Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1016

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 299. 1909. 999 ` Improving Cold Spring Inlet, New Jersey: For continuing improve- Ncgld SP""! mlnment, with a view to securing a depth of twenty-five feet, two hun-` dred and eighty-four thousand dollars. Improving mouth of Columbia River, Oregon and Washington: For 0,‘Q;":':g*3, “*f1*'·=¤‘· continuing im rovement in completion of contract authorization, two` huplrllred and theusaréd dollgrs.Th M11 R roving um ia iver at ree-e a ids, Ore n and °°'¤¤¤!>*· R*"*· WashIi)ngton: For continuing improvement in completion of Isbntract Thmulle MPM" -authorization of Columbia River between the foot of The Dalles Rapids and the head of Celilo Falls Oregon and Washington, one hundred and sixty-four thousand dollars. , Improving Cumberland River above Nashville, Tennessee: For ,_§]j$*:°,{,*:¤;‘}, gig-g‘· continuing improvement in completion of contract authorization by rem:. ’ the construction of Locks and Dams Numbered Three, Four, Five, Six, and Seven, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Improving Delaware River, Pennsylvania and New Jerse : For ,,,P'§',{g";,{°, R""- maintenance of improvement in completion of contract authoriza— ` tion, one hundred and twentiifive thousand dollars. Improving Detroit River, ichigan: For continuing improvement D°°’°“ 1****-mm of L1tone channel in accordance with plan " ," east route, three million dollars. Improving harbor at Galveston, Texas: For continuing improve- ‘*“"°'°°“-'*`°*· ment by extension of the jetties and by dredging, in completion of contract authorization, seventy thoiisand gplléaps. B T F Im roving Galveston ship c anne and a 0 a ou exas: or SM °'·Q¤"•' M contiiiujng improvement to a point at or near the head, of laong Reach, Bahn M °°’ Tu` in accordance with the modined project and in completion of contract authorization, fifty-five thousand dollars. Improving inland waterwafv on coast of Texas: For continuing ,,,gx¤'·¤d W¤*¢U·>$ improvement in completion o contract authorization, fifty-five thou- ` sand dollars. Improvin Grays Harbor, Washington: For continuing improve- G¤*Y¤H¤*b¤*·W¤¤- ment of harbor and bar entrance b means of north jett in completion of contract authorization, one hundred thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Hilo, Hawaii: For continuing improvement H”°·H¤W¤“· in completion of contract authorization, one hundred thousand dollars. Improving Kennebec River, Maine: For continuing improvement K¤¤¤·>*>¤<‘R**¤*-M¤· from the mouth to Gardiner, seventy thousand dollars. Improving Kentucky River, Kentucky: For continuing improve- K;*°“'°°*>’ R""- ment in completion of contract authorization by the construction of ` Locks and Dams Numbered Twelve and Thirteen, two hundred and ten thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Ludington, Michigan: For continuing im- I-¤<¤¤¤¤··¤· Mid-- provement, two hundred thousand dollars. Improving Mississippi River from mouth of Ohio River to Minne- Qljgjjjgggtygygbm apolis, Minnesota: For continuing improvement of Mississippi River more urwun. from the mouth of the Ohio River to and including the mout of the Missouri River, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For continuing improvement of Mississippi River from the mouth t0§{g$m:¤¤,ig¤*¤¤¤¤ of the Missouri River to Minneapolis, Minnesota, five hundred thou- W ` sand dollars. Improving harbor at Mobile, Alabama: For continuing improve- moons, Ara mr-apt in completion of contract authorization, two hundre thousand dollars. Improvin Monon ahela River,Pennsylvania: For continuing con- xonengunmnrver-, struction of Took and Dam Numbered Five in completion of contract m' authorization, two hundred thousand dollars. Improving harbor at Newport, Rhode Island: For completing xewpm, 1:.1. improvement, fifty-three thousand eight hundred dollars.