Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/958

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928 FIF[Y—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Cus. 1189, 1190. 1907. I"*>b*’*¤•*'Y @1997- CHAP. 1189.-Au Act To provide for the appointment of an additional district [H*R‘°°7°‘] judge in and for the southern district of the State of Ohio. [Public, No. 112.] _ Be it enacted by t/ae Senate and House of 1tegn·esentati’ues of the United %‘},§$,°‘,;,"lf{h°§“m°‘§‘{,'•,l°T States of America in Ocmgress assemblea', That there shall be in the <=ij`*¤*¤;;ly;-Bm of “,_ southern judicial district of the State of Ohio, an addrtroxal drstrrct arutghjumuumr- judge, who shall be appointed by the President, by an with the "‘{S_,,,_,,m_,,_,,,_ advice and consent of the Senate, and shall possess the same qualifications and have the same power and urisdiction now prescribed by law in respect to the present district ju therein. V¤<=¤¤¤v.<-=¢¤- Sec. 2. That no vacancy in the oéece of the existing district judge of said southern judicial district of Ohio shall be filled by appointment, and in case of such vacancy, there shall be thereafter one district judge only for said district. Approved, February 25, 1907. P°G']*':,"¥u%_,f3l”· CHAP. 1190.-—An Act To incorporate The National German·American Alliance. [*’***>l*¢=·N°·¤3·] Be it enacted by the Senate and H’0M860fR@1’60IIbGZ?:U68 of the United

 States af America in Congress assembled, That C. J. Hexamer, M. D.

menameneuu .41- Learned, Adolph Tirnm, John Weber, Hans Werriglpr, H. C. Bloedel, “'f,§‘§,§;,°,‘}?,°,,{“'°°‘ all of the State of Pennsylvania; John Tjarks, of e State of Mary- land; C. C. Lienau, of the State of New Jersey; Kurt Voelckner, of the District of Columbia; H. A. C. Anderson, of the State of New York; Gustave Bender, of the State of Texas; Jose h Keller, of the State of Indiana; F. O. Martin, of the State of Idalho; Gustav Halbach, of the State of Ohio; H. J. N ienstedt, of the State of Minnesota, officers and members of the National German-American Alliance of the United States of Arrrerica, and their successors, bc, and they are hereby, incorporated and made a body politic and corporate of the same. District of Columbia under the name of “The National Germanrowers. American Alliance of the United States of America."And by that name they and their successors may have and use a common seal, and ma alter and chan e the same at pleasure, and may make by-laws and, elect officers and agents, and may take, receive, hold, and convey real and personal estate necessary for the purposes of the society.

            • 8*** “Sec. 2. That this corporation shall be perpetual and have all the

privileges accorded by existing laws or that may hereafter be enacted y the Congress of the United States.

  • ‘**’¤>°·*=¤- Sec. 3. 'l hat this cor oration, composed of the individuals aforesaid

and their associates, under the name and style aforesaid, is formed for the purposes as follows: The conservation of the principles of representative government and the protection and maintenance of all civil and political rights; the protection of German immigrants against imposition and deception and to assist in their naturalization; the study of American institutions and the publication of American historky; the cultivation of the German language, literature, and drama, an the perpetuation of the memory and deeds of those early German pioneers whose influence has been of incalculable benefit to the intellectual and economic development of this country and whose loyalty in times of stress and strife is a matter of history. <‘¤¤sm¤¢i<>¤.e¤¤. Sec. 4. That said corporation shall have aconstitution and shall have gegpohcn power to amend the same at pleasure: I ’rm·{Jed, That such constitu- ° ‘ tron or amendments thereof do not conflict with the laws of the United States, or of any State. ¤¤¤¤¤e¤-p Sec. 5. That said corporation shall have the right to hold its meetings at any place within the United States as may be best suited or most advantageous to the carrying out of the purposes for which this corporation is formed.