Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/660

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630 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 3622-3624. 1906. . as nearly as may be to the laws of the State of Arkansas in respect of ‘

  • ’*°""°'· condemning land for the right of way for railroad purposes: Promded,

1 B"“’°'“*°" °‘ *’“"*‘ That to insure compliance with the terms of the contract or of this Act, QQ or to protect the interests of navigation, the Secretary of War shall have power at any time, before or after the completion of the work, to order a sus ension of all privileges granted by this Act: And provzded E¤*9'°°’¤°¤’ W *¤· farther, 'lliat compliance with such order of suspension may be j°°°°°°' enforced- by the injunction of the circuit court of the_Un1ted States ` exercising jurisdiction in the district in which the work is situated, and roper proceedings to this end shall be instituted by the Attorney- Ceneral urion request of the Secretary of War. _

 Sec. 7. hat nothing in this Act shall be construed as in any way

ginterfering with the exclusive jurisdiction over and control by the ‘ United States of the White River and the lock and dam therein to be erected for the purpose of navigation, nor as repealing or modifying any of the provisions of law now existing in reference to the protection of navigation. Approved, June 29, 1906. ·7¤¤¤ 2;·19°6· CHAP. 3623.—~An Act To provide for the reasessment of benefits in the matter of [H' R' wm'] the extension and widening of Sherman avenue, in the District of Columbia, and for [mmm, Ne. am.] other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and Ifmme of Representatives of the United 1>i¤¢ri¤¢¤f <¥<>¤;¤¤¤>*·; States ofzimeriea in Oongrees assembled, That the supreme court of the sEii:i:i°:§ei»uéI 0 District of Columbia, holding a United States district court, is hereby ,,§’g“‘§,§'g{f§*,§{‘h§f,§§,§j authorized to finally ratify and confirm the verdict, award and assess- ’ ment of the jury found an returned in cause numbered five hundred and fifty-five in said court, in the matter of the extension and widening of Sherman avenue from Florida avenue to Whitney avenue, in the District of Columbia, as to all of those lpieces or arcels of land with respect to m¤g¤¤<=¤¤¤·¤~*¤¤· 0* which no objection has been fi ed to saidpconiirmation, and to condemn ` the land necessary for the said widening and extension of said Sherman avenue; and in case any assessment for benefits against any piece or parcel of land mentioned in said verdict has been or may be vacated by reason of objections filed thereto, or for any other reason, the Commissioners of the District of Columbia are hereby authorized and directed e§gL¤¤¤·¤¤¤¤¤*°*‘>°¤· to make application to said court for n rcasscssment of such benefits v¤1.m.p.cms. under and in accordance with the terms and provisions of the Act of Congress approved June sixth, nineteen hundred, entitled “An Act for the extension of Columbia road east of Thirteenth street, and for mom- om deeds other urposes;" and said assessments or benefits shall have priority °“"“’“* °‘°‘ over all deeds of trusts, mortgages, judgments, and other liens. Approved, June 29, 1906. iplnekzeiggggsj CHAP. 3624.-An Act To validate certain certificates of naturalization. [ru¤i£:s§icj__ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Represevztatioies of the United N·mm"mmm_ States of America in Obngress aesemb/ea', That naturalization certifiysimgnm or eel- cates issued after the Act approved March third, nineteen hundred ""-,£‘,,f?§2f“,§"f§§’2 and three, entitled ‘“An Act to regulate the immigration of aliens into the United States," went into effect, which fail to show that the courts` issuing said certificates com lied with the requirements of section thirty-nine of said Act, but wlliich were otherwise lawfully issued, are hereby declared to be as valid as though said certificates complied mtimiornew with said section: I%·om`ded, That in all such cases applications shall cerubcsm. be made for new naturalization certificates, and when the same are granted, upon compliance with the provisions of said Act of nineteen undred and three, they shall relate back to the defective certificates,