Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/965

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1635. 1907. 935 _ 1685.-An Act Making appropriations for the legislative, executive and F¤b¤'¤¤¤Y 26.1907. Judxcnal expenses of the Government for the Hécal year ending June thirticth, {zinc- [H·R·m7‘·} teen hundred and eight, and ior other purposes. Be it enacted Mg Senate cmd House of R esentatvbes of the United States of America m Cbngress wssembled, gxut the following sums _Leg1¤1mv¤,_¤x¤¤¤- bc, and the same are Qncrcby, appropriated, out of any money in the {}Y,$;§§§1 j‘Q‘},‘§f§},§§j Trescsuryf rigt gthefwxse upgr0p1ja.ted,l3n full compensation for the **°¤¤ sgrvmc 0 e sca year an ing uno t irtieth nineteen hundred and mght, for the objects hereinafter expressed, najmelyz LEGISLATIVE. Legislative. SENATE. Senate. Fgué cximpcnsation of Seriators, six hundred and seventy-five thou- §.:f,°:,S§§‘*°”· san ol ars.' ' For mileage of Senators, forty-tive thousand dollars. M“°"g°· For compensation of the officers, clerks, messengers, and others in 0¤¢¤¤»¤1¤rk¤.¤¤¤- the service of the Senate, namely: Ormcm or cmu V101c-Pmzsmrmrz For secretary to the Vice-1’r•;-si ,,c‘Q’°°‘*“’°**"°”"’ "" dent, four thousand dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred ' and forty dollars; telegraph operator, one thousand fivc hundred dollars; tzlggraph page six hundred dollars; in all, even thousand Evo hundre, and forty dollars. ()1u1>1..u1~:: For Chaplain of the Senate, one thousand dollars. °"‘P‘““· Ormcmcr Eminmmrz gon- Seiercltzsry of the Senate, including com- S§;$_’f;"’ ‘;$° nsation as is ursiug 0 cer 0 tz c contin cnt fund of the Senate ¤1¤rk»,•>*£- ` Esc thousand dollars, and for compcusatiougas disbursiug officcr 0% salaries of Senators, three hundred and ninety-six dollars; hm; of horse and wagon for the S0cretzu·y’s office, seven hundred dollars; assistant secrets. , Henry M. Rose, five thousand dollars; chief clerk, three thousarg two hundred and fifty dollars; financial clerk, three thousand dollars, and one thousand dollars additnonal while the 0iHcc is held by the resent incumbent; minute and journal clerk, and cnrollin clerk, at tgrac thousand dollars each; principal clerk, two th0usan§ seven hundred and fifty dollars; reading clerk, two thousand five hundred dollars; assistant financial clerk, two thousand four hundred dollars; librarian, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; assistant librarian, one thousand aight. hundred dollars; assistant librarian, one thousand six hundred dol urs; skilled laborer, one thousand two hundred dollars; six clerks, at two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars each; five clcrks,at two thousand one hundred dollars each; clerk, one thousand eight hundred dollars; clerk, one thousand six hundred dollars; keeper of stationery, two thousand two hundred and twenty dollars; assistant keeper of stationery, one thousand eight hundred dollurs; assnstantin stationery room, one thousand dollars; messenger, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; assistant messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; six laborers, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; in all, seventy-eight thousand and sixteen dollars. Docummxw Room: For superintendent of the document room (Amzi §§;;1‘,f§,§]{,‘;‘{,'{f·e,c_ Smith), three thousand dollars; first assistant in document room, two thousand dollars; assistant in document room, one thousand six hundred dollars; assistant in document room, one thousand four hundred and forty dollars; clerk to superintendentpf document room, one thousand four hundred und fort; dollars; skilled laborer, one thousand dollars; in all, ten thousand {Zur hundred and eighty dollars. (,*1.1-mxs AND MESSENGEBS TO COMMIITEES: For clerk of printing gef_;Q{fj°j;*giQ{é°;f2f¤· records, two thousand tyvo hundred and twenty dollars; clerk to the Committee on Appr0pr1at{0ns, three thousand dollars, and om? thousand dollars additional whnlc the office IS held by the present mcum- _