Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/736

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3406 INDEX. Lands, etc., iP¤8¤· Laps, Philip, Pageappropriatiou for custody of ... 708, 1315 pension increased . 2623 Lands Jar River and Harbor Improvemznts, Laqua, L. F., Indian Allottee, can emnation proceedings to obtain title fee—simple title to ..__.___,_,,,.. 379 to, at expense of persons, etc ... 196 Larceny, for locks, dams, etc . V . . . 632 made an extraditable crime in convention Lands in Severalty to Indians, A with Japan ... 2951 ` appropriation for completing allotments, Larchmmzt, N. K, etc ... . .. Q .. 325, 1015 appropriation for improvement of harbor. . 1077 for surveying and allotting ... 328, 1017 Laruiiz, Taz., allotments on Blackfoot Reservation, approvgriation for public building .. 698, 1300 Mont 1035 Large, illhzm J, on Moqkui Reservation, Axiz 1021 pension increasedu T .. 2621 to Stoc bridge and Munseo tribe ... 382 Larick, Andrew, continuing alienation restrictions in discre- · pension increased - . 2335 _ tion of President ... 326 Larkham, Emily J (widow), not applicable to Indian Territory lands . 326 pension increased . 2718 not liable for debts prior to issue of fee-sim- Larkin, George T., plc patent .. _ ... 327 payment to . 2815 on conveyance of fee-simple title, allottees Lamcd, Ellen S. (waklmv), . accorded citizenship ... 182 pension increased . 1552 fee-simple title to allottees found compa- Laroche, Joseph Skunk, Indian Allottee, tent ... 183 fee-simple title to ... 373 restrictions removed . .. 183 Laroche, Julia Shunk, Indian Allottee, lands not liable for prior debts; ... 183 fce—simplc title to ... 373 jurisdiction until issue of fee—simp1e pat- Larraby, Wlliam, ents ... . . . . 183 pension increased . 2348 provisions not applicable to Indian Terri- Lammge, Joseph S., tory ..,..., . . . . 183 pension increased . 1981 allottee dying before end of trust period, Larsen, Berge, land to revert .. 183 pension increased . 2393 feesimple or proceeds, to heirs . 183 Larsen, Bottcl, payment of taxes, from funds due Indians. 1016 pension increased . . . . . 1732 removal of restrictions to sell for town-site Larson, George, purposes ... 373 penswn ... 1597 restriction 011 allotments to fu1rbl00d Larson, Severt, Choctaws, etc .. 144 pension increased ... . . 2530 leases, etc., permitted .. 144 Leu Animas Fares; Reserve, Colo., sales in fee, lands of noncompeteut Indians. 1018 proclamation establishing ... 3289 trust patents to Indians of Columbia and Lasley, George W, · Colville reservations, Wash. ... 55 pension increased . 2506 gglezjermitted allottees ... 55 Lasley, Parthena (willow), Lam, A rew J, pension increased . 2496 pension increased . 2170 Lassen Peak Fm-eg; Reserve, Cal., · Lane, Card, proclamation establishing ... 3063\ pension increased . 2363 Lasswell, Ada J (daughter), Lane, John D., i pension ,.,.. 1973 pension increased . 2765 I Latham, Calvin M., Lam, Ritty M. (widow), I pension increased . 2075 pension . 2481 5 Latham, Parris J, Lane, Wilbur F., [ pension increased , 2328 pension increased . 2054 i Lalhmp, Albert, Lane, William W, pension increased ...,. 1521 pension increased . 1458 i Laudahn, William, Lang, Jerome, [ pension increased .,_,,,,_,_... 2062 pension increased .. . .. 2180 3 Laudnerr, Sabastian, Langdon, Samuel J, { pension increased . 1538 pension increased . 1942 i Laughner, Elias, Lange, Johanna (mother), { pension increased ,,... 2728 pension . 2566 ~ Launches, Power, Langeneck,_Emest, ; gasoline for, allowed on vessels not carry- pension 1IlC1’93S<>d . 2206 ‘ in passengers for hire ..,,,. 204 Langenfulgfm, Wiliam, E Launches, lgteam, payment to . 2661 ‘ less than 10 tons, may have one person as Langford, {Ohh W., pilot and engineer .. 194 pension lllcreased .,... 1555 ‘ Laundnjesy Army, Langlry, Orlando H., . outside work permitted by; use of repensicm nncrvased . 2145 ? ceipts .,.,,,... 251,1167 Langloix, Mary Ann, Indian Alloltwr, [ Launt, Albert, alienation restrictions removed . ,.., . .. 374 pension increased. _.,., . . . . 2625 Langmmkl. Samuel, I Lmwmder, Martha ( widow), pension increased .,... 2775 V pension increased _.,..,...i.. . 2476 L’A·nguiZle River, Ark., I Lavine, John, appropriation for improvement of ,...,.,,. 1093 granted honorable discharge ,,,,,...,. 2748