Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/594

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Alabama Power Company,
may dam Coosa River, Ala., at Lock and Dam No. 12. 1288
Alabama River, Ala.,
appropriation for improvement of 1087
preliminary examination of, to be made 1111
Alabama, Tennessee and Northern Railroad Company,
may bridge Tombigbee River at Stones Ferry, Ala 849
Alameda, Cal.,
cooperation with mayor, relief of earthquake sufferers. 827
appropriation for salaries, government in. 416, 963
for contingent expenses 416, 963
for surveyor-general, clerks, etc. 434, 979
for extension, etc., military telegraph system 241, 1159
for military roads, etc 254, 1171
for surveys, etc., boundary between Canada and 292, 922
for relief and protection of shipwrecked seamen 295, 925
for survey of trail, Fairbanks to Council City 316
for emergency mail service. 472, 1211
for agricultural experiment stations; live stock. 693, 1279
for repairs, etc., to buildings, Sitka. 689, 1306
for lighting waters of 713, 1320
for survey of coasts 714, 1322
for steam launch, salmon culture 721
for fish hatcheries 1329
for protecting salmon fisheries 721, 1329
for education of natives 729, 1337
allowance to special agents, etc. 729
for support of reindeer 730, 1338
transfer to missions 730
sale of surplus mules 1338
for additional day schools for natives, supervision 1338
for care, etc., of insane 731, 1388
for court-house and jail at Nome 751, 1358
for court-house and jail, Fairbanks 751
for jail, Valdez 751
for incidental expenses, court officials 752, 1359
for traveling expenses, court officials 752, 1359
for investigating mineral resources 1336
for miscellaneous court expenses 1361
deficiency appropriation for investigating mineral resources 37
for surveyor-general 47
for reindeer 654
for surveyor-general, removing office to Juneau 654
for returning Indian pupils home from Carlisle School 655
for jail 656
for Delegate from 661
for court expenses 1390
Delegate from. provided for; qualifications 169
allowance in lieu of mileage, etc. 170
time for election; service at first election 170
qualifications for voters 170
voting places in towns; election of officers, polls, notices 170
in recording districts; precincets, notices, judges 171
election boards, duties and authority 171
duties of clerks 172
watchers allowed at polls 172
filling vacancies on day of election 172
voting hours; form of ballots 172
Alaska-Continued. Page
depositing ballots; challenges 172
oath required if challenged; penalty for false swearing 173
canvass of result; duplicate certificates, contents. 173
certificate, etc., to governor 173
to clerk of district court 173
preservation of documents. 173
canvassing board, officers constituting 173
public canvass of returns 173
acceptance of certificate from clerk of the court 173
declaration of election; delivery of certificate. 173
publication and posting notices 174
rent of polls; compensation to election officers 174
expenses to be paid by district court 174
punishment for illegal acts by voters, etc. by election officers 174
fishing in waters of, by aliens, prohibited 263
exceptions, rod, etc 263
sales of, lawfully taken; alien laborers 263
punishments for violations. 264
prosecutions; seizure, etc. 264
homestead allotments to natives; restrictions 197
inspector of hulls and boilers abolished for collection district 106
provided for Juneau and Saint Michaels. 106
land districts created, Nome and Fairbanks 1232
license fees collected outside of towns to constitute "Alaska fund" 192
distribution of 192
inspectors for collecting 192
road commissioners; composition of board; duties 192
laying out roads; bids if work costs over $20,000 192
disbursing officer to pay expenses 193
travel and living expenses allowed members 193
Metlakahtla Indians given certain civic rights 1411
mining claims, annual labor requirements. 1243
fees to recorders. 1243
sale of Government coal to citizens of Nome, authorized. 59
salmon fishery regulations. 478
teachers, etc., may assign pay; reimbursement for expenses 824
Tanana Mines Railroad exempt from taxation: conditions, etc. 1233
time extended for completing by Alaska Central Railway; additional grant 798
Alaska Short Line Railway and Navigation Company 610
Council City and Solomon River Railroad Company. 6, 1225
Valdez, Marshall Pass and Northern Railroad Company 915
waters of, included in fourth great coasting district 190
Alaska and Canada Boundary,
appropriation for surveys, etc., to mark. 292, 922
Alaska Central Railway Company,
time extended for completing road in Alaska 798
additional grants 799
Alaska Fund,
moneys from licenses outside of towns to be known as. 192