Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/738

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708 FIFIY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. C11. 3914, 1906. Frm"- th Secretar of the Trcasu in writin : Bwided, That no sum shall Gugovernom becpaid as rdhtal for such gs governgrs greater than thirtydive per centum of the actual value of the gas saved thereby, which saving shall be determined by such tests as the Secretary of the Treasury shall direct. No portion of the amount herein appropriated shall used for olperating a system of pneumatic tubes for the transmission of ta matter. giulnlignmzwmwr- p°§UPPHESSING GOUNTERFEITING AND ormm cmmms: For expenses f — incurred under the authority or with the approval of the Secretary of the Treasury in detecting, arresting, and elive_ring into the custody of the United States marshal having ]ur1sd1ction, dealers and .pretended dealers in counterfeit money, and persons engaged in counterfeiting Treasury notes, bonds, national—bank notes, an other secur1~ ties of the United States and of foreign governments, as well as the

  1. coins of the United States and of foreign Ugovcrnments, and other

felonies committed inst the laws of the nited States relating to the pay and bountyagws including one thousand dollars to make the necessary investigation of claims for reimbursement of expenses inci- R»¤.,¤¤c.4118.p.919. dent to the last sickness and burial of deceased pensioners under scc- V¤1.2S.p.¤¤5. tion fort —seven hundred and eighteen of the Revised Statutes, the · Act of darch second, eighteen hundred and ninety-five, and for no other urpose whatever, except in the protection of the person of the _ Presidhnt of the United States, one hundred and twenty-tive thousand $@2;% dollars: Provided, That no part of this amount be used in defraying the expenses of any person széppmnaed by the United States courts to attend any trial before a Uni States court or preliminary examination before any United States commissioner, which expenses shall be paid from the appropriation for "Fees of witnesses, United States courts." ug1¤>;g¤:,;;gg¤¤ i¤ Cournusnros m umu or mormrms: For compensation in lieu of .mloietiesl ilnucertain cases under the customs revenue laws, twenty thousand dollars. g;¤:fg_m=· SCALES FOR 0Us*r0Ms smzvrcnz For construction and installation of ` special automatic and recording scales for weighing merchandise, and so forth, in connection with imports at the various ports of entry undtpgdliyection of the Secretary of the Treasury, twenty-five thou- Sun O HIS. mg-,3;;,;} ¤PP¤·*¤¤¤¤' Exrnxsns or LOCAL APPRAISERS’ Mnnrmesa For defraying the necessary expenses of local appraisers at annual meetings for the urpose of securing uniformity in the appraisement of dutiable goods at iiferent ports of entry, one thousand two hundred dollars. '·°"*’*’· °°°- LANDS AND ornna raornm*Y or Tun Umrnn S1·A:rr·;s: For custody, care, protection, and expenses of sales of lands and other property of the United States, the examination of titles, recording of deeds, advertising, and auctionecr`s fees, two hundred dollars. S spp-ine-nospxean _ Punmc Hmmn Asn JXTARINE-HOSPITAL Smzvxcn; Expenses of Pub- €Ex§§;m,,_ lic Health and Marine—Hospital Service, as follows: ray, em. For pay, allowances, and commutation of quarters for commissioned midica officers and pharmacists, three hundred and fifty thousand o ars; Igorl fia y of all other employees, two hundred and seventy-tive thousan dollars; M-eight, sm. thFor igwggiht, transportation, and traveling expenses, twenty-tive ousan dollars; 1=¤ci,m. For fue-l,_ light. and water, seventy thousand dollars; rnnnnn-e, sm. For furniture and repairs to same. nine thousand dollars; snppiisssec. For purveying depot, purchase of medical, surgical, and hospital supplies, twenty-seven thousand two hundred and hfty dollars; nent. or rent of building or iloor space for purveying depot in Wash-