Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1619

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cx11 INDEX. Schweizer, Gottlieb, P¤8¤- Seeber, John W., Pagepension increased ... 2530 pension increased ... 1520 Sc wemker, George, Seed, Thomas H., ayment to . 2662 pension increased ... 2778 Schwenker. 0. W., Seeley, Aaron P., payment to . 2662 pension increased ... 1999 Scott, Alexander M., Seelye, Henry E., pension increased ... 1553 pension increased ... 2074 Scott, Cyrus W., Seaman, Charles, pension increased ... 2807 payment to . 2662 Scott, Eliza M. (widow), Secs, Jorma M., pension increased ... 2529 pension increased ... 2242 Scott, George R., _ Secs, Louisa M. (widow), pension increased ... 1895 pension increased ... 2243 Scott, George S., Seitz, William, pension increased . .. 1760 ppnsion increased ... 2648 Scott, James, Se ers, Sarah E. (widow), pension increased ... 1971 pension . 2776 Scott, John, alias William John Stewart, Se fridge, Susan W (widow), pension increased ... 1523 pension increased ... 1601 Scott, John M., Se lers, Fidclia (widow), pension increased ... 1512 pension . 2352 Scott, John W, Se la, Charles, pension increased ... 1821 pension increased ... 2526 Scott, Joseph, Semam, Dand H., · pension increased ... 2190 pension increased ... 2352 Scott, Joseph E., Sessions, Willard F., , pension increased ... 1666 pension increased ... 2038 Scott, Manson B., Settle, Charles, pension increased ... 1622 pension increased ... 2352 Scott, Mary E., Settlemire, Mattie (widorw), pension . 1586pension . 1566 Scott, Mary H (widow), Severson, Bryngel, pension increased ... 2058 pension increased ... 2405 Scott, Robert A., Scvey, Warren J., pension increased ... 2166 pension increased ... 2588 Scott, Sarah A. (widow), Swin, Rose (widow), pension increased ... 1883 pension increased ... 2646 Scott, Sarah C. A. Ewidow), Sewell, Florence A. (willow), . pension in ... 2246 pension increased ... 1544 Scranton, Clara N. (widow), Sexton, Charles M., pension . 1878 pension increased .. . 2222 Scroggs, Joocph A., Sexton, Stephen M pension increased ... 2334 pension mcresseci ... 1873 Scrogum, James, Seymour, John, pension increased ... .1524 pension increased ... 1462 Scrutchjield, Jarnca A., Shacklett, Absalom R., pension increased . . . I ... 1997 n pension increased ... 2790 Scuddcr, Cuoline D. (widow), { Shaclrlett, George W., pension increased ... 1756 I pension increased ...,.,. 2650 . Scullm, William HZ, 4 Shade, _Jac0b, pension increased ... 2358 pen non increased ... 1434 Seubold, Josiah H.,Shafer, Jacob C., pension increased ... 1796 pension increased. . .. .. 2110 Seabury, J. Morgan, Shafer, George M., pension increased ... . ... 1984 pension increased ,...,.,,,,, 2722 Seal, Isaac N, . Shajfer, Janus, pension increased ... 1767 pension increased .._,,,,_,,, 1822 Sealey, George P., Shafer, William H. H, pension increased ... 1956 Q Ipension increased ,.,.,_,,,__,_______ 1938 Searlea, Samuel W, ? S low, Bernard, pension increased ... 2392 i pension increased ,.,,,._.,_,_,,, 2792 Sears, Alfred F., i Shank, John, . pension increased . .. . ... l819 Q pension increased ,._._.__,_, 2636 »$·><¤¤, Wdlm R·. · i sham, szepnm B. H., P°”‘°“ ‘“°“’”°d ·---······-·-···-·-·--· 2302pension increased ... 2647 Searcr, Orlema F. (widow), 4 Shannon, William, pension increased . ‘ .. 1 465 Q pension increased ..,.,,_,__,____ ]593 Seaver, Robert A., i Sharpley, Daniel, pension increased ... 2056 ; pension increased ..,,,__,,,,_,__ 2169 Seavey, Damcl L., _ I Shattuck, C'harles, pension increased ... 2438 · pension increased ..,._._,_,_____ 2720 Sochevcrcll, Hamilton, i Shaver, Josiah H., pension increased ... 1521 * ° pension increased .,..,.,,,,_,,__ 2527