Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/847

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FIF1`Y—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. CHS. 3935-3938. 1906. 8].7 law authorized to conduct, whether or not he or they be residents of the district in which such proceeding is brought. Approved, June 30, 1906. CHAP. 3986.-An Act To extend the time for the construction of a bridge and Jmw 30. 1906. approaches tbezeto across the Missouri River at or near South Omaha, Nebraska. __[H· R· mm-] Public, No. 406. Be it emted by the Senate and House of Rq>reaenmti·ves of the United[ I States of America in Omzgress assembled, That section seven of the Act Missouri River. approved March twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred and two, authorizing brf.i;$g°xt§€d°§J€{ t e South Omaha. Railroad and Bridge Company, a corporation duly 0’Q,g}‘g,i;,°g;;m°Dd_ organized under the laws of the State of Nebraska, its assigns, succes- ed.` ' sors, grantees, mortgagees, representatives, and successors in interest, to build, own, operate, and maintain a bridge and a proaches thereto across the Missouri River at or near the city of SoutlliOmaha, Douglas County, Nebraska, for the passage of railway trains, wagons, carriages, vehicles, street cars, animals, and foot passengers, be, and the same is hereby, amended by extending the time for the construction of said bridge and approaches thereto to April fifteenth, nineteen hundred and eight. Approved, June 30, 1906. CHAI'. 3987.-An Act To authorize the Secretary of the Navy to loan tempora- June S0. 1906. rily to the Philippine government a vessel of the United States Navy for use'in con- [H- R·19·55·] nection with nautical schools of the Philippine Islands. , Be it enacted hq the Senate and House of R_ esentatioes of the United States of America in Gmgresa assembled, mt the Secretary of the 5::;-Ohmel t Navv be, and he is hereby, authorized and empowered to loan tempo- m rnmppme gevzriii rarily to the government of the Philippine Islands, upon the written f,Qf,“0f,,,,_ °' “"““°“‘ application of the Secretary of War, a vessel of the United States l\avy, to be selected from such vessels as are not suitable or required for general service. together with such of her apparel, charts, books, and instruments of navigation as he may deem proper, said vessel to be used only by such nautical schools as are or may hereafter be maintained by said government of the Philippine Islands: Provided, That Ilgvgvisvvwhen such schools shall be abandoned, or when the interests of the °“m' naval service shall so require, such vessel, together with her apparel. charts, books, and instruments of navigation, shall be immcdiat•—ly restored to the custody of the Secretary of the Navy: And{n·ov¢`¢/¤·¢{_/2n·- tim-, That when such loan is made to the government of t ic Philippine Demi! of keepers. Islands, the S€('l'€t81'y` of the Navy is authorized to detail from the enlisted forve of the Navy a sufficient number of men, not exceedin six for any vessel, as ship keepers, the men so detailed to be additionad to tho number of enlisted men allowed by law for the naval establishment, and in making details for this service preference shall be given to those men who have served twenty years or more in the Navy. Approved, June 30, 1906. cg AP - rizi the issue of obsolete ordnance and ordn J““° 3°· 190**- stores for.u?=g?szat\;la%dt1!§eliiii?>Hargeducntionul institutions and to State miqilg-ii j£?l_ and sailors orphans' homes lP“bl"’· N°· *01] Be it enacted by the Senate and House rgfRepw·e.se1tta{zYve.s of the United Arm Smtes of America in Omgresa assembled, That the Secretary of War _1.0¤¤y&»s0m¤a¤¤em is herehv authorized to issue. M l1iS dlS0!‘€tion and under proper peg- s'“*° S°h°°“· °“’· ulationsito be prescribed by him, without cost of transportation to the United States, such obsolete ordnance and ordnance stores as may be available to State and Territorial educational institutions and to State soldiers and sailors orphans? homes, for purposes of drill and instruction. vox. xxxxv, wr 1-52