Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 2.djvu/843

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FIFTY—NINTH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Cris. 3663—3667. 1906. 2161 pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension aws, the name of John M. Byers, late of Company G, Sixt —third Regiment Ohio Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that e is now receiving. Approved, June 29, 1906. CHAP. 3664.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to David C. Austin. -T£{neR29,6h9;l¢{- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rqresentatives of the United [Private, uc. sm.]- States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the David C_A.,,m._ Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the P°“**°“ *"°’°““‘*· pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension aws, the name of David C. Austin, late of Company I, Second Regiment Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per mouth in lieu of that he is now receiving. Approved, June 29, 1906. CHAP. 3685.-—·An Act Granting an increase of pension to John F. Morris. Hlniitwigm- Be it enacted by t/se Senate and House ofR%yrese1itatiz2es of the United irnvm, Nc. sam.] States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the ,1.,;... mm,.-rn, Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the P°“'*°” *"°'°'“°‘*· pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of thetpension aws, the name of John F. Morris, late of Company C, Fo Regt ` ment Rhode Island Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Approved, June 29, 1906. CHAP. 3666.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to James Hennon. ·}‘gl°R’:’igK5°*l‘:· Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United l*""¤**=· N0- 32*1 States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the J,,,,,,,, H,,,,,,.,,, Interior be, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the *’°”¤*°¤ '¤°'°”*’°d· pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension aws, the name of James Hennon, late of Company H, Thirtg-third Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of twenty-four dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Approved, June 29, 1906. CHAP. 8887.-An Act Granting an increase of pension to John F. Brown. ·1‘;,'f°R?°_,,}8?m‘ Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United U’“"°‘°· N°· *"”’·l_ States of America in Congress assembled, That the Secretary of the ;0i,,,_p_ Bmw. Interior bc, and he is hereby, authorized and directed to place on the ’°"“‘°" *“°‘°‘°°"· pension roll, subject to the provisions and limitations of the pension aws, the name of John F. Brown, late of Company E, 'I`hirty-seventh Regiment Iowa Volunteer Infantry, and pay him a pension at the rate of thirty dollars per month in lieu of that he is now receiving. Approved, June 20, 1906.