Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1555

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xlvm INDEX. Logan, John, P¤S<¢- Louisiana Dislilling Company, . Page pension increased , 2064 l relief of .. . · - 2822 Logan, John M., | Louisiana Molasses Company (Limited), _ L pension increased . 2085 I relief of .. . .. **842 Logan, Odilm (widow), ‘ Loumberry, Joshua J1., pension increased . 1525 I pension increased ... , 1931- Logan, Ransom L., · Loumberry, William, ension increased . . ... 1466 5 pension increased ... 1546 Logcersorn, Hugh, { Lounsbwjy, Margaret E. (wide: N, pension increased . 1433 pension increased ... 2288 Lomax, Angeline R. (widow). Louther, William, pension increased ... . . 2102 . pension increased ... 1908 Lombard, Norman W., Love, Henry; B., pension increased . 1661 i pension increased ... 2742 Lcmergan, Thomas, f Love, John M., pension increased . 2294 1 pension increased ... _ ... . 1813 Lamy, Philip, Lovell, John L., payment to . _ 2410 pension increased ... 1563 Long, Abraham G., i Lowell, Sarah (widow), pension increased ... 1911 pension ... - . 1925 · Long, Georce F., Lovma, John A., pension increased . 1963 pension increased ... 2]% Long, Hiram, _ Lcwary, Daniel TC, pension increased .. - 1734 pension increased . - . 1593 Long, Isaac N., Lowe, Esther M. (willow), pension increased ... 2002 pension increased .. . 1898 Long, Jacob J, Lowell, John W, pension increased ... 1617 pension increased ... 2751 Long, James M., · Lowell, Joseph W, pension increased ... . ..~ 1444 pension increased .. - .. -- . . - e 2278 Lcmg, John, ¤ Lowry, Alexander M, péusicn increased . . ·1914 pension increased .. - 1865 Long, M010n H. l Lowry, Eada pension ...·-.-.---- - z 1534 pension increased ..- 1751 Long, Samgul C., 1 Lowry, Lewis,

  • pension increased ... 1533 pension increased ... 1743

- Long, Suzan M. (widow). Lorwry, Libbk D. (widow), pension increased ... 2249 pension iw-ragged ... 2531 Long, William C., l Lowry, Sa·m..el R., pension increased ·..·-»- 2217 pension increased ... 1894 Long, William R, l Lowry, Thomas, pension increased - ...·.- 2726 pension increased ... 1669 Longendyclge, Lucas, • F Loy, Samuel, pension inC1’8¤S€d ..-·-·-------- - --·----· 2319 pension increased ... 2806 Longfellow, Charles F., r Lgydy Wlmnm Hq - . pension mCI'888Gd ..-. · -··----··-- · - - 1554 pqnsign increased .. . 2491 Lemgadorf, _D¢w’£d E., ° Lucas, Alfred E., _ pensk;1 xpcrelased -·---·---------------—- 1534 pension increased ... 2512

  • 10 » V9 » Lucas, Amanda,

· pension .·--- - ----·--—-—-·- - — · 11611 pggggn inergvased ... . . . . 1940 LONQVWOT . M0 ·, Luca.;, cor e ., p9¤§10Il 1H6N5B9d -_ ·-—-- - --------···-·~·- 1**09 pension igncreased ... 1829 Lwrrwsv, Alma M- (WW)- , Lum, Robert B., p€¤§10!1 1¤¢'!`¢?8¤€*1 ·-~--- · ··-··--·····--· · 2421 pension increased ... 2733 Looms_, Jqmv WY. Lum, William, PEDSIOD -·-····-·-·-- · -·---·--· 2-170 pension increased ., . ,.. - .._. 1813 Loomis, Mflijlj (’U·"|·d0’w)! Lucero, Jose N., alias Ntlmflv Lucvfv, pension mqrea-sed ».------- · ---·-----—--- 2559 pgngign ________________,,,__,_,._ - _._._. 2005 Lvvdvyl Dqnwlr Luckenbaeh, Jcnmh E. (wnllvw), p€DSl0¤ l11C1E8B9d ------ - --············· ‘ 2426 pension _,_,_,_,. - .,. 2487 Loranqe, Wrlhum H., . Ludgom Varney pq pension increased -·--·-·- · ·-----—-···-·· 1605 pension increased ... 1815 Lcrangvf. fimvs J-» » Ludwig, Catharine (widow). p0HS1<>¤ 1¤<`1’€‘3·`**‘1 ·-··-···· · ············ ‘ 2582 pension increased ... 2499 Lorch, Maria (widow), I Lujl, Hmm, ` P€¤B¥0¤ 11111***1% —······· · ·····‘‘`‘‘‘ ‘ ‘' 2752 pension increased ... 2637 Lord, Charles P., Lzjkin, Edwin B., pension increased .. . -.--··- - ---- 2048 pension increased ... 2666 Lord, Napoleon D. 0., Lull, Phineas F., · pension increased ..·--· · -»--·-—- 1528 L pension increasleld ... 1548 Lord, Thomas JI., F um"; _ -· pension increased ____________ _ ___,_,_... 2630 _ pension increased ... 2618 Loewe Merlot, l Lungcr, Charles H, Peuéinn increased _______ _ __________,_ , , . 1941 pension . . . ; . 2193