Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1509

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ii INDEX. Allen, Carrie May (daughter), Page- Anderszm, G'em·ge,€d a i ..,.. 2769 ion increas . Algertsgnlnrles L., Angglrion, John C'., Ageuplicatxbgd issued ho , . ,,.,...,,.. 1940 Amsion . . . . . ‘ 1790 , D ~` ., san, 0 n ., peqnsiogvincreased .,..,... - 1798 pension increased . 2068 Allen, Delight A. (widow), A7*d”$9”, Samuel F-, A increased . 1856 Agxzzn ------------------------ 2324 , YI, _ > _ *1 · ‘ 10D reas d . 1848 Ah’§,?’23’§‘,T‘§‘§’]S:??°° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ **3 A£}’é‘Z~», %u··i£ H., {sion increased ________________ _ _ _______ 2698 pension increased . 2286 AK,,, Henry, Andersgn, Wiliam Oliver, Ee¤si<;n incizased .. ... 1464 A11;>¤¤¤¤rfE¤¤¤¢¤¤¤d ------·------—--- - ------- 2541 , uma; ., ew, lias, _ msion increased - 2294 pegsion increased. 2016 A , Joseiph H., 1921 Andreugs, 4lbm C., 1649 eumon mcreaeed ..,.. mum xncreascd . Agora., F., A1%’reugs, Benjamin F., muon increased . 1751 pension increased . , ... 2166 A , D. (whlow), Andrews, Oscar, mnaxou mcrcased . 2500 pension increased ...,,_,_____, 2628 A , M E. (unilow), Andrews, Samuel L., . W penmon increased ...,..,.. 2421 Apeyigiun ,,.___,,.___,________ 1550 411m,N N. Maw , w<=,1><¤ ‘, £,¤Bi0;1e1;y“€”S;d ____ ? _______________ I ____ 1814 pension increased .,,..,,.. 2472 A n, Rachel (widow), Amhutz, Hemi! T-, Asgnusggu iucgased . 2043 Ap<2¤¤¤¤r}¤;l}cr¤¤¤ed --..----------... 1507 -1 - ns O/ub Q n AE€uQAg; u£a§€dj _____________________ _ _ _ 2263 A peusxou é1};<;;?e:;s¢;;1 . 2454 , . ., inhclgyl _ ' ey ion inaécased _______ _ _____ g ________ _ _ _ 2592 pension increa,sedj ...,_... 2459 Alghanqs, iééwidow), Anthony, John E., EE mum mcmc _________________________ 159] A51g0n inlciaeeised . 2691

 y? 0 '7

refund of pemlogny _,_,_ Z __________ _ ________ 14 pepsicu incrgased . 2272 Ame, Farrie M.(m11w), 6 Aww, Jqmmah Y., 2187 ‘ · mused _________________________ 173 muon nucmased .,..,,,,, Aggww wi, A125am9e0f9e M-, eusion increased . 1689 pension increased ·--.------------. 1796 Agiscq, Jqlm H., Archer, Howard William (non), mm mcrmscd ... ’ .. 2260 i . 2387 Agua0n_, Jquph M., 1944 mpg; (gzzrtha G. (widow), muon increased . miou increased . 1560 Align, A. (widow), 27 Arpcguleta, Antornio, 5 p¢¤¤l¤¤ m¤‘€¤B<->d . 66 ‘ pension ... . . 248 ’“‘**“*’.F;"c,.,."# L M, """,,e..* 2458 Emmy, .:.,1.., ‘‘‘`‘‘`‘°‘`‘‘`°'°``‘’‘‘ “A»·mmq»4,_J»rm G. H.,````````' Alrglilitgy corrected .. 2153 P¤mj>zc;¤fif¢¤E¤qd- · ·) -·--------·... 2322 gms inqaggd ________________________ _ 1934 perisiou incxleased ’ .,_,,,,,_1829 4g;;, Jghy, Armazrgnga Andrew J., A pemwnA1?lc’:··eased ..,,,.,.,, _ ,,,,,,_,,, 1595 PGD510D l1¥;1jc¤sedj_ ... - 2532 , 9***9% Wm ·» pension iueréaed .._,..,,,,_,,__,,___,_,_, 1449 pensmn nncreased . 1430 Anwndg, Fyederick A., Armstrong, John, pcnning increased. .: .. 1603 pension increased ,_,,,,.,, 1429 Ames, A. (undow), 2164 Armstrong, Thomas PGI1E10D . 11creased ,,_,,,,_,..,,,___ _ _______ 200], Am, yuan F., (Wm.), pqmwn increascd . 2061 pemmm mcmsed ,_______, 2764 Aw, Img: F-, Arnold, Anna (widow), pensncn mcmmed . 1948 pension iuqwmi _______________________ 2733 Arm. _·7¤•qPh. Arnold, Catharine (widow), . pcnmou mcrcased . 2333 pension _____________________ _ ___________ gow Andernqm, Andrew L, Anwldz`(}'I•urka I. P¢¤¤i¤¤ 1¤<f_f¤¤6d .-.·-- : . . 2245 pemmm incmueé ,.,..,.,,...,,,________ _ _ 2605 Awkrvgm. E¥•¤¤b¤¢!• A- <·M¤•¤)· mmm umm;} · v·;¤¤¤>¤ ¤·¤·¤¤~*=<* ----· E ~-·—~—----~··-·----· 2 104 pension ammad Im A _ ,E’m’m¤ C·( I )1 m know? ·--·'-··-.•--··----·---·- P°”‘“°“ ························· · ···-·-· I pensum increaéd ..,_.,,_ _ ___, 2671 4MM9H, D¤‘¤¤i¤, Amdé, hud: L., . ~ 1>¤¤¤¤¤¤ www -··-·-----·--·.- · ..··...· 2366 peum increased. ... ; ,... am