Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1622

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INDEX. CXV Smuggigznma A' (d““*9M")» RSE- ‘ Smith, Samuel B., Page, P? '`‘`‘' ‘ ‘‘‘‘‘‘···· · ····-·---· 1887 p6B8h0H increased ..._,_____ _ 2184 Smwh -FT°"k De Smith San md C H``'````````` S P$}_*°‘(*;’;,jT¤1f*¤¤¤°d --·--- -- - -- -----.. 1662 , pension £.;,.,,,g€d_‘j ___________ ,6,2 m' ’ . . lv Smith, Sarah. (mother), _ I _ l li -_'- Sgxslgwggmd ----.-.. . ... 1526pension ______________ 2006 ’. . ·· Smith Sidney G `'``'```````` " pension increased .. . . 2316 * f ‘ " ¤$1m¢l•. Gwryc W., Iowa Volunteer; Q S,,I;5i,1Sl§%lncr§{”°d ‘‘'’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ ··········· 1547 pension increased ... . . . , 2571. ‘ pennigp ggércééed Smrth, _Gcog·gc W., V9l·u,1;¢ggr,g_ 1 Smith Stephen Ci° °: ``````''` 1660 Pfmsmn m¢¤'%¤€d --·---.-·. . , 2258 pgnéion inc,-mééd ___________________ 1970 Smrlh, _Hurjv¢y, 1 Smith, Stephen G,, ’'`‘`‘ P?¤S1<>¤ lqcreasu . . __ 2672 pension increased _______________ _ _________ smh, m»zr·.·, smear, sum 0. (www), M8 P?nSl0D IHCl'88.5€d..-., .,.,,__ _ _______ ____ p8I1Bi0[]__ ______ _ ____ ____________.-.--- Smith, _Isaqc C., - Smith,_Thqma.s J., Florida Volunteers, U PQHBIOD increased ..,_,., - ,___ _ _________ _ _ 2776 pension mcrggggd ______ _ _________________ 2021 Smith,_Jacob, Smith, Thmnas J., Missouri Volunteers, B P?t¥£¤¤3¤ ¤1€1;_¤¤€d --...-..- . - . 2269 1 S Pglisiglvi i.ncre;aed . ; ,,,____ _ _______ 2480 rm , amos ., mr, , omas ., pension increased .,,__________ _ _ _ 2543 nsiomused ___________ _ ___________ Smith, _Jc_fers0n K., gm, p;,;:,; " 2114 P9¤¤¤0¤ 1¤cl'€88¢d ---...-.- . .. 237 3 pension {uémed _______________ _ _________ 1767 S¢M¢’·._J¤¤@ R-, r smaa, wuuam, S P§t;¤¤3¤h:1¢‘!€¤¤¢d ·-.---.--.. . 2673 S psgsiriglilinqmed _____________________ _ _ _ _ 1732 me , 0 , ’ m' , Ham A., pension increased . , .,,,,,,_ _ _ 2122 pension increased ,____________ _ ____________ 2262 Smith, Jolm, Smith William E., psxment. to heirs of ...,...,.,,_,________ _ 2658 pension increased ___________________ _ _____ 1674 Smit ,_John A., New York Volunteers, Smith, William H., S PQDBIUD increaséd .. . . 2524 ‘ ‘ eased ____________ Sm1th,_]0}m A., Wisconsin Volunteer; $,,I:;(;;1,?l(;4I%";lI;;E,:, M_ ``'````'1962 PQI510D hl0f99E9d -----·-·---- . ... 2573 pension increase:] ________________ _ ____ 1638 Srmth, _John F., Smithers, Hamid M. (widow), `'`` pension increased ...,,,.,_,,_ 2003 , pension ____________________ _ _________ 2071 Srmih. _John H., ; Smithsmn, Judiah B., "` pension increased .. L . 2188 S. peiisiqlgvryacyeased, _____________________ __ 2718 Smith, John L., nw er. tl iam, pension increased_...: . . ,_ 1778 { P€I1Si0I1 increased . , ._,____ 2547 Smu}1._J0lm M., Illmms Voluntem, = Smyth._RoIgert C., pension increased ,,.,,,..,.__ 2685 1 pH11810D mijreased . . .,,______ _ _ 1437 Smith, John M., Mexican War, Q SMTQ and Trust Company, pension increased ,..,__,,_.,,_,__ 2651 g claim referred to Coun: oi Claims ,...,_____ 2567 S¢M¢h._Jv7m R-. . Snell, John C., S p€;·lSl3:hl¤c;"€&S€(1 2502 ; S pepsw increased ______________ _ ________ _ _ 2690 mi . rr -. & . S pension irliircasecl 2359 ; niiensionoiirilxfrcmed ..,.. 2295 mi! r 0M , l S Il, Will` R., pension incrcaid ..,. 1556 Q Tpension _____________________ _ _ _ _ 2054 Smit . wrence .. ‘ S dd , Th A., pension increased. .· .. 1.525 ngenginn ignciaqzsed _____________________ _ _ _ _ 2765 Smith, _Lorenzo W, 1 Snodgrass, Elijah J., pensigp incgczzsefibzéj 2146 `pencainrn increased ____________ _ _________ _ _ _ 1577 Smit , my . . un . r Snoo , ormthan, pension increased . ... 2393 I pension increased _________________ _ _______ 2031 Smith. Melville A., Snouse. John, pension increased .. . . 1462 i pension increased _.,__,_____,___________ _ _ 1573 Smith, Morris, a Snmr, Chauncey M., pension incre·.1s<=d 2022 , pension increased ,.,._ Q .______________ 2726 Smith. Oliver P., Snyder, Amos, pension increased 1448 pension increased ..,,,.,,,.,____,___ _ _____ 2329 Smith, Oliver T., Snyder, John, pension increased 2065 , , pension increased ..,.,...,._,_,_,___,___ _ _ 2694 Smith, Orrm R.. Snyder, Simon A., 9 pension hincreased . . .. 1750 q pension increased ..,,_ 1953 mith, Ro crt · orre , - uguetim, A pension increased . 2288 gwension increased. ...,..,.,,,_ 2594 Smith, Robert K., " otie R," Barge. pension increased . 1549 refund of fine on ..,,,_ 2361 Smith, Samuel. Illinois Volunteers, _ Sours, Abram, pension increased . . . . . 2039 g pension increased . 2334 Smith, Samuel. Pennsylvania Volunteers. 2 South, Qenjamin R., pension increased . . ... 2W ! pension increased , 1881