Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/805

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 5916.- 1906. 775 Ulnilteld States post-office and court-house at Toledo, Ohio, ten thou- Toledo. Ohiosan dollars. . d United States post—otIice at Youngstown, Ohio, one hundred thousand Yooogstowo. Ohio- 0 lars. United States post-office at Salem, Oregon, fifteen thousand dollars, Salem, omg_ for improving grounds and building approaches. Por additional work and completion of work on approaches of— the G¤i¤e¤vi¤e.Tex. Illnrlteél States post-oliice at Gainesville, Texas, two thousand five hunre dollars. United States (post-office and custom -house at Newport, Rhode Island, Newport. R. I- twenty thousan dollars. _ United States (post-office and court-house at Chattanooga, Tennessee, Chattanooga, rem one hundred an ten thousand dollars. United States post—office and court-house at Fort Worth, Texas, one Fo¤Wor¤¤.'1‘e¤. hundred and fifty thousand dollars. United States post-office and court-house at San Antonio, Texas, Seo A¤¢o¤io.Te¤· forty-five thousand dollars. thUnited post-office and court—house at Tyler, Texas, forty Tyler. Tex- . ousan o rs. £fUni;ed Stages1[H>st—office and custom-house at Petersburg, Virginia, Pemooorz. Vet thousand dollars. lInited States post-office and courthouse at Lynchburg, Virginia, ¥;’¤;¤¤b¤*8· Veeighty thousand dollars. °'P`13°°’ d united States post—otHce at Sheboygan, Wisconsin, thirty thousand S*>°*>°Y¤¤¤·W*¤ o ars. United States custom-house at Washingt0n,_ District of Columbia, g§}l‘,},'{§{,’§,;,,?‘°· °‘%"‘“*‘°“€l*‘l§""’i’."“§; f l. T be d 1. l. b ac. 3. at the creta 0 t c reasu an e is ere G ·'*°*1“i’*¤8 me •¤d authorized and directed toryacpuire, by purcrhase; condemnation, di- xgiiiiiignni. otherwise, such additional lan as he may deem necessary for the enlargement of the present site, and to enter into contracts for the enlargement, extension, remodeling, or improvement of the followingnamed buildings, within the respectiye limits of cost hereb fixed: United States fosbollice and court-house at Peoria, Illinois, two pmt., ni. hundred thousan dollars. V United States post-office at Rockford, Illinois, twenty-five thousand Rmkgord, m_ dollars. United States post-office at South Bend, Indiana, one hundred thou- s.,,,,;, 3,,,,1 ;,,d_ sand dollars. United States post office at Lafayette, Indiana, sixty thousand ;_,,,,,,,,,,_ ;,,d_ dollars. United States post-office and courthouse at Cedar Rapids, Iowa, two C,,,,,. R,,,,, 1,,,,, hundred thousand dollars. United States st-office and cust0m·house at Springiield, Massa- Sp,,,,g,,,,d_M,,,_ chusetts, ninety lgtmsand dollars. _. _ United States post·oflice at Kalamazoo, Michigan, twelve thousand xsxsmmomnn. dollars. United States post-office, court·house, and custom-house at Duluth, murh. {Mino- Minnesota, one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. ’*"m”‘ United States post-oflice at Butte, Montana, fifteen thousand dollars. Bum. Mont United States ‘post-office and courthouse at Nebraska City, Nebraska, Nebn¤¤oi¤y.Neh¤ eight thousand ollars. _ _ United States post-otiice and court-house at Erie, Pennsylvania, sev- “"‘°· “‘· enteen thousand five hundred dollars. _ _ United States post-oflice at Splingfleld, Ohlc, thirty thousand dollars. 8P"'“?°°l°· °m°· United States post-OIHGB M IJ3UC8St€I`, Pennsylvania, seventy-tive L"“°"""· h' thousand dollars. United States subtreasury and other governmental offices at San §g’,;,f,’;';$§,’f°· °*'- Francisco, California, three hundred and seventy-five thousand dollars. Pon, p.1:m.