Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1558

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INDEX. H -V¤K;;g;; i-gfgsw 11F2gb 1 mmzzm, norm, page '•-.. . , .,.,,.. I sl I Ngizeva, W·l¢*·¤m 1 1 .vi·).iB1igii u1f,ii;s§L(,',n‘·dm"',‘,j '‘`‘°`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ 2762 ffcneion }ncreased ..,._,_., _ _______ 2674 MI,,ms1(,,,’ _________ I ________ `_ 1595 ( cyyv _°m“» CM1Lllen,R0ber¢ V--·_---‘·'.-_ '““°“ “"~"°°’°d -··-------·-- - ----- - - 2014 ension increased ,,,,,_,__,______ 1465 ·¥¢?Ef‘¤f!I, $¢¢w•¤'¢, Ml)Nabb, John 0., i ``'`' MP°P""“ '“°’°°°°d --------·--- - -·--------· 2177 cnsicn increased .. 2553 chemo, _J¤m¤,Mic)Nabb, Lerner (widow), ``'`'` vp€P¤l0nineY€8B8d .. . . . .. , ..,,___ gngigu _____ ___________"-,,-`--.. I- · ¤1w¤_My._ Cfwrlce 11., l£Nabb, wzuwm H\)1\%¤$\({¤ 1.Y;CT ··.. . .,... . .,.,. 197 6 Mpengion increaséd ___________ _ _____________ 1548 c mw: "cm v CNaiT, @*1 --—·--·-·-··-· - —-----·---------.- 1933 ension increased ...,..,...______ _ _____ 1433 Jini; -,0071 H-, 1663 11gNally, Margaret (widow), DB ··--- - ---··.. . . , . g` ____ _ ________________ _ _____

 _William.   caumm (widow), '````` 2581

”P€11¤10¤ 1¤C?€¤¤0d -··-------·-.·v-·. . . . 1737 ension increased __,,_______________ _ _____ 2614 ¢‘K¢b{>•m,_ Iwlw G-, Ml:)Nary, Josephine D. (widow), ]{P€!1Bl<>¤ 1¤€1’€¤·¤€d ----. . ... 2759 Mpension increased ________________ _ ________ 1933 cK1bl>m,_ Dudley, CNW9h1g,,, Hugh, ¤¤*°¤ 1“°*'°°¤°d ·-----—--·----·---·---- ·- 2087` eased . l ...__,__ _ _

 Robert E., M£Rr’2,’2f"é23$a (um), · 2***

1I1W11B10D l¤C1'0¤88d: . ... : . . - 1899 ension increased ___________________ _ _____ 2263 cK1m, J. (undow), 1é)Nul¢a, Laura (widow), MPG11B10B lll0W3S0d . 1874 ension , _ _____________________ _ _____ 1333 _ cK1nley, Russell A., .Ml:)Nulty, Joseph, nmon . 1455 ne' ’ creased _________ , _______________ 24 }fi:);1’inney,_ Samuel, Mr7eell;m7’lr>mos, . · 59 Fnlicn lDCI€$BKl·.· . . .. 1480 'Mpemion in;-regged ______________ _ __________ 2519 cKmnon, John, alms John Mack, cPherran, Alfred,

 record corrected ... .  2657 Mpensiou increased _____________________ _ _ _ _ 1634

HcKn•gh¢,_Eugcn¢ K, cQuade, James, Mp6¤|10D mtr22S0d . - .. . - 2128 Mpension increased ,,_,,,,.,_______ _ ________ 2236 cKmght, John, cReynolda, James T., nmon increased. .. . . 2683 nsion increased .,,__,___________ 2436 Mgdniyht, Virginia A. (widow), Midgeynolds, N. Delmont, gina H . 2112 Mpensiopr ..,,_,___________ 26|$ · c in.Urge ., cR0y, { iam C., Mpension increased . 2425 pension increased ...,_.________ _ _ _ 2107 4 cLoin. Oliver N., MeSwain, Joseph, pension increased . 2288 Mpension increased ,,_, _ _______ 1500 Mrlauchlan, Lizzie M. (widow), eTw·iggan, James, pension increased . 1637 Mpensionjncreased ...,..,,,,,,______ _ _ _ 2131 McLaughlin, Thomas, cWhlnme, A. Louisa S. (widow), pension increased . . ... 1450 Mpensron .__ _ __,__ 1722 McLaughlin, Thomas G., cPVhorter, Alexander, pension increased ... . . 1776 Mpension increased ., , ,,____ 2778 Mrbzan, Mary Lomas (widow). cWhort¢r, James B., pension ,,.,...,. 2430 ension mcrensed ... . ..,___,_ 1970 McLean, Samuel B., MFWhor¢er, John, pension increased . . ... 2237 Lfension increased ... . ,,_. 1626 McLean, W. A., cWz7l1am:a, Jacob, [peymonn of judgment to .. 2308 Mpensmn increased .. . . - 2376 J aLaod, Mary J. (wzdow), abee,_John R., peneron ,,,,,.. . ,.. 1933 pension xncressed . 1802 .\IrLonry, Luke, Mabery, Wzlluzm, pension increased . 1798 Mpension.._. . _ . 2169 Mmlfahms, Frarms, abry,_Adlme (wzdow). Ippneipn inprmepd ,,__,.,.,,,.. 2391 Mpensnon increased..: . 2446 .1 ¢· Mahon, Jane (wzrlow), } acello, Antomo, ppnginn inrrreee·d ,.,,,,.,,,, . . 1499 Mpensnon increased . 2251 .i[r· Jmhrm, Mary (widow), ack!/_, Tl}07M8 J., vponsion inr·r¢·as£:d , . .. . 1757 LIPBHBXD ...-.-------.-.. . 2053 I ° . ' _____________,..__,,__ . . . zssz Aignsipigingréeseet. .. 2739 MM ',J . My. vn -, Lp:;;; isqzzeed ______________ , .__,,_,,.. 2001 pension increased .. .. . 2529 Mrjlanun. Amos, Madden, Patrick J., pension increased . . -..·---.·- 1665 P‘¤·Y¥¤€¤t to -----------·-·------—-—-··--- 2659 Jlrllirhael, W P., Maddnch, Joseph G., pension increased- . . ·,..·- 2254 p911810D Increased ----·~-·--——- - -----···--- 2600 5{,_1{;y,,.,,, F2-rgu, p_, Mazlzlozg, Elizabeth (widow), pension increased _____________ , ,,_,___,,,. 2480 pensxon increased ... . . 2303