Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/912

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882 F IFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. CHS. 892-895. 1907. I Use cf_i¤¤$r¤fi¤P¤¤¤ mittee, acting with the said Secretary, shall also extend to the approval °i;?§?,Z`ctY4m,,Y§6g_ of the instruments, machines, and equipments referred to in section fojy-four liiurbrdiged and niuetyzione of t is title/’ pprove , e ruary 8, 90 February 8g;?W, CHAP. 893.-An Act For an additional term of court at Quincy, Illinois. yn. 1:.11:7 . []_>ub]gc’N0_6g_] B6 and House of m. . th _ States of Amenwa an Congress assembled, lhat an additional term of qi.¤§f3iZ{l·.°X;_ °m’°` the circuit and district courts in and for said southern district of q$'},‘g*°"°' '°¤'* *** Illinois shall be held at thetity of Quincy on the first Monday of March P aggsiéosees. svz, sas, of each year. p` ’Approved, February 8, 1907. Fibrugré CHAP. 894.-An Act 'For the extension of School street northwest. na. . .

 Be it enacted by the Senate and House of R%vresentato}ves of tbe United

. States of Amerzea an 0'onpress assembled, That under and in accord-

   ance with the provisions o sections four hundred and ninety-one a to

wghdemuing md four hundred and ninety-one n, both inclusive, of subchapter one of (0, extending_ chapter fifteen of the Code of I41w for the District of Columbia, 4¤¢¢·P- 151- wit in sizrty days after the passage of this Act the Commissioners of the District of Columbia be, and they are hereby, authorized and directed institute, in the jupreiép cpmé: cg] the District of Columpia a procee mg in rem to con emu e an at' may be necessary or the extension of School street northwest from its present southern tegminus trcillrving street with] Hi width olf fifty lfeet. A¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤¤- nc. 2. at assessments shall be ma e by the jury·as beneiits as ’m°’°‘m‘ contemplated in section four hundred and ninety-one g of the sub- €;.,,,;,,_ t chapter of the Code hereinbefore referred to: Ibovlded, That the mmg*:_§f,';njH*,;j *1* total amount found to be due and awarded as damages, plus the cost gd elxpenses of the proceedings, shall be assessed by the sand jury as ne `ts. €xA¤gg¤¤¤1¤¤ fur Sec. 3. That the sum of six hundred dollars, or so much thereof as pe ‘ may be necessary, is hereby a(ppropriated out of the revenues of the District of Columbia to provide the necessary funds for the costs and expenses of the condemnation proceedings taken pursuant hereto. to be repaid to the District of Columbia from the assessment for benefits raymenmnwams. when the same are collected, and a sufficient sum to pay the amounts of all gudlgments and awards is hereby appropriated out of the revenues o the District of Columbia. Approved, February 8, 1907. February 8, ism. 895.--An Act To chan the time of holding circuit and district courts of [H-K-2503*} ___ the United States for the middle district of Tennessee. {Publi , No. 71.] _ - c Be zt enacted by the Senate and House of Rqmesentatifves of the United angenpegzerg inliggke Slglég of.Anzerica in gbngress assembled, That the term of the circuit mm; _ an istrict courts 0 the United States for the middle district of ¥*§ Tennessee, held at Nashville, shall commence on the first Monday in pp.101,12. leaclh year instead of the third Monday in April, as now pro- Vl e y aw. Igying .; gum,- Sec. 2. That the term of the circuit and district courts of the ’“j$_p_m_amc¤d_ United States for the eastern district of Tennessee, held at Chattacd. uooga. shall commence on the first Monday in May of each year instead of the first Monday in April, as now provided by law. Approved, February 8, 1907.