Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/869

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INDEX. 3589 Saint Marys River, Mich.—Continuod. Page { Salesman, Traveling m- City, _ Page appropriation for construction of new lock Q priority, in bankruptcy, of wages due 267 _ and canal at the falls; contract _. 1098 Saline River, Ark., worlg to proceed without prejudice to reliminary examination of, to be made. . . 1111 l1t1?lt_ion . 1098 Sallkgbury, Henry G,, proce ings to acquire lands and waters ension increased _____,,,,______________ 1492 neclcssagy to project ,._. I SaIl#i.sbu7·y,·N. C'., p\1l‘C» 389 fpm 0WI1€!'B.: .. appropriation for a roaches to national condemnation proceedings; apprais- l cemetery _____ _ 3 ________________ 259 al, etc . 1099 I acquiring site and erecting public building suits for damages in Court of Claims 1099 at, authorized .,,..._,,,,,,, 780 remedial works for Michigan Lake Superior I 9, progriatiou for _,__ » .._..._,____ 3 . . 793, 1303 _ Power Company .,.. 1100 Sallzullz, _ as W, . Secretary of Commerce and Labor to make ension increased ...,... 1679 . rules for anchorage, etc., in 136 SaIl)lee, _W%llmm T., ~ penalmlyglor violations modified . 136 pension increased ... 2360 Saint Matt (iid Church, D. C., 8 Salmon Fmsherizées, Alaska (sec also Alaska Saltaxes refun ... 69 mon isheries), Saint Michael Canal, Alaska, appropriation for protecting 7 21, 1329 appropriation for improvement of; con- regulations for protecting ..,,,.__., ° ..,,,,, 478 tracts ...,.,,,, 1109 Salmon River Forest Reserve, Idaho, Saint Michaels, Alaska, roclamation establishing s ...».. 3250 inspector of gmlls and boilers provided for Salgmorn, Sarah (wgiow), r · rt u ,.______,,,_,_, . 106 nsion increas ... 2385 Saint lllzlryaels, Azores, ,Salifbcrjry, James S., - classification and salary of consul . 100 pension increased ... 2237 Saint Paul,_Mi1m., _ _ • Salt Luke City, Utah, · t _ construction of ·b]'ldg€ authorized across deficiency appropriation for public build- Mississippn River between Fort 66 mg »·.. . .. 1 . . . 638 ~ Snelling and ...,..,., - may construct bou evar t mug ort appropriation for construction ,.. 1346 Douglas Reservation ... 927 control of ex nses of bridge across Missis- salary of surveyor of customs increased . . . 452 sippi lgfver to Fort Snelling from.- . 1418 SaZtar,_MarLha E. (widow), examination, em., on use for power of sur- ayzisusion increased ... 1496 plus waters of ’the Lgississippi be- 456 S ter, Horace, , tween Minneapolis an · penBi0¤- - - ; ---...--··-~·-·-- J -----»- 2072 limit of cost increased, public building 773 Saltillo, Mecgwo, gp mpyiamm for _______ - . - ______,. 789, 1303 classification and salary of consul . 100 Saint gaul, Minmapolmh cmd ilfawitoba Rad- Saludq Rwer, S. C'., · — way Company, preliminary examination of, to be made. . - 1117 ‘ homsstsadexs erroneously enterin indem- Salvador, Honduras and _ nity grams to, allowed cregit, scc., appropriation for minister to .. 916 k' entries _______,_,... 120 or secretary of 1 tion 917 Saint Pa$4%;¤§1i£;1l¢i}f ivlitheran Church, D. C., Salvador, Nicaragua, @$1 Rica and _ ` taxes refunde __________ _ _ _ g __________, , . 869 apfpropriatéon for; {nnnister to .. Lggh S`tPterb ,R 'a, orsecrearyo egalion  :..7 adli1ssif(lcaii<iii'Z1nd1ia8uslLary* of consul·gem>r·.1l. . 99 Samoa, _ Sa/int Pierre, Saint Pierre Island, V ackn0wl0dgrnont_ of _ deeds, etc., nffocting classification grnd salary of Cgmsul . 100 1 laggidgs In District of (`olumbm or Tor- 550 S `nl St V hen, B nzuric , fl orms . .. adlassillgation ascii salwgry of consul ... . . 100 l Samoan Claims, U I ~ Saint Thomas, West Imies, deficiency appropriation for paying Ger- _ classification and salary of consul. . . , . 100 many ., 63.0 Sakrmnet Harbor, R. I., H Denmark .. _ . 635 appropriation for improvement of . .. . . 10: 5 S Fmriwgre. ii, ..·~...·.. 635 Sal, ampson, _ cm uz, _ claiivigutution of monthly and vearly, .. 763 pension increased ... 2o94 Salaries and Allowances, Post-Office Depart- Sagmrels, {oseipg, Imilan Allottee, 30 ml, ee·s1m e 1 e to . ‘ '7 apprupzliution for superintendent, assistant. San Approved, Tex., _ _ A _ etc ..,... 437, 982 acquiring site and erecting public building for assistant superintendents; per diem. at, gxurhorized ... 781 etc r 471, 1210 · appropriation for ... 794, 1303 Salat, Jacob, _ ‘ San ,- nlonw, Tex., _ _' 9- pension increased ..- · ---» . .. 2613 ; appropriation for land, milnury post near. . -03 Salem. Jlaas., i en argement of public building ut, author. foq iignal c~smb1ishe<\ M Baker Island . 322 i ized. ., ... 775 Salem Oreq., a propriation for ... 790. 1303 gp ;·0p;-ihtion for Indian school 369, 1045 San g)€7:'71»|ZTd'W|»O Forest Reserve. Cal.: enliugemont of public building at. author- , permit lg) occupg lixgnld, etgi for pgwer ized . . 775 p nts in. y ison ectric om- ` fo f - . 790 g any .,... 163 $ale;p%il(3z);1?’\:. , or i San Carfgs Agency. ,-11*1*:.. . appropriation for improvement of - 1030 1 appropriation for Indian agent at .. 332, 1021 von xxxrv, rr 3-——63