Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/623

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INDEX. 3343 Buice, MZ (widow), P¤8¢· Bureau for Repression of Slave Trade (see In- P¤B¤· pe¤§10l1 lncroased . 2092 ternational Bureau for Repression Bmldmir Lines, D. C'., of African Slave Trade). estab ishing, on streets less than 90 feet Bureau, International Sanitary (see Interna- _ _ Wide ... 384 tional Sanitary Bureau). petitions; authority of Commissioners 384 Bureau, International Permanent Court of condemnation proceedings; assessment. .. 384 Arbitration (see International Bupresent projections; control of street park- reau, Permanent Court of Arbitra- . ings ..,... 385 tion). ¤1>1>r<>1>ri¤¤i<>¤ ¤v¤i1=¤1>1¤ ---·-------------- 385 Bureau ty Amman Rtpubzte, Jmmmuomz Pnnr act rslmnlsd --··------—-·—---··-·-·-- 385 appropriation for ex nses .. 291 921 ¢¤¤¤¤rr¢¤¤<> vf all C<2¤¤¤¤i¤¤i<>¤¢¤ ¤<>¢<=¤~ En site and contrihinion for buiidamgu. ,758 sn·rY for sxtsnslnns beyond. n€rs· for printing and binding 761, 1368 after -—-···—--——··---··--· ; —--···--- 385 deficiency appropriation for printing and approval of Secretary of War if land ad- binding ____________________________ 1398 _ _ Jrnns Pnbnc rsssrvnnnn ···---—-··-- 385 invited to make an exhibit at Jamestown B·¤11dmq¤1 C·», . , , _1 Exposition  : ... 764 · 9 scum P }?%i;l1_€X€€nt;Y€ Or mnn“`lPd ~ 1371 Bureau of Animal Industry (see Animal In- Pr° I I 1 €XcsP mn ----·-··—-·--· dustry Bureau, Department of Agrinre escapes, etc., required on tenements, cu1m,8)_ etc., three or more stories high . 70 B B· [ · I S B· 1 ·c31 nre-escape re%11ations modified; owners umm iguwgfgilliraeauifwey (see 10 cgi responsi 1 ity . 1247 B C}. ‘ g Ch ist 311;,,2 , , 11r·*>1¤t;><>ff<>1?)¤<=¤ b¤¤1di¤{;:{:;é1 -·---- li ----- 1247 umu %epa‘i·tm1i18e7nl;•i>‘ieiAgn;?1liltmr¢i). U mspec_ ro , serveon _ _ orcon emu- I- - ,M,d,ng;¤g,¤¤¤¤¤C g;,geg>n·;_·g<g,g·ns; 1, --··¤~»-- 157 B'§§§’$"m§’.·’m$@ for c1m‘11L‘f'.}f§?Y‘T’.?Y?’T’fi. 426, me · ‘ ·* _ Jr "*°?mmTy’ draftsmen, etc., may be paid from board for, created, powers an duties . 157 nlm 1 ,, . . rease o the Navy . 426, 975 °ppr°p;;n°° fm expenses ¢¤¤¤€m¤*¤,;gG 1132 foi constructionitc., vemels ..,. 573, 1195 » . . ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'‘'‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘ ’ imit wooden ips 573 1192 Buddmgs D. C., Unsafe, etc., - _ ' appropriation forsurvey, removing, ac. 189,1126 ¤**;g=¤;;;PS» ==~¤¤¤¤* ~¤·¤ of vmveed 1,95 Blgea. ‘ M De P-1 . restopriin ·¥em;mia.1£1Lm»> ``````‘`````‘ tn. eiicxency appropriation for ., 1374 bahmcag 1904 mappmprigtéi ``'`‘`` 573 paymcm t° ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘'’‘for constriictiony lants - i 5 - U 1195 Bulgaria · · · ``'``'’‘‘'‘‘' ’ appropriation for diplomatic agent in . . . 287, 917 3gm?§€?;§; ‘‘'‘‘'‘ gg? or secretary of diplomatic agency .,.. 287,917 deficiency 8 to nation for ion 1 reciprocal commercial agreement with 3231 and mggir P 47 Bull, Thomas, 1?'frah, and Lulu, Yankton · ‘··· bag {$,16*1 ,162 1405 Simu A °me3’ Bureau of Corporations (seg (`orpo1ations’Bu· i 1>¤¤==¤*¤ ·¤¤¤<><1 to- may be ¤a¤¤·**·*d ----—-~— 373 mmm, Department m Commerce and Bullard, Henry M.. ] Labor). B1B*;§;;°]}I(;’7;L'i_;°aAig;’d ···‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘ 2*37 , Bureau of%Eduoat·ion (see Education. Bureau .1 . ·* · 0 ). pension increased .r... . ... 2415 · · ·, ( , _ meme, Jane E. (mmm, Bum ·g’,;“§;;$~·_;;·,3~¤P;g,f,’";·,§;;g,,g;*¤ ni B$;3;"{°;‘7Ij1“‘3Z!;]S°d ················‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ wm Bureau of Entgmology (see éntonnology Bugpgrqpnation dnr1e1g11t?n.f..,.i].t.'.' 41111. Bmw As"°“““""· 6 cleucy appmpna mn or wig M' `6;19_ 137é apprgpggzgxn for plerkaa ctc}. . . .f. .1 423, 969 Bullis Spencer S., ,, °n* ° "‘* °}y Z? ‘ " m, payinent to, for dredging channel, ctc., [ 1r¤¢r<·¤¤¤¤;11¤¤1*1=~vy ·-··-···- 42*i·97i’ Ship Island Harbor to (;.u1rpm·t_ I for vquipinent o wsse s., ,. -559, 1131

   ____ _ _______ _ _________ _ 833 I for wire ess telegraph stations on Pacinc _

=—¤¤—g,¤1r1¤.¤* agri; *1*** *~*¤*¤·¤¤€‘· ,,,8, 5 rm cE§t§matm.;m4m;:.;t ‘‘‘·‘······ {{23 mmap 1 un .. E for comm --·····-·—· » O gent .,. 560, 118.. Bu@’;;,,{*;*;;$1;,_.{?;, _ ______________________ 2313 ’ for ocean and lake Surveys ----·---.- 560, 1182 P` P for civil establishment .. 560, 1182 Burwher, Frank, 1 f bl. k d Q pension increased _________________________ 1519 1 or pu lC wor s un er; .. 508.11).1 Bunk? Eliza A. (widgwx d grequipment of n;ew éesselsin . . Z. . 1-04 p¤¤¤1~¤1¤¤e»»ed -·-»- ‘ ·-»--··—-·-----·-·-- 1766 i " °‘°,’3§3-’&‘¥§1§?¥’TT’i‘.T‘fT‘..‘?T?? me Bunting, Eli, for contingent .. 35, 648. 651, 6%, 1385, 1402 B pension increased ...-···- ~ ·-------·~--—--- 2348 1 for equipmecptaif vessels. . . 648. 651, 1385. 1402 ttvydyf, Q forocean an l esurveys .. . . 651, 1385 appropriation for GIQPQHBQB -»--···-»---- 712, 1320 for uipment of new vessels _.__________, 885 di-? ¢¤€‘¤€‘Y ¤PPr0Prn=m°n for sxpsnsss- - 48· 1405 I Bureau ?Forestry (see Forest Service, Depart- Burdkk: Fygnklinv g mento Avriculture). pension increased .-----·--------· — ·--· 2137 Bureau of Immigrcgion, Department of Com- Bw-eau for Publigatirm of Customs Tarigs Q ngerve and Labor (see Immigration and (see Intemational Bureau for Pub 1- 5 Naturalization Bureau, Department cation of Customs Tariffs). l of Commerce and Labor).