Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1343

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FIFTXYNINTH ooNoREss. sm. 11. ous. 2099-2101. 1907. 2661 CHAP. 2099.-An Act For the relief of James P. Barney. F¢¥E¤é1a}{y9g'% 1§107· Be it enacted by the Senate and [fame gf}? esentatives of the United lPriv·m>.N¤-1953-1 States of America in Congress assembled, gat the Secretary of the James P Bum), Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of Reimlrnuiementf any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to James P. Barney} late first lieutenant and battalion ad]utant of the Third Regiment nited States Volunteer Engineers, the sum of two hundred and fortyaeven dollars and sixty-three cents, to reimburse him for that amount of public funds stolen from him, without his fault or neglect, in September, eighteen hundred and ninetyeight, at J effersou Barracks, Missouri, whicllx funds he accounted for and paid over, notxthstanding said loss, to Major Willoughby Walke, as required by w. Approved, February 27, 1907. ` CHAP. 2100.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to Samuel Ledgerwood. F¤{>§¤§¥{02Zég?W· B0 ii enacted by the Senate and House 0 f Representatives of the United [Priv¤m.No.1954.] States of America in Oangreos aasemlzled, That the Secretary of the Snug, Ledge, Interior be and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the w$ in I Eneion roll, subject to the rovisions and limitations of the pension °° ws, the name of Snmueldadgerwood., late of Como::;' E, Fifty- eighth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Infantry, and paya pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Approved, February 27, 1907. CHAP. 2101.-—A.n Act For the relief of persons who sustained property damage February 27,1907. caused by Hre at the Rock Island Arsenal. [H- **-*1676-} - [Private, No. 1955.] Be it enacted by the Senate and House 0_fRe]>resentatives of the United mk I 1 nd M_ States of America in (/bngresa aowembled, That the Secretary of the sewn. S a · Treasury be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to pay, out of w§§’;‘j§,;;§§°‘§§§1T any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, the following Myxzfagbmu sums, namely: O. A. Artz, twenty dollars: Benjamin Bragdon, two dollars and ei l1ty-tive cents; W. H. Bragdon, three dollars; U. J. Beliveau, twelve dollars; Henry Brockmann, twenty-three dollars: VV. B. Barker, fifteen dollars; S. D. Brownewell, fourteen dollars and twenty cents; Carl Brown, four dollars and seventy-tive cents; W. S. Brooks, three dollars and fifty cents; H. P. Bertelsen, twenty dollars; Hugh Conwell, seven dollars; E. W. Cook, seven dollars and ten cents; George Cottrell, sixteen dollars: James Cox. thirty-tive dollars; Ernst Drott, two dollars; James Dougherty, ton dollars: Georwe Duggan, forty dollars; W. H. Deters, thirty-seven dollars; K. H. bauher, thirteen dollars and ninety cents; C. J. Danielson, twenty-one dollars and lift cents; Charles Erickson, twenty dollars and seventy- five cents; ll;. A. Felske, fourteen dollars and twenty-tive cents: George- D. Gillette, forty dollars; Richard Hermann. five dollars; Louis Heuer, fifteen dollars; W. S. Hill, forty dollars; T. R. Herkner. three dollars and fifty cents; Frank Helder, thirty-tive dollars; Gust Hirstein, thirty-tive dollars; M. N. Hart, five dollars; F. W. Hoifmann, eight dollars and seventydive cents; J. C. Jacobsen, thirteen dollars and fifty cents; Harry J agar, thirty dollars; C. P. Jensen, thirteen dollars and twenty-tive cents; William Kennedy, nineteen dollars; VV. F. Kubik, five dollars and forty-tive cents; Frank Knox, twenty dollars and fifty cents; L. A. Kindy. two dollars and fifty cents: C. VV. Krueger, fourteen dollars and fifty cents; William Lungenhagen, twenty dollars; Rudy Liebal, forty dollars; George W. Lee, ten dollars; von. xxxrv, m- 2-85