Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 1.djvu/971

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FIFTY-NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 1635. 1907. 941 hundred and twenty dollars each; one laborer, six hundred dollars; ten laborers, known as cloakroom men, two at seventy dollars per month each and eight at fifty dollars per month each; female attendant in ladies’ retiring room, seven hundred and twenty dollars; super- ,0f;Q,°“r‘;f:1d§{:_* °* intendent of folding room, two thousand dollars; five clerks in folding 8` room, one at one thousand eight hundred dollars and four at one thousand two hundred dollars each; foreman, one thousand five hundred dollars; messenger, one thousand two hundred dollars; page, five hundred dollars; laborer, seven hundred and twenty dollars; thirty- two folders, at eight hundred dollars each; two night watchmen, at seven hundred and twenty dollars each; two drivers, at six hundred dollars each; two chief pages, at nine hundred dollars each; forty-four P°¥°’· pages, during the session, including two ridinlg pages, two telephone pages, ress-gallery page, and ten pages for uty at the entrances to the Halll of the House, at two dollars and fifty cents per day each, twenty-three thousand three hundred and twenty dollars; horse and buggy for Department messenger, two hundred and fifty dollars; superintendent of document room, two thousand five hundred dollars; dm§&*gg°g{c°* assistant superintendent of document room, one thousand eight hun-` dred dollars; clerk in document room, one thousand four Irundred dollars; eight assistants in document room, at one thousand two hundred dollars each; and one janitor, seven hundred and twenty dollars; in all, one hundred and sixty-eight thousand six hundred and thirty dollars. For ernplpiymgrt of Joe? glrayson in document room, one thousand ·'°°lG'“Y“°“· nine hun an twenty o rs. For the following minority employees authorized and named in the “’“°"“’°"‘P’°’°°’· resolution ado ted by the House of Representatives November ninth, nineteen hundlred and three, namely: One special employee, one thousand five hundred dollars; two special messengers, at one thousand four hundred dollars each; and one special chief page, nine hundred dollars, and seven hundred dollars additional for services as pair clerk, ‘ and said special cpief page shag bel dgeisigriated a deputy sergeant-at arms· in al fivethousand nine un r dollars. Fei- the assistant Department messenger authorized and named in *’P“""°“‘*"°*`°°‘· the resolution adopted by the House of Representatives December seventh, eighteen hundre and ninety-seven, one thousand eight hundred dollars. For the special messenger authorized and named in the resolution adopted by the House of Representatives January fifteenth, nineteen hundred, one thousand four hundred dollars. For clerk to the conference minority of the House of Representatives, two thousand dollars; and for assistant clerk, one thousand five hundred dollars; in all, three thousand five hundred dollars. For stenographic and typewriting services, to be expended by the chairman of the conference minority. six hundred dollars, To continue employment and for compensation of the assistant foreman of the folding room, authorized and named in the resolution adopted by the House of Representatives February sixth, nineteen hundred, at three gollairslland eiglzty-[ipe pients pet; day, one thousand · ndred and ve dollars an wen y- ve cen 1 foillolizbntinue the employment of the person named in the resolution of the House adoptgdlil une fifth, nineteen hundred, as a laborer, eight nd fortv dollars. huidlddnfinue the employment of the laborer- authorized and_named in the resolution of the House adopted December nineteenth, nineteen hundred and one, at seventy dollars per month, eight hundred and - · rs. fcgd (dgiignue the employment of the special messenger authorized and named in the resolution of the House adopted February seventh, nineteen hundred, one thousand four hundred dollars.