Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1019

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1002 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. SEss. II.- Ch. 299. 1909. neggtismm ****1*- ANTrETAM BATTLEFIELDI For repair- and (preservation of monu- Rei»am,m. ments, tablets, observation tower, roads, an fences and so forth, made and constructed by the United States upon pubiic lands within the limits of the Antietam battlefield, near Sharpsburg, Maryland, ` three thousand dollars. _ ¤¤P¢¤¤*¤¤d°¤*- For pay of superintendent of Antietam battlefield, said superintendent to perform his duties under the direction of the Quartermaster’s De artment and to be selected and appointed by the Secretary of War, at discretion, the person selected and appointed to this position to be an honorably discharged Union soldier, one thousand five hundred dollars. mf,’:§§§0"g 23* Bnmomo HOME THE REMAINS or orrronns AND SOLDIERS wno DIE ABROAD: To enable the Secretary of War, in his discretion, to cause to be transported to their homes or to such national cemeteries as may be designated by proper authorities, the remains of officers and enlisted men of the army who die in line of duty, including civilian employees of the army in the employ of the War De artment who die abroad (inclusive of Alaska) and officers or enlisted) men or civilian employees of the army who die on army transports, fifty thousand dollars. ceareameeuouud, CONEEDERATE MOUND, OAKWOOD CEMETERY, CrrroAoo: For care, °m°°‘°‘, , rotection, and maintenance of the plat of ground known as "Conliederate Mound" in Oakwood Cemetery, Chicago, two hundred and iift dollars. ·‘¤¤¤¢¤>¤· V- LI.LNGTON NATroNAL CEMETERY, VrRorNrA: For continuing grading, draining, making roads, planting trees, and otherwise preparin the grounds in the addition to the Arlington,,Virginia, Nationzi Cemetery, ten thousand dollars. _ uma aoe1¤,Aix. NAHONAL CEMETERY, LI'.I.'1'LE Rock, ARxANsAs: For the construction of a lodge for use of the superintendent of the national cemetery at Little Rock, Arkansas, seven thousand dollars. sm A¤r¤¤i<»,Tex. NATroNAL CEMETERY, SAN ANTONr0, TEXAS: For the construction of a lodge for use of the superintendent of the national cemetery, San Antonio, Texas, seven thousand dollars. campauuearir. CAME BUTLER NATIONAL CEMETERY, NEAR RrvERToN, ILLrNors: For the construction of a lodge for use of the superintendent of the Camp Butler National Cemetery, near Riverton, linois, seven thousand dollars. (Cbslmgtteha. I CrrAr.ME·rrE NATIONAL CEMETERY, LoursrANA: The Secretary of i,...3.{'§¤,’°°°°· ° War is hereby authorized to accept a conveyance of the lands and servitudes described in articles of agreement entered into the thirty- iirst day of July, nineteen hundred and five, between J. B. Bellinger, major and quartermaster, United States Army, acting for and on behalf of the United States of America, of the first part, and the New Orleans Terminal Company, a corporation existing under the laws of the State of Louisiana, of the second part, for the enlargement of the Chalmette National Cemetery, and in consideration thereof to gerrnit the closing of the roadway to said cemetery, known as the " iver road," which was constructed and maintained by the United States, upon the terms and conditions specified in said articles of agreement. For inclosing and otherwise improving addition to be made to the Chalmette (Louisiana) National Cemetery, five thousand five hundred dollars. rriseeriaawm. MrscEr.r.ANEoUs OBJECTS, wAR DEPARTMENT.

  • m*'”FP°¤¤ BIILITARY r-osrs: For the construction and enlargement at military posts of such buildings as, in the `udment of the Secretary of

War, may be necessary, eight hundred thousand dollars, including .