Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/852

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822 FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 4-7. 1906. 0,Tg'§,ff,{_;’l§’f“P'°“°“ Potomac River, authorized by section twelve of the Act of Congress ’ approved February twelfth, nineteen hundred and one, entitled, "An V°l· “· P· m- Act to provide for eliminating certain grade crossings on the line of the Baltimbre and Potomac Railroad Company, in the c1ty of Washington, v°'· in- P- M- District of Columbia, and requiring said company to depress and elevate its tracks, and to enable it to relocate arts of its railroad therein, and for other purposes," as amended by the District of Columbia ap ro- JES. v- 1283. priation Act, approved July first, nineteen hundred and two, and as —amended by "]oint resolution providing for an extension of time for completingvphe highway bridge and approaches across the Potomac River, at ashington, District of Columbia," approved February $°°*;’4‘;’;*Pl°“°°· eighteenth, nineteen hundred and five, be and is hereby, extended to 'p'December fifteenth, nineteen hundred and six. ~Approved, February 19, 1906. Fel;-u:r{L23i8i;I!>6. S01E11E t%¢éi(1:lt;.Resolution To 611 a vacancy in the Board of Regents of the Smith- Pub. Res., No.5. [ 1 Resolved by the Senate and House if Rq>resentati·vea af the United tu§`!{,*ff“°°¤*°¤ ‘“'“‘ States of America in Congress assem led,_That the vacancy in the merino oiney m- Board of Regents of the Smithsonian Institution of the class other "”°°"°° '°‘°'"‘ than members of Congress shall be filled by the reappointment of Richard Olney, a citizen of Massachusetts. Approved, February 23, 1906. · February 2s, 1906. [No. 6.] Joint Resolution Providing for the retum of certain archives now in [S· J- R· 26-] possession of the Department of State to the State of North Carolina. [Pub·ReS"N0`M Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United ge<g¤;¤m0¤r¤1ip¤émt€ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of State mimi-neli ig denver be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to withdraw from the °""“’ “’°h“’°“" *°· files of the Department of State and deliver to the State of North Carolina purely "State archives." bearing date from seventeen hundred and fifty to eighteen hundred, with a few of a later date, and including copies of letters from the Delegates to the Continental Congress, State mi itia papers, papers relating to the rebuilding of the State capitol, A-m.,, and pers of ali e local character: Provided, That no papers com- “°"°“°‘·*°“· monl; called "Confederate archives," or any original (papers belonging to the records of the Continental Congress, or neede for the uses of thei (government shall be delivered, under the provisions hereof, to sai `tate. Approved, February 28, 1906. March 2, 1906. [No. 7.] Joint Resolution Extending the tribal existence and government of the is--’· R·3}l___ Five Civilized Tribes of Indians in the Indian Territory. Pub. Res., N0. 7. [ 1 Resolved by the Senate and House of R esentatives of the United IrF;jlv~;1_Ci*ili¤<=<*T¤*'>***· States of America in Cbngreee assembled, Tbiit the tribal existence and ' ‘ present tribal governments of the Choctaw, Chickasaw, Cherokee, “:`¤;>:;tsg;g’i¤¤¤9¤*· Creek, and Seminole tribes or nations of Indians in the Indian Terri- "tory are hereby continued in full force and effect for all purposes under AM Pr>·14=t 3*2 existing laws until all property of such tribes, or the proceeds thereof, shall be distributed among the individual members of said tribes unless hereafter otherwise provided by law. Approved, March 2. 1906.