Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/640

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610 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cus. 3595, 3596. 1906. c0"f1${¥*;jug`,fs°i'°“l* “Sec. 5. That the circuit court of the United States for said district 'shall be held at Bismarck on the first Tuesday in March in each year, at Fargo on the third Tuesday in May in eac year, at Grand Forks on the second Tuesday in November in each year, at Devils Lake on the first Tuesday in July in each year, and at Minot on the second Tues- Gascs men ¤¤ err day in October in each year, and cases taken on appeal or writ of error pm' m' from the district court shall be returnable to the circuit court held in im-iss. that judicial subdivision from which the appeal was taken. When the circuit court or district court is held, as provided in this Act, at the same time and place, one grand and one petit jury only shall be summoned and serve in both said courts. _ _ _ deA£i>¤;,¤é:£¤·>¤t Of "SEc. 6. That the clerk of the circuit and district courts for said P Ydistrict shall each appoint a deputy clerk at the place where their. respective courts are required to be held in the division of the district in which such clerk shall not himself reside, each of whom shall, in _ the absence of the clerk, exercise all the powers and perform all the gpties of clark vlsgithiu the division fop) which he Zhsfjl be appoinéed: P'°“·*°· . _ rmzided, That the a intment of suc de uties s a be a rove b mgiizglovuofappolm the court for which tlildo shall have been rldspectively a pbhited, and ‘ may be annulled by such court at its pleasure, and the clerks• shall be responsible for the official acts and negligence of all such deput1es." Approved, June 29, 1906. June 29, 1906. CHAP. 3596.-An Act For the relief of the Alaska Short Line Railway and Navi- [5- *259] gation Company’s Railroad. Public, No. 342. [ 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House ofRqn·esentat£ves of the United glgfgxtended for States of America in Congress assembled, That the time of the Alaska wumucgicutexiasks Short Line Railway and Navigation Company to comply with the pro- §§§"N,I§i'é§,,§,‘f'@K§,¥ visions of sections four and five of chapter two hundred and ninety- P¤{,¤g;¤3§)¤;}*f£*,f· nine of the laws of the United States entitled "An Act extending the ` ’` homestead laws and providing for the right of way for railroads in the A district of Alaska, and for other purposes," approved May fourteenth, eighteen hundred and ninety-eight, in ac uiring and completing its railroad now under construction in Alasllra is hereby extended as fo lows: , F`m¤8 ¤¤¤P· ¢*¤· First. The time to file the map and profile of definite location of its second section of at least twenty miles with the register of the land \’¤1.30.p.41¤. oince in the district of Alaska. as provided in said sections four and five, is hereby extended to and including the twentieth day of March, nineteendhufijlzlred and seven. C_·»¤»ple¢i¤n of Secon , ‘ e time to complete the first section of at least twent itzgiiliii, mm M Hm miles of its railroad. as provided in said section five, is hereby extended ME,1,'}},“20‘f’§§,€,§‘_‘l““ ‘° to and including the twentieth day of March, nineteen hundred and seven, and such railroad and navigation company shall be entitled to all the benefits conferred upon it by the provisions of such Act upon its due compliance with all the provisions thereof, excepting only the provisions thereof relating to the filing of the map and profile of definite location of its second section of not less than twentv miles of Plfmgwvm OI Om r its road: Itmrided, That it shall have successively one year each after sectioni P ° said twentieth day of March, nineteen hundred and seven, in which to _ file the map and profile of its delinite location of the succeeding sections ,,,Q""}m§’j "§‘{}j‘,Q‘;;; of not less than twenty miles each: And p2·02·z'dedf»¢rt}ze7·, That it shall Bar w Y¤k¤¤ River. havpl fige yearsRin which to complete its entire line from Iliamna Bay to the u on iver. Approved, June 29, 1906.