Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/28

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2868 TnADE-M.»~.RKs DECLARiATION—LUXElV1BU1{G. D°°°“°b°’ 23· 1***- Declaration between the United States and Luxemburg for the efectiee . December 27, 1904. protection ggtradeqnarlcs. Signed at Luxemburg, December 23, 1904; signed at e Hagzte, December $27, 1904; ratification advised by the Senate, February 3, 1905; ratified by the President, March 15, 1905; published by Luxemburg, March 15, 1905; proclaimed, March. 15, 1905. BY THE PRESIDENT or THE UNITED STATEs or AMEmcA. A PROCLAMATION. Preamble- Whereas a Declaration between the United States of America and the Grand Duchy of Luxemburg providing for a complete and effective protection of the manufacturing industry of the citizens and subjects of the two countries, was concluded and signed by their r<isIpect— ive Plenipotentiaries at Luxemburg the twenty-third and at the ague the twenty-seventh of December, one thousand nine hundred and four, the original of which Declaration, being in the English and French languages, is word for word as follows: ‘ DECLARATION. necnmncn. The Government of the United LeGouvernementdes Etats-Unis States of America and the Gov- d’Amérigue et le Gouvernement ernment of the Grand Duchy of du Gran ·Duché de Luxembourg Luxemburg being desirous of se— désirant assurer une protection curing a complete and effective complete et efiicace ia ’industrie protection of the manufacturing manufacturiére des citoyens et sui industry of the citizens and sub- jets des deux pa ·s, les soussignés, jects of the two countries, the un- diiment autoriséh a cet eifet, sont dersigned, being duly authorized convenus des dispositions suito that effect, have agreed upon vantes: the following provisions. ` .·\RTICLE 1. AR'fICLE 1"". w*$;>§j,gf;z:;j8h¤“ **5 The subjects and citizens of each Les Sujets et citoyens de Pune A of the high contracting parties des hantes parties contractantes shall enjoy in the dominions and jouiront dans les Etats ou possespossessions of the other the same sions de l`autre, en ce qui concerne rights as are given to native sub- la protection des marques de fajects or citizens in matters relat- brique et de commerce, des memes mg to trade-marks. droits que les nationaux. A TXRTICLE ARTICLE 2. . °"“`¥‘T‘*‘“°" °‘.1°¥“‘ In order to secure to their marks Pour assurer a leurs marques la Mmmm mmmi the protection stipulated for by protection stipulée par Particle the preceding article, American précédent, les citoyens américains