Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/807

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_ FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 3916. 1906. 777 d United States post-office at Marion, Indiana, one hundred thousand M'”'*°"· Ind- 0 ars. United States post—office at Des Moines, Iowa, five hundred thou- D°” M°*¤°°· I°"°· sand dollars. d United States post-office at Mason City, Iowa, seventy thousand M”°¤ C*°Y·I°W*- 0 ars. d United States post-office at Muscatine, Iowa, seventy-five thousand M“*°¤**¤¤· I°W¤· 0 ars. d United States post-office at Webster City, Iowa, seventy thousand W°b¤*°¤' Ci*Y·I<>w·¤ 0 ars. I United States post-office at Bar Harbor, Maine, sixty thousand dol- BM H¤¤‘b¤¤‘» Mears. . · _ United States post-office and custom—house at Calais, Maine, sixty °¤l¤* ·M¢- thousand dollars. d United States court-house at Portland, Maine, two hundred thousand P°¤"¤*¤¤d· Me- 0 ars. United States p0st·oflice and custom-house at Quincy, Massachusetts. Q¤*¤¤Y· Mmeighty thousand dollars. ,_ nited States post-office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, eighty thousand A¤¤ Arbor. Michdollars. United States post—office at Sault Sainte Marie, Michigan, one hun- M§¤,yi¢ S¤i¤¤¤ Mme dred thousand dollars. ° ' d United States post-office at Crookston, Minnesota, fifty thousand ¤¤><>¤=¤¤>¤.Mi¤¤- 0 ars. United States post-office and court—house and other Governmental SM J¤¤¤. P-11- offices at San Juan, Porto Rico, three hundred thousand dollars. United States post-office and court-house at Grand Island, Nebraska, GMM 1¤1¤¤d.N¤¤>r- one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars. United States post-ollice at York, Nebraska, seventy thousand dollars. YM. N ¤¤r· United States post—oiHce at Albuquerque, New Mexico, one hundred Mgibuquerque. N. thousand do lars.x' United States post-office at Corning, New York, sixty thousand <>¤¤¤i¤=-N·Y- dollars. Ulngzeg States post-office at East Liverpool, Ohio, one hundred thou- F¤¤*L*V¢fP°¤l·0¤i¤ san dollars. . United States post-office at Hamilton, Ohio, one hundred thousand H¤¤¤¤¤>¤-0hi¤- dollars. United States post-office at Toledo, Ohio, five hundred thousand '1`¤¤¤¤¤. 0h1v- dollars. United States post-office at Baker City, Oregon, sixty-five thousand B¤k¤r City. Ore:. dollars. United States post office and custom house at P0rtsmouth,Virginia, Pvrrsmouch. vs. ninety-eight thousand dollars, of which amount the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized, in his discretion, to expend so much as may be necessary for the acquisition of additional land for the enlargement of the site heretofore acquired. United States post-office and court-house at Blueiield,West Virginin, m¤¤¤·»m.w. v•. one hundred thousand dollars. _ United States p0St·0fliC0 at Cl1lppGW8· Falls, Wisconsin, seventy C1¤ipi>ew¤F¤11s,Wh thousand dollars. _ _ _ United States post-oflice at Mar1uette,VV1scons1n, eighty thousand M¤¤i¤<~=¤¤.W¤¤· dollars. Sino. 7. That the Secretary of the Treasury be, and he is hereby, Njjgmigm authorized and directed to contract for the erection and completion of a suitable building, including tireproof vaults, heating and ventilating apparatus, and approaches, complete, for the use an accommodation of the United States post-office and other governmental offices in each of the following cities, within 1tS respective limit of cost hereby fixed: Pnwirled, That in each of the cities mentioned in this section a suit- _ able site, satisfactory to the Secretary of the Treasury, is sold to the ‘°f““°°“°"‘“‘°'·