Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/79

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GENERAL ACT—MOROCCO. Amr 7, 1906. 2919 ART. 37. La Banque prendrales ART. 37. The Bank shall take M°“°°“'YSY“°m· mesures qu’elle jugera utiles pour such measures as it may deem conassainir la situation monetaire an ducive to a sounder monetary sit- Maroc. La monnaie espagnole uation in Morocco. Spanish curcontinuera a étre admise a la cir- rency shall continue to be permitculation avec force liberatoire. ted to circulate as le l tender. En consequence, la Banque sera In consequence, tg: Bank shall coinageexclusivement charges de l’achat have the exclusive charge of purdes metaux precieux, de la frappe chasing precious metals, of striket de la refonte des monnaies, amsi ing and melting coins, as well as que de toutes autres operations of allits other monetary operations monetaires qu’elle fera pour le for the account and profit of the compte et au profit du Gouverne- Moorish Government. » . ment marocain. ART. 38. La Banque, dont le ART. 38. The home office of the Home Office. ew. siege social sera aTanger, etablira Bank shall be at Tangier, but it des succursales et agences dans les shall establish branches and a enprincipales villes du Maroc et dans cies in the principal cities of glo- e i tout autre endroit Ol) elle Ie jugera rocco or in any other place it may utile. deem expedient. - ART. 39. Les emplacements ne- ART. 39. The land necessar for Real esme. cessaires a Petablissement de la the establishment of the Bank, as Banque ainsi que de ses succursales well as its branches and agencies et agences au Maroc seront mis in Morocco, shall`be placed gragratuitement a sa disposition par tuitously at its disposal by the e Gouvernement et, a Pexpiration Government, and at the expiration de la concession, le Gouvernement of the concession the Government I en reprendra possession et rem- shall retake possession of it and boursera a la Banque les frais de reimburse the'Bank for the cost construction de ces etablissements. of building these establishments. LaBanque sera, en outre, autorisee The Bank shall further be authora acquérir tout batiment et terrain ized to purchase such houses and dont elle pourrait avoir besoin land as it may require for the same pour le meme objet. purpose. ART. 40. Le Gouvernementche— ART. 40. The Shereefian Gov- rmmaou. riiien assurera sous sa responsa- ernment shallinsure and be responbilite la securite et la protection sible for the safety and protection de la Banque, de ses succursales of the Bank, its branches andagenet agences. A cet etfet, il mettra cies. To this end it shall place an dans chaque ville une garde sutH- adequate guard at the disposal of saute zi la disposition de chacun de each establishment in every city. ces etablissements. ART. 41. La Banque, ses succur- ART. 41. The Bank, its branches Tex ¢¤>¤¤v¤<>¤¤- sales et agences, seront exemptes and agencies, shall be exempt de tout impet ou redevance ordi- from a l imposts or dues, ordinary naire ou extraordinaire, existants or extraordinary, existing or to be ou a creer; il en est de meme created. The same exemption pour les immeubles atfectes ai. ses shall be extended to real estate services, les titres et coupons de devoted to its use, and to the certises actions et ses billets. L’im— iicates and coupons of its shares portation et Pexportation des me- and to its notes. The importation taux et monnaies destines aux and exportation of metals and coins operations de la Banque, seront intended for banking operations i autorisees et exemptes de tout shall be authorized and exempted droit. from every tax. » ART. 42. Le Gouvernement ché- ART. 42. The Shereeiian Gov- supaa-;5a0¤sy,nig¤ ritien exercera sa haute surveil- ernment shall exercise its high C°m““““‘°““‘ lance sur la Banque par un Haut supervision over the Bank by a Commissaire marocain, nomme High Commissioner, whom it shall vox. xxxxv, PT 3—-6 l