Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/861

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F IFTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Rss. 27. 1906. 831 [N0. 27.] Joint Resolution Accepting the recession by the State of California of 1*1119 U.1906· the Yosemite Valley grant and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove, and including the same, [H` J" R‘ lm] together withfractional sections five and six, township five south, range twenty-two [Pub. Res., No. 27.] east, Mount Diablo meridian, California, within the metes and bounds of the Yosemite N ational Park, and changing the boundaries thereof. Resobved by the Senate and House of Rqwesentatives of the United States 0 f America in Congress assembled, That the recession and re rant- 20S1am3e Vmsv ing unto the United States by the State of California of the cift or iiiee eroiivrgosa Big gong? in the granite peak of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, situated ,§.§‘§§“,f,°‘§§§*'{,{,§’,,”g{g IH the county of Mariposa, State of California, and the headwaters S*g*餤¤g¤d· f of the 'Merced River, and known as the Yosemite Valley, with its imcsilg. H mm branches or spurs, granted unto the State of California in trust for public use, resort, and recreation by the Act of Congress entitled “An Act authorizin a rant to the State of California of the Yosemite V<>l·13·v·¥25· Valley and of the Fam? embracing the Mariposa Big Tree Grove,” approved June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four (Thirteenth Statutes, page three hundred and twenty-five), as well as the tracts embracing what is known as the “Mariposa Big Tree Grove," likewise granted unto the State of California by the aforesaid Act of Congress, is hereby ratified and accepted, and the tracts of land embracing the Yosemite Valley and the Mariposa Big Tree Grove, as described in the Act of Congress approved June thirtieth, eighteen hundred and sixty-four, together with that part of fractional sections five and six, township five south, range twenty-two east, Mount Diablo meridian, California, lying south of the South Fork of Merced River and almost wholly between the Mariposa Big Tree Grove and the present south boundary of the Yosemite National Park, be, and the same are hereb , reserved and withdrawn from settlement, occupancy, or sale under tile laws of the United States and set apart as reserved forest lands, subject to all the limitations, conditions, and provisions of the Act of Congress approved October first, eighteen hundred and ninety, entitled "An Act to set apart certain tracts of land in the State V°l·2‘·¥’· 651- of California as forest reservations," as well as the limitations, conditions, and provisions of the Act of Coiagress approved February seventh, nineteen hundred and five, entitle "An Act to exclude from V°‘·83· P- M the Yosemite National Park, California, certain lands therein described, and to attach and include the said lands in the Sierra Forest Reserve," and shall hereafter form a part of the Yosemite National Park. The south and west boundary lines of the Yosemite National Park P,,¥§?°”‘“° N""°““l are hereby changed as follows: Beginning at the point on the line ch%<>g,¤ d ¤ r i ¤ S between sections thirty-five and thirty-six, township four south, range eighteen. twentv-one east, where same intersects the middle of the channel of the South Fork of the Merced River; thence north on section line to the southwest corner of section twenty-five; thence west on section lines to the southwest corner of section twenty-eight; thence north on section line to the northwest corner of section twenty-eight; thence west on section line to the quartersection corner between sections twentv and twentymine; thence north through the middle of section twenty to the center thereof; thence east through the middle of section twenty to, the quarter—section corner between sections twenty and twentypone; thence north on section line to the quarter-section corner between sections sixteen and seventeen; thence west through middle of section seventeen to the center thereof; thence north through the middle of sections seventeen, eight, and five to the quarter-section corner of north boundary of section live on township boundary, all in township four south, range twenty-one east; thence north through the middle of section thirty-two, township three south, range twenty- one east, to the center thereof; thence west through the middle of section thirty-two, said township, and section thirty-six, township three south, range twenty east, to the quartersection corner between sec-