Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/1641

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CON CURRENT RESOLUTIONS OF CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION FIFIY-NINTH CONGRESS. ‘ HOLIDAY RECESS. December 1s, 1m Reaobvedby theHmueofR esentat' IMS t c¢mcurrmg' Th t Holm s., when the two Houses adfogrn on Tliiirasday, Dneudeixnber twenty-iirstt, YM they stand ad]ourned unti twelve o’clock meridian Thursday, January fourth, mneteen hundred and six. Passed December 18, 1905. DAMS AND POWER STATIONS ONAITEANNIQSEE RIVER, MUSCLE SHOALS, F¢¤¤¤’¥ 13. im Reoobved by the Semtte(tbe Hmm of]? resentuteivewmwuThat D""' ‘“".,.,,,’°'°',,,_ the President is requested to retain weighs House of Repveasfeiikatives mTmq¢ 1i¤•¤1¤ House Bill 297, " o authorize the construction of dams and wer slii:l¤S'¤§.u°6: tm m. stations on the Tennessee River at Muscle Shoals, Alabama,” fi: the $,,';‘F',f.”}',_,,,°°"‘”‘°‘,,,,, purpose of amendment. _ ’ ` Passed February 13, 1906. , ELIJAH SPANGLER. February 20. 1906. Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate eommrrin ) That S _ the President of the United States be requested to return to tbz llouse b,§•l;;{]“;:·E:>E¢;;¤*® of Representatives (H. R. 1059) "Granting an increase of pension to` Elijah Spangler. " Passed February 20, 1906. IMPROVEMENT OF ANACOSTIA FLATS, D. C. February 21, um. Resolved ky the House ofRe%·eaentat£o1ea(t}ze Senate eoncunwfni), That nepm on impmvm the Commissioners of the istrict of Columbia be, and they are {§{}§°{,§'§,' ‘{,,A{',,f‘g hereby, authorized and directed to submit to Congress a report upon ;•fcg¤g{¤5•§q¤ng;;*4W the improvement of the so-called Hats of the Anacostia River from its mouth to the District line, with recommendations and estimates of cost. Passed February 27, 1906. · COLVILLE INDIAN RESERVATION. in:ch8.19¤6. Resobved by the Senate(t}w Houoe of Representatives concurring), That cmyme Indisnfkesthe Secretary of the Senate be authorized, in the enrollment of the §{Q‘,$'j,,$‘,$,€ "°` bill SS. 4229) ‘°T0 authorize the sale and disposition of surplus or mg_{’g°°“°¤°*°¤*°”‘ unal otted lands of the diminished Colville Indian Reservation, in the State of Washington, and for other purposes," to change the words " section seven " to "section six " where they occur in line 40, page 3, of the enrolled bill. Passed March 8, 1906. 2829