Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/858

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828 F IFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. RES. 18-21. 1906. bers of Congress shall be filled by the reappointment of Andrew D. White, a citizen of New York, whose term expires June second, mneteen hundred and six. Approved, April 23, 1906. A ril 24,1906. [No. 19.] Joint Resolution For the further relief of sufferers from earthquake [E--]- B· ML] and conflagration on the Pacific Coast. [rub. 12 ., N . 19.] , _ _ cs 0 Resolved by the Senate and House o Re resentatzves of the United m§’g;*;1““k°· °*°·» States of America in Congress assembled, {hat for the further relief Additional _Q$I;P1£0· of sufferers from earthquake and coniiagration on the Pacific Coast, as "§`,'f}g",€°8Zfm° °‘ provided in the Joint Resolution approved April nineteenth, nineteen undred and six, as amended by the Joint Resolution approved April twentieth, nineteen hundred and six, there is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated the sum of one million five hundred thousand dollars or so much thereof as may mE1¤~‘= of ¤r>vr¤1>¤¤— be necessary; and authority is hereby specifically given to the Secre- ' tary of War to use this sum and the former appropriation for this purpose amounting in all to two million five hundred thousand dollars, not only to buy additional supplies which may be needed for the relief of the sufferers, as directed in said resolutions of Alpril nineteenth and April twentieth but also for the purpose of rep acing by urchase such subsistence, quartermastefs and medical supplies whiich may , have been furnished by the Secretary of War for such relief from the stores on hand for the use of the Army; and for the purpose of defraying all extra cost to the War Department incurred in mileage of officers, transportation of troops, an all other expenditures which would not have been necessary but for the relief measures herein described and authorized. Approved, April 2-1, 1906. A r112s, li)6. [No. 20.] Joint Resolution Authorizing the Secretary of the Navy to resent the ig- J· R· 7·l __ bell of the late United Statessloop of war Germantown to the Site and Relic Society, [puh_ Res" NOV of Germantown, PCHDSYIVRDIB. Resolved by the Senate and House of Regwesentatives of the United mSi¥geg¤;:ia§<t·j£gnS¤xg:- States q/"Ameriea Congress assemtled, l` hat the Secretary of the lionstion or teh of Navy be, and he is hereby, authorized to resent to the Site and Relic {f,°,§,§t?‘,_Q,'f’·"`°*°’”‘““’ Society, of Germantown, Pennsylvania, the bell of the United States sloop of war Germantown, which vessel was destroyed by the United States authorities at the Norfolk Navy-Yard in eighteen undred and sixty-one, and the bell of which was recovered about a year ago. Approved, April 26, 1906. _ M,,y;_1906_ [No. Joint Resolution For appointment of members of Board of Managers {H.J.R.145.] of the National Home for Disabled Vo unteer Soldiers. [Pub' Bw youd Resolved by tlte Senate and House of Rrgvresentatives of the United Dsmenai [tone for Stateaof Arnerzca zn Congress assembled, That Charles M. Anderson, S,}Q§’€l§Q_“dl°“"t"' of Ohio; lV1lliam W'arner, of Missouri; Franklin Murphy, of New B,{lg,1>&i§;;;*;;§_*¤ Jersey, and James W. Wadsworth, of New York, be, and the same Namesand mi-mk. hereby are, appointed as members of the Board of Managers of the Natiqnalxlgome for Disabled Volunteer Soldiers of the United States; Char es r . Anderson William Warner and Franklin Murphy to succeed themselves, their terms of service expiring April twenty-