Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/675

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3912. 1906. 645 all classes of soldiers admissible to the National Home for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers, on account of the iiscal year nineteen hundred and five, one hundred and twentv thousand dollars: Provided, That no Hows.

 of this appropriation shall be apportioned to any State or Terri- R°°`m°“°°'

torial home until its laws, rules, or regulations respecting the pensions of its inmates be made to conform to the provisions of section four of an Act approved March third, eighteen hundred and eighty-three, . entitled ‘ An Act prescribin regulations for the Soldiers Home von. zz, p. ma. located at Washington, in the District of Columbia, and for other pur- Ex°°’°°°“` poses;" but the above proviso shall not apply to any State or Territorial home into which the wives or widows of soldiers are admitted and maintained: Andprovidcdfztrthw, That no part of this appropriation Inwxicstinz Hqshall be apportioned to any State or Territorial home that maintains °°"' a bar or canteen where intoxicating liquors are sold. - To enable the Secretary of War to pay the amount due the publish- Mv¤r¤¤i¤z- ers of the Deseret News, Salt Lake L ty, Utah, for dpublishing advertisements for prcriposals for construction work, five ollars. Panmsr ·ro mus: To reimburse to the State of Texas, in full Team; settlement of all claims of any nature whatever on account of moneys Rmm °"°m°m° actually expended by that State during the period of time between February twenty-eighth, eighteenhundred and fifty-five and J unc twenty-first, eighteen hundred and sixty, in payment of State volunteers or ran rs called into service by authority of the governor of Texas, in deghse of the frontier of that State against Mexican marauders and Indian de redations, for which reimbursement has not been made out of the 'Ilieasury of the United States, as ascertained under the Act of Congress approved March third, nineteen hundred and five, vm. ss, p. me and certified in Senate Document Numbered One hundred and sixty- nine of this session, three hundred and seventy~five thousand four hundred and eighteen dollars and ninety-four cents. MILITARY ESTABLISHMENT. mggilmry autum- PAY nnrnnrmnxr. p,,, D,,,,,,,.,m,,,,,_ For mileage to oiucers and contract surgeons, when authorized by mxmge. law, fifty thousand dollars. _ UNDER run CHIEF BIGNAL ormcmz: For the purpose of replacing se•me,w•sn. signal stores and equipments destroyed py tire while on storage in ,,§,f,§j{,‘}jf“¤ ”*¤”** warehouse at Arlington Dock, Seattle, ashingtonh May seventh, nineteen hundred and six, to be made available during the fiscal years nineteen hundred and six and nineteen hundred and seven, fifteen thousand dollars. QUARTERMASTEIYS DEPARTMENT. , Quartermaster’sDepartment. Rrxccnan surrmns: For regular supplies of the Quartermastens Regular nrppnes. De rtment, on account of the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six, incliiding all objects mentioned under this head in the Army appropriation Act for the fiscal year nineteen hundred and six, five hundred thousand dollars. ggpmcrxo MILITARY STORES- _,£:§"°i“$ "‘m°‘” For re lacin militar stores destroyed by earthquake and fire at caummx. smh- San Franl:;iseo,gto remit available for expenditure during the iiseal "“""°· vears nineteen hundred and six and nineteen hundred and seven, as follows: For the purpose of re lacing signal corps property, seven thousand sigma service. four hundred and sixty-hve do lars and seventy-Eve cents; For replacing three-conductor h8·l‘b0l‘ cable connecting Angel Island 0***-