Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/867

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INDEX. 3587 RW8, Mayyie D· (widow), P¤8€· 4 Sabigie River, Tex.—Cominued. I’¤2=<‘- P€¤S10¤ 1¤€Y€¤S9d ------~--.- 1710 i budge authorized across, between Nevvmn R’J~‘?-Wu] A??Wm¢€l, { County, Tex., and Calcasicu Parish, pension increased ._..._____,,___ 1471 é La _________________________________ 7 Russell, Capt. Charles E., } Sabine, Tenn., Payméllt TD QSIHV3 of . . ». 2410made subport of entry ... 302 RMSSBZZJ H€%Ty, ‘ granted xmmedmte transportation delivery peusmn increased ,,. 1631 l privileges ___,,___,_________________ 303 Russell! James W, I Sac and Fox Indian Reservatrbn, Imm, _ PGHSKOH- : .-.--.-... t 2234 appropriation for Indian school . 347, 1029 Russell! Mglton, Sac and Fox Indums of the Misaissippi, pensmn increased ... 2394 appropriation for fulfilling treaties with. 363, 1045 _ Russell, Rqnwm C., » per capita payment to ..,.. 363 p€DS10l1 increased ... 2142 I Sac and Fox Indians of the Mnlssissippi, Iowa, Russw, _ _ _ may bring suit, against the Upimu} States apFr0pr1at1011 for ambassador to . 286, 916 5 and the Sac and Fox Indians LB Okla- 0r secretary of embassy ... 287, 917 * homa. .: ... z . . I .. 1055 for second secretary ... . .. 287, 917 k Sac and Fox I ndwans of the Mtsnssnppn m Oklafor third secretary 287, 918 E homa, Russo-Japanese War, ? claims of _ Sac and Fox Indians in Iowa re rt on Japanese naval medical and san- f amst, to be brought m Court of P0 ; aq . itary features of, ordered printed . . 2831 C aims . 1055 Rust, Eravylclin, Sac and Fgx fndiam Y th; Missouri, _ peuswn increased _,,.,. . 2694 appmprmtxon for fu {H12? treaty with . . 348, 1031 Ruston, La., g treaty funds to cr nt of; per capita construction of public building authorized ‘ _ payments ... _ .r 1031 at; nominal site ,.,,.,.. 778 fee-sxmple patents may be xssued to, allotapympriation for ,__,_,, 792, 1303 MBBS ID alld Nebraska ... 349 Rug}; aww; to certain ax ottees , 349 . pggggign iyfcyggged _______,._.. . . . 1658 surplus lands to be allotted wmembers Rughqfm-d, Carnzk, » born since completion of allotments. 349 pension incrggggd ________ _ _,,,.,,,__,_,. 1848 payment of per bapita. to, in Richardson Rutherford, Elizabeth (widow), · A Coqnty, Nebr..._ ..· 262 pension inc;-eased ______, _ ,__.,_,,_,,,_., . 1654 appmpréatngn for dmmage assessments on ' Rued HAR, lanso. - 263 ‘ Tigugggh iggrwséi _· ____,__,_, _ , ,,,_,._... 2102 shares of gginors, 3,5., in trust funds may be Rutter John ‘ to isms . . 356 R»·z=·é;zm:~~ ——»——~e·······3·e·—e--· M S··;:::¤0€?:*Lz¤m¤€` · > ZT , _,,,,.,,,,,,,..._,_.,.,, 4. zglggsion ______ _____________ _ _,_,___,_,.. 1966 $ Sacramento River, Cal.. Ryan James WZ, » ap rupriatimx for lighting . . 713.1320 pelision incfgaggd ______,__ , _..,,_,,.,,.. 1454 Q Er improvement of 1107 Ryan, Mary (widow), _ div¤?rsiop_uf. for irrigutinu, authorized; mw yi pension increased ... 1:146 dmuns . . ..,...i... lm Ryckmlm William [L, i preliminary t‘XL\l\\iI1z\\iUI\ uf, In lw nmslv rw pensiora increased ... 2004 1 [•`0athe~r River ...r,, H12 Rykard, Mary Isabvila (widow), }, kw Sacg•»r,_ jliéigm .4., l mm ‘· . , ... . ... LL i n~nsu»n x vrvmcu ... . ` Pémamn mcnmsm § ghyy Applimuwa, Ru~ilor¢ty. ~ ‘ n mam xx fn- ¤·niun·iug uw · x`. ,, "05, ISH? S- v;pp\tupriuti<¤u for !‘H'¤;`I'\`i!\K, , IH S Street, D. U., V iI\\'('SZi§{%§(l0!! tHr0<‘tv•I em I\t’i’\*$$Hy t'¤»r mp » deficiency appgzqgripgis? for extending 641 g ga "mI;::x1n{?n<v}§mku mmm!. uu- i__, , ,,,_ xsm ° , ·» .1}.n, fl . L A .. Sag;.na;,bg;}i$;:{;wb0un<q‘:;`r;r..i ... . .. 302 appropriation for imprm·0t11vut of hz\rb·»r_ _ M7?

th rt vf . t d Q- b`n { qaginnnr Rivrr. Jlich.,

Portsuxipox . . I . 302 { M appropriation fog impmvommiz of _________ im}? acceptance of Port. Arthur Ship Canal; Saiimn: Poclgen Chmn, _ additional land ____________ _ ____,___ 30:2 g c ags¤Hc?;xon and salary or musul . HI! bef t usf _____,_ _ _,,,,,,,.. .. 303 ; Sail Wsse .

§;;!.g€.;!;6i_ E`___ ir __________________ _ 303license required of masters ni. uvvr 700

Collector at lggrt Alghu? gm, _ . . 303 E gmus. etc.; penalty for vinlmimm; $64 S· bine ma B Su p0l' _ WP }¤}1'¤€‘( mw _ = Sailing ?.ss¢*s. A transportation dehvery privileges. . · = space. PDL. requirements for emigrant pas S bigiiiglers, dinmies, ...--- - ·----~---· · - - 303 ~ seugvrs on . {UO

  • 1 TW @3-, °"·"·,“`" . ·> __ Saint Andrezrs Bay, 41.,

appmlirmtéon mr xmprovement uf; mu- 1090 _ bridge authorized acmgga in Washington ¥"<]·€` S ——·-·--~-~-··-·-~-—- — · ~-—- · · · Coumv _____,__,__,,_____,___,._.., IS S"bi’“‘ R?“"`· La" . _. 1 pmlimiuurv Examizmtiun of. to be made . . N12 Sa}g§;’;“2?;;nf;(;um1mL‘0n Of’ to be madél “H13 i Saint -n1g`s frgfajat Asylum. D. _(`.. _ _ gp mp;·mfi0¤ for improvement of . 739 f “PP'°!¥;*l‘;;;[’&’;_¥’°‘ "*‘“*· "‘°·· "* °h‘m’“`” ‘§i_, H53 E); yggprgvglugng (pf channel to T3ylD§¥ Q _ _ _' '`’`'‘` L '``'` ’ '’'`°` Bgvuu; use for Port Arthur Shnp } bam! Anliycny s (burr}:. D. L., \_ Caimly ,_,t(._ ___________ _ ________ _ _ _ _ 1090 3 mxes remndced ,..._.,,.,. , ..,, . .. M0