Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/87

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GENERAL ACT—MOROCCO. APRIL 7, 1906. 2927 ment a la loi musulmane, de la self of the validity of the title in regularite des titres. ponformity to the Mohammedan aw. Le Makhzen designera, dans The Maghzen shall designate in V°’“*°"“°“· chacune des villes et circonscrip— each city and district specified in tions indiquees au present article, this article the Cadi who shall have le Cadi qui sera charge d’effectuer charge of such veritication. ces veriiications. ART. 61. Dans le but de créer ART. 61. With a view to· cre- B““‘““g'”°'· de nouvelles ressources au Makh- ating new resources for the Magh— zen, la Conference reuonnait, en zen, the conference recognizes in principe, qu’une taxe pourra étre principle that a tax may be estabgtablie sur les constructions ur- lished on city buildings. aines. Une partie des recettes ainsi A part of the receipts thus realrealisees sera atfectee aux besoins ized shall be set aside for the de la voirie et de Phygiéne muni- , re uirements of municipal streets cipales et, d’une facon genérale, and hygiene, and generally for the aux depenses_ d’amelioration et expense of improvement and cond’entretien des villes. servation of the cities. » La taxe sera due par le proprie- The tax is due from the Moorish taire marocain ou etranger sans or foreign owner, without distincaucune distinction; mais le loca- -tion, but the tenant or the holder _ taire ou le detenteur de la clef en of the key shall be responsible to . sera responsable envers le Tresor the Moorish Treasury. marocain. Un réglement edicte, d’un com- Re ulations issued jointly by , mun accord, par le Gouvernement the ghereeiian Government and · cherifien et le CorpsDiplomatique the Diplomatic Body at Tangier a Tanger, fixera le taux de la taxe, shall establish the rate, its method son mode de perception et d’appli- of collection and application, and cation et determinera la quotite shall determine the qluota of revdes ressources ainsi creees qui enue thus created w ich shall be devra etre affectee aux dépenses devoted to the expense of imd’amelioration et d’entretien des provement and conservation of _ villes. the cities. c A Tanger, cette quotite sera At Tangier this quota shall be versee au Conseil sanitaire inter- turned over to the International national, qui en réglera l’emploi Sanitary Council, which shall jusqu’a la creation d une organisa- decide as to its use until the creation munici ale. tion of a municipal organization. AaT.62. S)aMajesteCherifienne, ART. 62. HisS creefian Majesty A8¤¤¤¤¢¤¤‘¤¤¤¤¤•=¤- ayant decide en 1901 que les fonc- having decided in 1901 that the tionnaires marocains, charges de Moorish officials who collect the la perception des impets agricoles, agricultural taxes should no longer nerecevraient plus des populations receive either the “‘sokhra" or the ni sokhra ni mmma, la Conference "mouna," the conference is of the estime que cette réglc devra étre opinion that this rule should be generalisee autant que possible. made general, so far as is possible. ART. 63. Les Delegues cheri- ART. 63. The Shereefian dele- fo§eQ;;i;pS¤”¤*·**dbY tiens ont expose que des biens gates have stated that habou· · hahous ou certaines proprietes do- property, or certain State proprnaniales, notamment des immeu- erty, notably buildings of the bles du Makhzen, occupes contre Maghzen, occupied at a rental of paiement de la redevance de six 6 per cent, are held by persons pour cent, sont aémius par des subject to foreign jurisdiction ressortissants etrangers, sans titres without regular title or by virtue reguliers ou cn vertu de contrats of contracts subject to revision. _ sujets arevision. LaConference, The conference, desirous of rem- 1 desireuse de remedier a cet etat de edying this state of affairs, charges