Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1624

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INDEX. gxvii Steel, JOM M-, Pm- [ Stewart, Robvrt, Page. P011B10Q 1H0f98E8d . 1795 ; pension increased _________________ _ _______ 2372 Steel, Umty A. (widow), ’ E Stewart, Wiliam C., pensmq lncreased . 2397 pension increased _________________________ 1460 Steele, lhrqm, 5 Stewart, William John, alias John Scott, pensxon nncqceased ..,.. 2391 pension increased ,,________,______________ 1523 Stecnrogl, Edwm R., Stewart, William K., pcnsmn increased..._ .. 1969 pension increased ,________________________ 2901 Steenwyd, Inger A. (wzdow), Stewart, W711mm L., peusnon increased ... 2737 pension increased _________________ _ _______ 2785 SLegal,_VWlHam, 2487 Stewart, William T., . p911810D .. . .. pension increased ..,..,.,,.,_, 1997 Stegman, Hm y Stwhterj, John W, pension incrrgased .,,,,...,,...,,...,.. 2679 P€UBi0H i{lCl`€8»8€d ·-·-·----·---·--- - ·-----. 2504 Stegmun, Lewis R., S”d9¢"`; Felix G-, pgngign ing]-gaggd ____ _ _ ______ _ _______ ; ____ PBHBXOH ]I\C1'€3S€d. .. , . Szell, Jamzs W, Bd 1568 SMU, f16W`!] D·, d H6_ pension jncreaa _________________________ pension iucrcase . 4 Stephens, Anmk C. (widmv), Stiles, Wlbur A., pension gincrcaslgd .. . . . 2743 S geusion increased . 2727 Stephens, isha ., ~ ti es, William H., pension increased . . ... 2285 pension increased . 2685 Ste hens, John W, ‘ Stillman, Gear e, A pinion increased ... _ .. 2094 } pension incriased . 2220 Szeplwwyr, Martha A. L. (widow), 2784 * Stzllwefl, Nancy (aézédow), 1526 pemamn .. . .. nsion increas . suprwm, www 0., 4 S¢5$v¤1L Timothy 0., gmmd hmmm-b1e dmnuge .. 2219 l S¢1;¢¤?;¤?g¤¤¤m¤€_d --------------·-·-------- 2281 hm,0,,,Le · yu 1un_, pencer ., Stgmsion iucrged __________1___ _ __1_____ 2579 ! peumou increased . 1945 Sterling, Damkl G.,S"""°"Ev H‘?’"?/» pension increased ______________,__ _ _______ 1782 peumou increased .. . . . 1748 Stem Bath: (www), ’ S¢"·¤z>¤sm, J¤M H» ‘ pmision increased __________ _ ______________ 1997 pensmn increased . 2252 S Henry C., ° Stimhour, Truman R., tggisjou inc;-qgggd _____,. . . 1461 Pension increased . 1842 Sternberg, Henry G.. 1442 St1ner,lTll*tam H._améS¢ms, 4. jon inc;-eased ,,,... . .. pena uties remltte 2 11 Stgselxc, Annie M. (widow), Stims,_J0sgph E., pension increased ___,,,. - .. . . . 2020 1 S Pens1o1}/ixntgreased . 1652 Sm 7 Av , tmson, . ., p$£‘{¥,‘é$md . . ... 2808 s Stmgeymé ----—-------·---~·--------·- 2410 , E C., E x . * Stgzmgiongggwed __________________ _ ,_ 2728 Q S penslcrylalncreased ------------·---— - ------· 2534 Stevens, Frances E., ""“°"· E) t"· 2409 ¤·>¤¤i<>¤ i=·¢M·=¤d ·--------·-···-·----·-··· 1539 i S,},’3,$,’$"i'ibf,?,; g ·‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ Stgzeungbgzzzrgzed · _ _ _ _ _ _ __________ _ _______ 2797 pension increasiizd . 2276 S t35D1g2O3f award (u' _ _Q ______________ 20]} Stgfgueg/édclilggigviuéié discharge ... . ..-... 2339 S‘e”’"·‘g;)f'“""“ (’*“°“’>’ ____ ; __________ 2577 ; Sl;Z€éa£’Y$g;;IZ£’ mv Sig?;; '```````'``` Sggckmp, Qamh E. (widow), _ _ ensibn incmgmedu ____ _ ____________ _ _____ 2554 Q pension ll1CI'B9:S€d..._ -.-..--··· 24 29 Stgvem Thomas F_ 2 Stockwell, John A., alms John Stockwell, J - _ ______ _ _____________ _ _ 2117pension increased ... . . 1826 pensmn increas; .. Smeckiq LOWS SL‘;;rEi’0;’?r’f1?· _ _ _ ______ _ _____ _ _____ _ _ _ _ 1537 E pension increased ..-.· - ---·--· 2032 gn SLoIcev·,_L0(enzo D., S"Q]f$;,?`€Y,’Z’,';(;S€d ____,.. -. 1904 p¤¤¤{,<;¤_;¤¢;M;9 --·--·-·--—··---·-·-----· 1592 ·*~¤5·"·¤73;; i@;¢{_’;_€d __________ _ ______, gm _ S”§’,’§*I;Si.)§`i‘EI¤r€ase;f . ww P‘~“’“~ 2 ’ 4 ) Same, Ellen L. (mdvw). SIZIUGTZ, · » (U} w y · · d 2100 p<m¤i<>¤ i¤<‘1’<*¤¤¢d ·--···-· · ·-······ · ······‘ 19% E St£:’€mi?:h;n($€”€ '`````````'`f`'··'`'S`` M S“'”""`{· ("?°rg"’ 1 _______’__ _ ______ _ _ _ _ 1733 peyfgion incréased ... » -·-··-··- 1474 pensnon nncreasec St rt ppm, , W Stone. John T., _ gggsiblf iugljeas _____ _ _ _ _ 2597 pension incjt;a.SGdfi6 ..-·--·-- - -—--·-·-·-- 1434 ‘ '`'```` $,5 , Ma . (wi w . S“w‘"{~ J‘?"’“ T" 2434 ggmionrgmmused ... . ..»-----· 2199 pension lncreased ·----·--· - -··--·-··-·-· · - Stmm Omw ilu St€waT€* Jqmgg ____ 2233 pgugign increased . . .---· ~ ·»·—· 1930 pension mcrcase -···- - -··-----—- · St Simfm Stewart, Palmer, ,.,,5 mugsion imgrmsed _______________ _ _ __ _ 2402 pension iHCl'€‘2·S€d·-··· ··-·--— · --······ IH pe`````