Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/108

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90 SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. I. Ch. 153. 1908. - ican Kicka Indians against the United States, and such authorization to the £i·etary of the Treasury by said Indians as herein provided shall be considered to be and shall be an acceptance of said sum in final settlement of all claims of everiy kind whatsoever of the said Mexican Kickapoo Indians against the nited States. Tg;} <>i*i¤¤¤¤ FIVE CIVILIZED TRIBES. www- thF¢; gfblndiiamnl agian; at the Union Agency, Oklahoma, four on n v un o a . ¤r¢¤i¤l¤i¤k¤·¤¤¢· For ipecial clerical force in the office of the United States Indian agent, nion Agency, and miscellaneous expenses in connection with entlering of regnittances recelived indascpfint of payments of town lots an issuance o patents six thousand dollars. $$5 For clerical work and labor connected with the leasing of Creek and 'Cherokee lands, for mineral and other purposes, and the leasing of lands of full—blood Indians under the_Act of April twenty-sixth, nine- . geen hundred and six, and Acts amendatory thereto, forty thousand ollars. For clerical work and labor connected with the sale of inherited and. B vu { md otléer landp, l;1vetC1»(;1lmedFTn`bEa)s;, dgnégumng dolllars. ¤¤¤ ¤ i¤ - ernova o in ru ers ive °vf s: or the purpose of mm - removing intruders and’placing allottees in unrestricted possession og gimp ailgotmerzts, tt; behpxpen deg prlder the direction of the Secretary o enr1or,weny thousand o rs. _ Removelcf ¤1i¤¤•· To enable the Secretary of the Interior to ca out the ro ’ ` mvlcifg of the Act approved April twenty-first, nineteleg hundred Idndn :::11: f¢;rt;heFrem<;y*mifi;c1;es;`¤c{)t‘ipn‘s upon the algpnatiopl of lands of allottees o e 1ve `1 1 ri , wenty-five thousand dollars. Incmeum upenn For general incidental expenses of the Indian Service in Oklahoma, and for pay of employees, twenty-two thousand dollars. msi1px15m.. ¤£ ¤11¤¢· _ To enable the Secretary of the Interior to investigate or cause to be rnvsmgsum cr. investigated any lease, power of attorney, contract, deed, or a reement to sell any allotted land wh1ch he has reason to believe hasieen obtained by fraud, or ]n_v1olation of the terms of existin agreements VOL 33, ,,_ my with any of the F 1ve Civilized Tribes, as provided by the ict approved Mepiplptliircgcpineteen pupldrpd and five, ten thousand dollars. orphan xmmu a theretaryo the nteriorb , d hh b th ·' d °h"°'°“*°°“"‘°"°" to make such contract as in his gud me€i1t:;‘:2ems$ddx·i§dbldrfd: theelgge of orphanf Indian chigren of t_ e Five (gvilizgd Tribes, and for the purpose o carrying IS provision into e act the sum of ten thousand ollars. or so much thereof as is necessarv. mpgsmmnon tc umu That contracts heretofore or hereafter made by and between ersons stricken by the Secretary of the Interior from the final rolls of the Five m;;.,,).,,,;:,“¥3{h“¤t. Ltuplizeid Tpibeeudard attplrpfeyg erpraloyeld by them to secure their °`” "·resora1onosa1rolssa val a en bl h · d by the Secretary of thd Interior in theilf 0l'lglIl;.(d8:I‘ ignwsuilh ambdihgcl form as he may deem equitable and not otherwise; and such contracts . as are approved _ as herein provided, when recorded in the county where suc land IS located shall be a lien, in the event of the restoration of such persons to the rolls against allotted lands or tribal funds _ of the persons so restored to or given rights upon said rolls.

  • j*n';;{1{’{j)’f'¤· That the Secretary of the Interior be, and is hereby, authorized if

after investigation he believes such action be justified, to a Samiiel llrown seven thousand three hundred and eighty-four dollars and

;y*-fmgtslrtcepgsg fppm ain; fpnds in the Treasury of the United States

o ecr 1 o e _?ree 'a ion. ,lZ£_§;1gg{*{*;j>¤· That the Secretaryof the Interior is hereby authorized and directed te pay out of the C ickasaw fund to D. H. Johnson, governor of the Lhickasaw Nation, compensation for his services as such governor, at,