Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/907

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INDEX. , 3627 University of Oklahoma, Page. ¤ Umh_Q0ntin Bddlllfztilgnztld grunted to, in (`leveland 932 . Uintah Im-Eg; Reservation? Opened to Page- 1°9dS*¢S<*¤‘€di<>¤ di=¤p<»iri<»¤ 273 gm{’,§‘?Qg.g,;;.;‘ 3;,;,, ‘,g,;g,g;(g,i if gy 3; 3119 md·>¤~¤·¤>’ gram ··········· · ·--·· - ···-·- 275 Eskelson restored to public 21/vomzifii 3233 for Preparatory School ······· · ····-·- 275 Vernon Forest Reserve established l 3197 addltmnal gmm ····----···--··—- - · · - 623 Wasatch Forest Reserve established- - _ _ · - 3225 U”iW"8’i'y_°f Utah, _ [ Utah and Eastern Copper Clam y, I i _ i i ` part oigoolréggiéglas Reservation granted to_; 195 sale of lanldp of Shebit Indians, Utah, to; , ’ ····--·-···-·-- — ----—»·— 0011 1 ions .._,___,______ _ _____ _ _____ Ughm res<>""°d` ``'`.--.--_-`--``` ‘ · 195 U te Indians, Cvnfederaled Bands, 375 UPMWQ, David,) ,1zippropriation for fulfilling treaties with. .376, 1049 I/,£;er;s$l;152(;§ Mr, ··········--- - ·--·- 2223 Ug€g;;3;;y iptgzcpriation for employees ____ 47 appropriation for improvement of, Lock and appropriation for irrigatine allotted lands _ Dam N°‘ 3 ``.----'---··-`'·```‘ · 1093 l of Uncvmpahgre Uiimh `=¤¤d White nzht of way granwd through Lands of Lock , River .. F ... { ... 375 1049 No.1.--·"` °---.-·----- 1283 Utilla,H¢mduras, 7 - Upton, Gatnfard N., classification and salary of consul . 100 PPUSIOH !U€T€3S€d ---... . 2301 Utter, Gould EW UTgg1;L (seg Deficiency Appropri' l gngign iucrgqggd _______________________ 1522 ations). { Uggry Hmm, Uruguay, Pm¤9"“y and, ’ pension increased . Z5?8 appropriation for minister to ,,,, 287, 917````` or secretary of legation ,. , . 917 v_ Ugdw Pawn, _ Vszmz, D. 0., . U:hP0¤@·0m€€¤ tobe d1¤'P0¤€d Gi, ---·- · -.-.. 186 Vdeiiciency agpgoprintion for widening _____ 544) , accumtton 0 n iam, appropriation for Indian service in . 375, 1049 8, prigtidn {Oy _______________ _ _____ 330 1018 or incidental expenses, Indian service Valiilizo Alaska, i mi ·-·-···~-·-·--·—»--····--·- 375,1049 2§pr0priation for improvement of jail _,,__ 751 for suryevongeneral, clerks, etc._ . 436, 981 Va ez, Marshall Pass and Northern Railroad for rexmbursement for surveying ad- Company, V2-BCGB ------- ;---; ---·----··.- 726 time extended for completing road in deficiency appro riation for incidental ex- Alaska, by _____________________ _ _ _ 915 penses, In£uu1` service in .. 38, 655 Valdosta, Ga., asp11altum,’ etc., lands, Uncompahgre cénstruction of public building authorized Reservation, to be sol? 3214 at _______________________________ _ _ 776 Bear River Forest Reserve, daho and, es· appropriation for ,,. 791, 1304 tablished 3206 Valencia, Spain, · Beaver Forest Reserve, established .. 3189 classification and salary of consul . 100 Dixie Forest Reserve; established 3147 Valentine, Benjamin WT, Fillmore Forest Reserve, established .. 3200 pension increased .» ., 1832 Fish Lake Forest Reserve, lands added to. 3189 Valmtim, Ethan A., Glenwood Forest Reserve, established 3275 i pension increased ... 2321 grant of Uintah Reservation lands to the Vliliquette, M. `J., Episcopal Church in Utah ... 611 payment to .,,,______,_,________________ 2662 La Sal Forest Reserve, Colorado and, es- Vallavuiigham, Gear e B., tablished . 204, 3190 pension increasedg. . ...,..,.,.,_, 1924 land laws extended to abandoned Fort Crit- Valley Forge Park Cmnmission, Pa., tenden Military Reservation ... 808 [ loan of brass cannon, etc., to .. ;.. 1415 Logan Forest Reserve merged into Bear ‘ Valparaiso, Chile, River 3206 c assification and sala of consul .,,,_ 99 Manti Forest Reserve, lands added to 3188 Val parzriso Earthquake. glide, Monticello Forest Reserve, established 3272 proclamation asking aid to sufferers from. . 3227 part of Fort Douglas Military Reservation, { Van Alst, Williavn, granted to university .. 195 pension increased ,.,,,,_ 2623 Payson Forest Reserve, area extended. . . 3127 Van Amringe, Mary Ellen (daughter), Raft River Forest Reserve, Idaho and, es- pension .,,,, 2744 tahlished .. 3247 Van Blarcom, Mary (widow). Sevier Forest Reserve, established ... 3020 pension ..,._.,.. 1532 enlarged . 3187 Van Brant, Ellen M. (widow), time extended for settlers on Uinta lands, pension increased ..,...,__, . 1993 to establish residence. . 9 Van Buren, Ark., town sites reserved in Uintah Indian bridge authorized across Arkansas Riverat. 21 Reservation. . 3139 Vern Busltirk, Reuben., mvisions for drawings modified ... 3140 pension increased .., 2164 iixnds reserved to Indians for agriculture Van Camp, James H., and reservoir site . 3141 pensionjncreased ,.. 2078 additional , 3143 Van De Bogm, George W. reservoir site reduced ... 3143 pension increased ... 2156 Uintah Forest Reserve, enlarged 3116 Van Derslice, Hester .4. (widow), Uintah Forest Reserve, Wyo. and, en- pension increased ... 2079 larged ,. . . 3186, 3240 Van Dewalker, James G., boundaries changed ,... - . . 3207 pension increased ... 2571