Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/141

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PARCELSPOST CONVENTION—ECUADOR. DECEMBER 28, 1906. 2981 accordance with their respective acuerdo con sus respectivas leyes. laws. Once rat1Hed,1t shall take Una vez ratificada, comenzara ta effect, and operations thereunder tener efeeto el dia pr1mero de shall begin on the tirst day of Marzo de mil novecientos stete, y March, one thousand nine hundred continuara en vigor hasta que se and seven; and shall continue in termine porconsentiniiento mutuo; force until terminated by mutual pero 'podra anularse, con la notlagreement, but may be annulled ticacion de uno de los Departaat the desire of either Depart- tnentos de Correos hecha al otro, ment, upon six months previous con seis meses de anticipacién. · notice given to the other. l Done in duplicate, and signed Hecho por duphcado y iirmado signatures. at Vllashington the 28th day of en Washington el dia 28 de D1- . December, 1906. ciembre de 1906. [L. s.] Gao. B. Coizrmxou, Postmaster- General of the [/mted States of America. [L. S.] L. F. CARBo, Envoy Ea·tmo1·0Zma¢·y and lllémster Plempotentzary 0fE'eaador an the United States of America. The foregoing Parcels—Post Convention between the United States V of America and the Republic of Ecuador has been negotiated and concluded with my advice and consent, and is hereby approved and ratified. _ · In testimony whereof, I have caused the Seal of the United States . to be hereunto aflixed. [sean.] Tnnononm Roosnvmxr By the President: ELIHU Roor, y Sec7‘etary of State. VVASHINGTON, January 2, 1.907. Form No. 1. Form N0_1_- I A\• Par<·eIs-pox! l»e¢u·e¢·»» thu I `uihvl Sm/¤·.~ and Ecuador. I Pluvc to which Date stump. , rom; or cr’sT<>Ms l>l·1<‘LAR.\Tl¢>N. l “"`["‘"'“' ‘” ] ucl: rc—>ed.

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 V , Total.   D-_

,. ..,.,,.,_-,,,,. ...Q.4..,,.__, ..__, ..,,,.,_,.,,,__, _,,. ,., ,.,, 3,..7,, .r, . ,.,.. . ,,~.-._m,;r_ Date of posting .. , 19-.; signature and address of sender[ ’'`‘``’‘

 For use of post-otiicc only and to he Hlled up at the office of exchange:

Parcel hill No. .. ; No. of rates prepaid .. ; entry No. ... B. _ [country of origin.] E Parcels-post from .. . .. E _ The import duty assessed by an officer of customs on contents of g {me Stamp this parcel amounts to ..,... , which must be paid before the parcel is delivered. V ````` c iu§zZJ¤3`ojs.·er.