Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/872

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842 FIFTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 2. 1906. said Act, including rent and the employment of labor in Washington and elsewhere, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary. mg,?""" °°"‘"' TREASURY DEPARTMENT. c;¤¤¤~¤d ¤¤·v¤¤· MINTS AND ASSAY ormons. f§'{f,°;‘f,{'},‘;, i,,,. Authority is hereby granted to expend of the appropriation for •=1¤r1¤.w=-.i¤¤~•¤¤¤- wages of workmen and adjusters at the m1nt at Denver, Colorado, for phe cutprenti iilscal ylear, ai sum not exceeding thirty thousand dollars or other c er s an employees. ,,,f},‘f°'*°’ °°"“’ 'DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR. """‘“ ‘“"”· moms xrrnns. ' .,.,.K‘,',° °"’m""To supply a deficiency in the appropriation for the completion of the 0¤m1>g¤u¤gk wm- work heretofore required by law to be done by the Commission to the "'°rFive Civilized Tribes and its successor, the Commissioner to the Five Civilized Tribes, including all objects mentioned under this title of aéplpropriations as provided in the Acts of Congress approved. March Xg? rd, nineteen hundred and Eve (Thirty-third tatutes, one thousand `and sixty), and June twenty-first, nineteen hundred and six (Public- Numbered Two hundred and fifty-eight), making appropriations for the current and contingent expenses of the Indian Department for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and six, and June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, being the amount absolutely required to conlaplete the unfinished work devolving upon the Commissioner to the ive Civilized Tribes for the fiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, seventy-five thousand ollars; sgidhappropriation to be disbursed under the direction of the Secretary 0 the nterior. b0‘j°,,';$,j$f,°1je§,Qf* L“‘ DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE AND LABOR. ,°ff""’*¤"“°“ ’°"‘ rmmmnxrrox snnvrorz. mm m°”‘ "“’“°“· For two (pavilions at Ellis Island, twenty thousand dollars, which phall be pai from the permanent appropriation "Expenses of regu- _ ating immigration} ,:,’,;‘,{*;‘;{;*{{,'g”,;gn*j,°:j Lrorrr-nousms, nmxcoss, Asn Foo sroiuns. mfggfh “*b”'h°‘”° For rebuilding, repairing, and reestablishing such aids to navigation 1m·•n¤,ew. and biuldnngs connected therewith in the Eighth light-house district as were damaged or destroyed by the hurricanes of ctober last, and to hav; (phx appropriation made immediately available, sixty-nine thousan dollars. d,f,*,Y,:if*'* “¤’“‘*‘°“°° For rebuilding, repairing, and reestablishinv such aids to navivation . · · . . ¤ . q . Bevan-¤.e¢¤. and buildings connected therewith in the Twelfth light-house district as were damaged or destroyed by the earthquake of April, nineteen hundred and SIX, the appropriation to be made immediately available, p seventeen thousand five undred dollars. §";gr$;g=n§,g:k· for The provision of an Act approved June thirtieth, nineteen hundred ugjnnsiyessejliepuled. and six, entitled “An Act making appropriations for sundry civil )»,,,,;_*§,,',,,,,;_ me expenses of the Government for the tiscal year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and seven, and for other purposes/’ appropriating one hundred and hfty thousand dollars for a steel steam light vessel, to be anchored upon Swiftsure Bank, off the entrance to Juan de Fuca