Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 34 Part 3.djvu/917

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. INDEX. 3637 Wheelock, Dmnisrm, Indian Allott , P W »‘ · - f9€‘$lU1Pl6 ¢l\l€ to .. . . fi , . ,_,,__ § i gm (?;»w};x$§,?;;:t;?;anSl0n)` Page, Wh"l‘?‘k· H"E"7'» Indlhn A”°“”· onizion indreaged ’ 1680

  • <><>=¤··¤i>1¤ m 3 ¤> - ,- - -- . .. . . 381 1 win, Jem, Mexican we `‘```‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘

Wh“lQ¢`ki J¤'{w9» Indian Allcttee, i .nsion increased ’ 2049

  • 63-¤¤¤¤i>\¤ wie to .. .. . 381 I wiihe, Jam zz s,`}{h;ii.£rg, ‘`‘°`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘

Wheelock, Lehi, Indikzn Allottee,ension inéreasedn . . , 1632 f¤9—¤nmp1e title to . ._ . .. .. .. .. 330 Wlitn, Jmmy; (,,,,,;,1,,,,,);``'`°'`‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘ " Wh‘*PPl¢ }?¤'?`°¢k·¤» AN-, _ nsion increased .,,.___,____ _ 1917 $QP¥`0P¤9·§i0¤ fvlizpost lgosgiital . . . . .. . . 1172 While, John, .``` WM1>1z1e.Lmq,¤r Mah, elm Allouee, nsion. increased ,,,,_,_ 2448 fee-simple title to . . .. . 357 Pl/'gite, John F_ ````‘‘‘``‘‘‘‘ " W{¥¥PIfl€, ¤§G7:;;¢l¢l, Indikm AUOIIBB, W/Pension increased _____________ _ 1852 9?·¤¤mP € 1 9 to - - · .··-- 357 hite Lake, Mich.``'`'` ' Whippk, Thqmas, Indian Allottee, appro riation fofurn rovement of harbor. . . 1097 f¤e·¤¤¤¤v1¤ mia to . .. -. .. .. .. .. .- 357 Whue, com J. (wvdivw), Wh@Ppl€Q1l , OT CIITIZGYWLG, Indian increased ______ _ _________ _ ______ · 1950 _ F6, hite ountaim, Wiz:-;i§1Pll?“;:;i$ W - N N · i - - - - i l _ i i _ N _ _ i · 357 appmpdilaiigihrgiiedgnagiiyffrbssi rzggrvmpon 1281 . ¤ . ·» , . e., .. WXEUBIOU U1€1'€98€d . . ... 2669 White Oak Coal Company, kl} M6'!} idauyhw'), deficiency apprpyrration for__ __ __ __ __ _ _ __ 1391 WK';<E.¤¤{0¤ ··------·.. . . 2221 White_Oak River, . C., tlsrgozilfgeam Vessels, » 881 — prehgmary elrapiinatign of, to be mado__ _ 1115 WLWW A’***·lii•i*iiE0%i»n-HI-Hunan niiioiiincreaaed .. ...,____ 1460 w_£§¤B10i1 ...· . 2210 étite River, Ark., - ` @7, Wiuwm A-, appropriation for improvement of .,.,. ._ __ 1093 _¤¤i0¤ mcT€$¤¢d··-, -·-·---·····-.-.. .. . . 2521 canal, etc., authorized at Look and Dam _ ,_A·M=¤B·(w¤d<nv), No.1 _ 5,36 W£°¤¤l°¤ mcfeased ···—-·-·----·-----·-·-- · - 2664 dam authorized across, above Look No, 3;

   V, _ 1784 Seed to United States after commo-

.‘ , . ‘'·*·‘*·····‘··· v ······ ·· mn------ -··· ·-··---· -- . . 628 Wlif¢e,_A1e¢iM (Mdw), 2484 White River Uteflndians, Um, _¤¤¤¤¤ ·-----·--····----- - -·---·-·-. ‘ a pro riation or irrigating land t. 375,1049 wife, Arie: F., mile, _£3qm na, . “ ° w$’f2‘“"3¤’$.4§‘¢°'°$€’°" ‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘’‘‘‘‘‘‘‘‘ ‘“°2» w£3”?i“b;$7°’i°?“"" ············~··········· mi ev ew *1 8, O ., reappointed 011 of Regents, Smith- Wpengion increased __________ _ ______ _ ______ 1792 Wh · somgn Institution. . ... 827 Q ite, Samuel, _ U6, Ann . I ension increased _____________________ _ _ _ 2225 ension increased . 2354 White, S l Aw W[;:ite,_Annie B., Indian Allottee, i engioil11'ii1wcrogS€d _______________________ _ 1970 fee·s1mple title to . .. . .. . 373 [ White Shoal, Lake Mifchigan, White, Arthur W, 1 light station established or ‘ . __,____, _ _ __ 995 nnhtary record corrected .. 2467 ; appro riation for__ __ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ __________ 1319 While,_A.s}1tey, i White, _Siliia V., _

lg;l1alI;;T93S€d . 2733 i Wpension increased ,   2296

, r , 4 ite, Thomas W, yment to . 2662 E ension increased . . ...,_...__ 2235 White, (widow), i White, Whitman IC, Wgzepsgn inpfdeasedh . L . 1964 I Wpensigplgncrzsm ...,_ , ___,__ 2031 ie og. um. Lee, ile, i iam ., fee-simple title to ... 356 deficiency appropriation for reimbursing_ _ _ 37 White Earth Agency, Jlinn., Whiteman, James, appro riation for Indian agent at ... 349, 1032 ension increased ,.,._.,,. . ..,._.________ 1465 _ White Eiirth Indian Reservation, Minn., Wiiiteowl, Thomas, or Hin han skadm, Indian removal of alienation restrictions, allot- · Ailottee, ments in . 353 fee·simpetitleto.. ..,,. 357 town site authorized; sale of lots, etc ... 1032 i Whiting, John H., alienation restrictions removed of lands of Maension increased ... . ..., 2070 mixed·blood adult Indians .. 1034 hiting, Mary, Indian Allottee, of fnlbblood Indians; condition . 1034 feesimgle title to ... 356 White, Edward T., 192 Whitley, lun E. (widow), ension ,.,.., . .. 1 nsion .. 2206 White, Elisha, W]/iiilock, James S., ' engion increased . 1518 Vpension increased 2229 Wxhito Fly, ’ I itlock, Vinlliam N., appropriation for experiments for eradi- ugension increased 1962 cation of ,._,,.,, . . .. . . .. .. . . 688, 1274 ihnxm County, Wash., _ White, Qeiyrge F., bridge authorized across Snake River, Vglgngmn increased ____,_____,.. . .., 2136 U between Columbia County and .. 107 1 `te, Harrison, Whitman, George, pension _____,____________,_...,.,.,. 1571 pension increased . . . . 1802 v01. xxxrv, rr 3--66