Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/33

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PARCELS·POST coNvnNT1oN-AUsTnAL1A. 2873 from any detention or inspection whatever, except such as is required for collection of postal delivery charges or customs duties; and shall be forwarded by the most speedy means to their destination, being subject in their transmission to the laws and regulations of each country, respectively. ARTICLE 5. Every parcel shall bear the name and address of the person for whom Address, etc..<>f1>»¤· it is intended, iven with such completeness as will enable delivery to mk" be effected. bi parcel shall be accepted for transmission unless it be securely packed, in such a manner as to protect the contents from damage. TARTICLE 6. 1. A letter or communication of the nature of personal correspond- Letters must norm- _ ence must not accompany, be written on, or enclosed with any parcel. °°“‘p““y *""°°l”‘ 2. lf such be found, the letter will be placed in the mails if separable, Rejection. and if the communication be inseparably attached, the whole_ parcel will be rejected. If, however, any such should inadvertently beforwarded, the country of destination will collect on the letter or letters double rates of postage according to the Universal Postal Convention. 3. No parcel may contain packages intended for delivery at an address Addm,,_ other than that borne by the parcel itself. If such enclosed packages be detected, they must be sent forward singly, charged with new and r distinct Parcels-Pon rates. i , ~ Amxcnn 7.- ’ g 1. The sender will u n a lication at the time of mailin the ar- Receipt- e cel, receive a Certihhatgoof ggailing from the Post Office gvherepthe Poll p`m6' · , ` parcel is mailed on a Form like Form 1. annexed hereto. j 2. The sender of a parcel posted in the United States of America Registry- may have the same registered in accordance with the Regulations of that country. 3. An acknowledgment of the delivery of a parcel shall be returned Return receipt to the sender when requested; but either count * may require of the sender prepayment of a fee therefor not exceeytling live cents in the United States or two pence half penny in the Commonwealth of _ Australia. 4. The addressees of registered arcels shall be advised of the arri- N¤¤¤¤ ¢¤¤·1¤r·¤¤m- val of a parcel addressed to them by a notice from the Post Office at destination. Anrrcnn 8. 1. The sender of each parcel shall make a Customs declaration pasted ,,(§}f"’°°‘“S "°°l*"'* upon or attached to the parcel, upon a special form provided for the purpose (see Form 2. annexed hereto) giving a general description of P°”‘· P·°*8"· the parcel, an accurate statement of its contents and value, date of rrgagling and the sender’s signature and place of residence, and place of a ress. 2. The parcels in question shall be subject in the country of desti- C°“°°“°“ °‘“““°* nation to all customs duties and all customs regulations in force in that country for the protection of its customs revenues; and the customs duties properly chargeable thereon shall be collected on delivery, in accordance with the customs regulations of the country of destination. Antucnn 9. The following articles are rohibited from admission to or trans· A*”¤¤l°=* Pmhibimmission in the mails exchanged) under this Convention, viz: Publications which violate the copyright laws of the country of des- • tination; poisons, and explosive or mflammable substances; fatty substances, liquids and those which easily liquefy; confections and pastes;