Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/67

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. SEss. I. Ch. 510. 1906. 37 Suswxr SYSTEM: For the construction of a subway system to con- §*;¤;{*)°ém bumn nect the office building of the United States Senate with the Capitol Subway sy mm. g building an expenditure not to exceed one hundred and sixty-eight um"°‘°°°t‘ thousand five hundred dollars is hereby authorized; and contracts for C°“’”°‘*· said subway system are authorized to be entered into within said sum . by the Superintendent of the Capitol Building and Grounds under the supervision of the Commission on the Senate office Building created by the sundry civil _Act, approved April twenty-eighth, nineteen l1un· V°‘-**· **-***1- dred and four, subject to appropriations to be hereafter made by Congress. UFFICE or sunvmron-GENERAI. or Nmvnnxz For rent of office for ggefgf mm M_ the surveyor-general, stationery, and drawing materials, p0st—oiIice general. Y box rent, registering letters, tele hone, ice, re air of furniture, books gflpeference for office use, and otiher incidentaljexpenses, five hundred o ars. ‘ Comms1A INSTITUTION Fon rum DEAF AND Duma: For support of Dggfg, the institution, including salaries and incidental expenses, for books Dumb. andillustrative apparatus, and for general repairs and improvements, E°°p°"”°”‘ two thousand five hundred dollars. For the maintenance and tuition of colored deaf-mutes of teachable C(}={)*Ej;*ga§fL}*lQ?;:°* age belonging to the District of Columbia in the Maryland School for Maintenance, swf (jolored Deaf-Mates, as authorized b an Act of Congress a proved V0]- 3% P- 901- March third, nineteen hundred and iilve, four thousand five hundred dollars, one—half of this amount to be paid from the revenues of the m*g**;e*;*;l,fuf’;°m 1*** District of Columbia and one-halt from any money in the Treasury ` not otherwise appropriated. ‘ . A eovnmzmnutr Hosrrrn. ron THE INSANE. ,,i?,‘{Yf,{”{{,‘${,,,,_,ii,‘]" To reimburse Doctor Williain A. White, superintendent of the g;}m;;={¤· Government H• ital for the Insane, for expenses incurred by him ` for printing, binding, engraving, and blank books for the use of the Government Hospital for the Insane, such expense having been disallowed in the accounts by the Comptroller of the Treasury under date of August thirty-first, nineteen hundred and four, ugon the ground that the items should have been procured from the overnment Printing Office, under section eightiy-seven of the act of January VM- 2% P- 6** twelfth, eighteen hundred and ninety- ve., one hundred and three dollars and twenty-five cents. For the purchase of tire extinguishers, hose, and other tire apparatus FM v¤•*¤·¤¤¤¤- and for furnishin and fixing in place tire escapes and for tireprooiing buildings at the Government Hospital for the Insane, as required for the protection of the inmates thereof the unexpended balance of the thirtv-three thousand six hundred dollars appropriated in the urgent vm. sm, p.s1. deficiency Act of February eighteenth, nineteen hundred and four, for tire escapes and fireprooting at the Government Hospital for the Insane, is hereby reappropriated and made available for the purposes above mentioned during the iiscal years nineteen hundred and six and nineteen hundred and seven. - enonoercxr, sunvsr. G°°l°8"'°°*S¤"°Y- To enable the Director of the Geological Survey to complete the ml{.‘§$i°§}€,‘},i;i'§,lLd‘§{ investigation of the useful values contained in the black sands of the United States, under the conditions prescribed in the sundry civil Act V0'- ”· P· lmapproved March third, nineteen hundred and live, twenty-tive thousand dollars, of which not exceeding two thousand dollars may be R°¤°· expended for rent of rooms. For continuation of the investigation of the mineral resources of A,g::_¤‘*¤°¤m°¤°' Alaska, eighty thousand dollars. to continue available during the iiscal year nineteen hundred and seven.