs. “"-*°‘ S°"""·w"“"· Construction plant, navy-yard, Puget Sound, Washington': Repairs to, and itmpmvegignplof, plant at navy-yard, Puget Sound, Washington, twenthousand dollars. g})jg;*g•,Q§°*g?g§* Crvix. nsnsusnmnur, BUREAU or Cousrnncrrou AND Rnram: ' Navy-yard, Portsmouth, New Ham(pshire: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hun red dollars; two writers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-tlve cents each; in all, three thousand four hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents; B¤¤¤¤¤»M¤¤- Navy-yard, Boston, Massachusetts: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; two writers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents each; in all, three thousand v four hundred and thirty-four dollars and fift cents; N°“' """‘* N' Y' Navy-yard, New York, New York: One cllark to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; three clerks, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; three clerks, at one thousand one hundred dollars each; three writers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twergyi-ltive cepts each; in all, eleven thousand three hundred and fifty- one dollars an seventv-live cents; L¤¤z¤¤I¤1¤~i.P¤. _ Navy-yard, League Island, Pennsylvania.: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; one writer, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; in all, two thousand four hundred and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; “'*“h*¤S*•>¤·D·*¥· Navy-yard, Washington, District of Columbia: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; N°""*k·"¤— Navy—yard, Norfolk, Virginia: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; two writers, at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twentydive cents each; in all. three thousand four hundred and thirty-four dollars and fifty cents; "‘”“"‘¤""“·$·C- Navy-yard, Charleston, South Carolina: One clerk to naval constructor, one thousand four hundred dollars; P”"“'°°1“» me- Navy-yard, Pensacola, Florida: One clerk to naval constructor, at · one thousand two hundred dollars; one writer., at one thousand and seventeen dollars and twenty-tive cents; in all, two thousand two hundred and seventeen dollars and twenty-five cents; ““'*‘$‘””d· Cal- Navy-vard. Mare Island, California: One clerk to naval constructor, at one thousand four hundred dollars; two writers, at one thousand