Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/111

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con vENT1oN-JAPAN. MAY 17, 1906. 2951 Su Zenientavy convention between the United States and Japan for my “·1°°6· t%) extradition of criminals. Signed at T okyo, Jlay 17, 1906 ; ratijieation advised by the Senate, June Q2, 1906 ,· ratified by the President, June 28, 1.906; ratgyed by Japan, September 932, 1906 ; ratMcations exchanged at okyo, September 25, 1906 ; proclaimed, September :26, 1906. e Br THE PRESIDENT or THE Uivrrnn STATES OF AMERICA. A PROCLAMATION. ‘ Whereas a Su lementary Convention between the United States Prvembieof America and glis Majesty the Emperor of Japan providing for the addition of the crimes of embezzlement of private moneys or property and larceny to the list of crimes and offences on account of which extradition may be granted between the two countries, was concluded and signed by their respective Plenipotentiaries at Tokyo, on the seventeenth day of May, one thousand nine hundred and six, the ori<>·inal of which Supplementary Convention, being in the English and, Japanese languages is word for word as follows: The President of the United States of America. and His Majesty the Ccntmctiusparties- Emperor of Japan being desirous to add the crimes of embezzlement of V private moneys or property and larceny to the list of crimes or offences on account of whic extradition may be granted under the Treaty concluded between the two countries on the 29th day of April, 1886 (corresponding to the 29th day of the 4th month of the 19th year of Meiji), with a view to the better administration of justice and the prevention of crime in their respective territories and jurisdictions, have resolved to conclude a Supplementary Convention, and, for this purpose, have appointed as their Plenipotentiaries, to wit: The President of the United States of America, Huntington Wilson, Pl¤¤ir*<>*€¤*l=***=‘**· Chgrgé d’Atfaires ad interim of the United States of America at Tokio, an His Majesty the Emperor of Japan, Marquis Kinmoti Saionzi, Shonii, First Class of the Imperial Order of the Rising Sun, His Imperial Maj » esty's Minister of State for Foreign Affairs; Who, after having communicated to each other their respective fuii powers, which were found to be in due and proper form, have agreed to and concluded the following Arrrrcinn. The following crimes are added to the list of crimes or offences num- EX"¤di*¤bl°°'*m°’· bered 1 to 13 in the second Article of the said Treaty of the 29th day V°‘· 2* P· 10*** of April, 1886 (corresponding to the 29th day of the 4th month of the 19th year of,Meiji), on account of which extradition may be granted. that is to say: Embezzlement by persons hired or salaried, to the detriment of their Em"°”‘*"“°“‘· employers, where the amount of money or the value of the property embezzled is not less than $200 or 400 Yen. e von xxxxv, rr 3--8