Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/741

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" INDEX. 3461 Light-Hague, Bgmw, and Fog Signals~— Page § Izight-Houses, Beacons, and Fog Signals- Page ontinu . § Continue . approgiriagon for Prudence Island, R. I., 7 1 establiiéiment of liglligzafessel authorized at an . 131 antucket S s, Mass 322 ior tsnder, third ciléstrifji _ ,__, 1317 B ap};-•3;>riation for . 710, 1317 or epot, omp nse, . ., amp uzz s Bay, Mass .,. 322 shop ... 1317 deficiency approppiation for ... 659, 1319 for Milwaukee, Wis., breakwater 1317 Ambrose Channel, ew York Bay .. 322 for Duluth, Minn., range .. . 1318 appropriation for . 710, 1317 for tender for eleventh district . . 1318 Lake Huron, Martins Reef, Mich ... 323 for Detour, Mich., lens .. 1318 deficiency appropriatiomfor .. 659 for Point Cabrillo, Cal .. L ... 1318 appropriation for 1318 deficiency apptrplpriation for rebuilding, Columbia River, Oreg., mouth .. 324 epcii eig district, hurricane, Gu f_ Hgpprolpriation fori. . 711, 1318 o exico . 842 , ge ence Shoa , ass .,. 995 for rebuilding, etc., twelfth district, Sanappropriation for ‘ 1318 Francisco earthquake ... 842 i fourt district, relief vessel .. 995 for Point Arguello, Cal ..,.. 1405 i appropriation for ..,. 1319 establishment of light stations, fog signals, Paci c coast; relief vessel . - 996 etc., at Isle au Haut, Me ... 321 appropriation for 1319 N deiilczerécy agépropriasgorpl for. . 63; Swiftsure l3ank,fWash . 1393 ew n on, nn., ut west ge.. 3 appro nation or appropriation for ...,,,.. 1317 keepers’ ¢i)wel1i.ngs authorized, Southwest ‘ Dela;vaiire_ River, Bellevue Rapge ... 3523 Pass, i .. 3 e crency appropriation or. .,. a propnatton or Minh Maul Shoal . ... 322 Shegoygan, Wis. .. 323 · . e deficiency_appfi·)•;priation for lg? Mdeiicrency gggpgopriation for. ; 9 ... a pnauon - ...,...,._.,. enoxmnee, rc . Joelxlilger Shoal ,..,.. ; , 322 deiiciency appropriation for .. 659 deiiciency ap rotion for 659 a propriation for 1318 Pungoteague Creeg, ga ,.,.,..,. , 322 Bugalo, N. Y., Horseshoe Reef .. 323 appropriation for ,,.,,..,..,.,,,. 711 deficiency appropriation for .. 659 Potomac River, Ragged Point . 322 Tibbetts Point, N. ... 323 deficiency appropriation for .. 659 deficiency approcpriation for .. 659 appropriation for .,,. 1317 Cape Mendocino, al .. 323 M¤w¤·¤k¤s» tW·¤¥ *¤¤*><>r Of wfuze -·--- gg Rgggggggzggggx --·-—-·-—·-~---—· gg appropria ion or _ . . Niagara Riverra lights ,. 323 deiicien appro riation for .. 660 appropriation gg? ...,...,.,,,... 711 light stationsilllnuoys, geacons, etc., author- Lake Saint Clair, Mich., Isle aux Peches, 323 gredk gn Ambrose Channel, New 2 atio f r ,... 711 or ay . 3 2 Su l;}i·iFgi?r\1lil7is.l1pi)erhead ,,.,,..,,... 323 appropriation for .. 710 deficiency approlpgiation for .. I limit o£0cos0&i§c1}eased, Delaware Bay Har- 322 0h,H ",I uPint 3 r eue . zplpro iiiiiiign fg; _ fi .,.,.,,,... 711 appropriation gor 711 Hopolulii, Hawaii ____________,,_,.. 323 i Brunswick, Ga., outer bar vessel ... 323 deficiency appropriation for .. 659 a propriation for . 711,1317 Point Cabrillo, gal .. 323 [ tenger, sixth district ... 323 deficiency a propriation for .. 659 { appropriation for . . ... 1317 Hinchinbrook llsland, Alaska .., 324 2 Rock of Ages, Lake Superior 323 appropriation for. ,.,.,,,_,_,,_,,, 711, 1318 appmprmtion for ,,.,,.,..,,.. Tl I, 1318 Huntington Harbor, N, Y .. 995 j Battery Point, Wash., fog signal 996 deficiency appropriation for .. 1393 5 zippropigption foiii .1. .. 1319 P, N, J ________________,_,__,___,, 995 g t ig ts, ononga ea _ aver ... 324 ma riation for 1318 g pos deficiency appropriation for .. 660 Hom Igiguidy Miss ____________ _ _______, 995 g Fox River, etc., Vhs 996 appro riation for _,_,.,.,,,__,,,,_,_. 1319 i BppX'0Y1l‘18l3l0Il 10K' . . . . 1319 White Syioal, Mich .. 995 { tender authorized, third district ..,... 995 appropriation for ..,,..,. . .,..,., , . , . 1319 8ppfop1'l8tlOl1 fol' 1318 Split Rook, Lake Superior .,...,._. 996 Porto Rlcan waters 995 appropriation for ,... 1319 appropriation for 1319 (tayqiiinoz. Strait, Cal ...,.. 996 { seventh dist1ji€t.{ ... . .. 9i3iE§1§2*}2‘i‘§;‘3i‘} i‘i§99i‘9;iii;iii;;;;i;;; 1393 $ 99§i§i‘19'°f3?$é'€Tf.?T:§. ‘,‘.‘ . iiiiiiijiiiiiii 995 appropriation 101* . . . . 1319 X 3 l`0pTl3·ti0D for --·-----—~--.-.-.-.- 1319 Capo Amgo, Omg ___,__,___________,____ 996 : tweligh district __,______,__,____________ 324 appropriation for ___,__,___,,_____,,_ 1319 1 appropriation for . 711, 1318 establishment of fog signal authorized at ; thirteenth diSt1'iCt ..-·.. 324 Salem, Mass., Baker Island ..,. 322 E deficiency appropriation for .. 660 dem-ionop 9—,ppi·opi·iotion for ,. Hgppgopriatipn for lgég ld , C ., t ,,.______ · x wauan wa ers ,____,_,,,_,___ _ ___,,... . Hlziyinbgpriiatiiii fo?. _ ..._..,_, 711 appropriation for ..,,_.,.,,.. 1319 Ediz Point, Wash _______,,,.._.,,____,_ 324 f fifteenth district _,_,,,_________,___,_... 996 deficiency appropriation for ,. 660 1 appropriation for .,.. 1319 von xxxrv, PE 3———55