Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/681

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INDEX- . 3401 Flandféau, S. Dali., Page- Flournoy, Silas, Page. apgropriation for Indian school .. . . 370, 1046 nsion increased ,,,._.,,_________________ 1350 de ciency appropriation for Indian school, Flgiijsers, Kate (widow), Fl Jyhhnlgi Roberts 38 Flpeusiou increased .._,__. , ,,__ , 2593 arwry, 0 77, ., d, Jonathan E. ggbrzsion increased . 2791 Ognsion increased ,...___,______________ i_ _ __ 1776 F ad Agency, Mcmt., Flilegel, mllmm, aptpropriation for Indian agent at . . 353, 1034 [pension increased _,______________________ __ 1664 or su port, etc., of Indians of .. . 353, 1034 F whiny Bay, N K, Flathead lpndian Reservation, Mont., p appropriation for improvement of ha.rb0r-. 1077 appropriation for survey, allotment, etc., Flynn, Agnes (unklow), of lands in . 1034 ension increased .,.._,_,___________ _ _____ 1676 deficiency appropriation for opening ceded Fgnn, Anna (widow), lands ol); reimbursable .. 205 [pension increased _.,_,_,__,___ 2293 town sites reserved on unallotted lands of . 354 | F ynn, James, gplpraisal; rights of residents .. . . 354 Flpe11sio;i increased ..,...,,______,______ 1319 es, etc .. 355 ynn, ohn, hot springs at Camas reserved; control 355 pension increased .,.__.______________ 1493 water rights unimpaired I . 355 Foale, William R. P., appropriation for town-site expenses; re- pension increased ,,.._________________ 1517 imbursable 355 Foard, Mary Arm (widow), Fleming, William, pension increased __.__________________ 2783 military record corrected ,. 2414 F oat, William, i Fletcher, George W, pension increased ..,...,.,_,_n,,_, 1575 ension increased .r.,. 2124 Fccht, Hiram, .F£¢cI•er, John W, pension increased .,. 2674 Fgnsion increased . 1955 Fog S1:g7Wz8, deer, Lucius Cgf Fapprgpriatic;11 for expenses .. .. ., 712, 1320 usion increas ...,. 2241 ogg, ear e ., Fgziellcn, James P., pension ilncreased . 2636 Flgeusion . 2218 Folding Room, House of Representatives, Ic, George W, ed 1 appropriation for superintendent, clerks, nsion increas . 651 etc ...,,__,,,_ , , , 395, 941 Flgnet, Mich., Folding Room, Senate, appmpgiation for public bgildiggila .. 1238 appr0;;ri$ion for superintendent, assistant, nmit 0 cost incr , pu ic u . . . 7 3 0 ers, etc ... 391, 937 Flint River, Qu., _ I Foley, Laurence, · appropriation for improvement of . 1085 · pension increased . . .. , 2025 dam authorized across, at Porter Shoals. . . 878 Fallin, James M., Flint, }Wlbur F.,~ pension increased 1 .,.. 2196 — ension increased , 2121Foltz, John, Flgnt, William H ., { p€l1Si0!1 increased . 1708 pension increased ... . . 1616 1 Fond du Lac, Wha., "Flir1, “Schooner, j gplpropriation for improvement of harbor. . . 110] appropriation for paying owners .. 1292 F a,_ John G., Flmmee, Ala., g pension increasc<l.._ ... 21* construction of public building authorized j Former, Joseph B., alma John IIare1».s, at ..,...,., 776 1 pension . 1744 appropriation for ... 791, 1298Food, _ _ Florence, Ariz., invliules, in pure-food acl, all artu·l<~s of act of legislature authorizing repair of bridge 1 food, drink, <·0nfectiom·ry, or musliat, ratitied . 1054 P I Mn;<·nt used(l>y gan ¢%"i1Ilfll{1llS .. 761+ Florence Crittmtmr Mission, D. C., i `ooc .· u teratimw sec ure-— om 1 ery appropriation for care of women and vhil-Food Produ:-.s, _ _ _ dren by; contract ... 512,1153 apprupriationf for investigating preserv- Florrmce, Ital . ; atives; oreign eats. etc ..`.. 686.1271 classilicatiagi and salary of consul . 100 p for chemical examinations of, for exappropriation for vlerk hire . 294, 924 1 _ po¤1._ _ I .. 686, 1272 Florenre, S. C., 1 for investigating adulterating, false label- ¢<·rm¤ of <·<>;¤ at _ , _________ _ _________ 1002 ~ mg; MQ-» 01 ¤m5>¤r§¢d·--; --·---»-· -· 686 Florer, John ., examination an vtentmn ui un— allowed to purohase land. Osage Indian Wh0l€S0m€·. Gt? .. 686 Reservation, Okla _ 542Foods. _ _ Florida, appropriation for expenses, preventing sale appropriation for surveyor-general, <·lerksi35 980 F ds P0! adplterated, etc . 1272 em _,__,,_,,.,,,,,,,,,_.,_,__ , 00 , roprze ary, bridge authorized across Esoambia River in. 1239 provisions of pure—fo0d act as to ________ . . 771 Florida Eaxt Coast Railway Com pany. Foor, {Indrew J, may construct and use embankment adjoin— , PPIISIOH lX1Cl'€&S€<.l e ,..,.. 1 . 2780 ing Key West military post . 1169 . Foote, Asa JL, Florida Southern Jurlidal Dislfifl, { P€11810¤ i¤0l‘€3S€d --··--...`~.. 1568 terms of court, Miami ... . 226 Foote. R0bf1‘l, A Florida Strait.; pension increased: ..,. 2768 landing. etc., sponges taken by diving from, Forbes,_ Lagzra J ( widow ), prohibited; exception .. 313 pension increased . 1435