Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1138

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SIXTIETH CONGRESS. Sess. II. Ch. 321. 1909. 1121 ment; or whoever, without lawful authority, shall have in his possession any such die, hub, or mold, or any part thereof, or shall conceal, - or knowingly suffer the same to be used for the counterfeiti of any foreign corn, shall be fined not more than two thousand dnjlars, or "“"**‘“'*°““°‘· im rrsoned not more than ive years, or both. _ Sec. 171. Whoever, within the United States or any place subject €,g“l‘Q,§‘,§;,,*;““*‘°’,';‘,§‘,*§,· to the jurisdiction thereof, shall make, or cause or procure to be etc.Zsimi1ut¤ii¤ited made, or shall bring therein, from any foreign country, or shall have EXE.? °' £°”°1g° in possession with intent to sell, give away, or in any other manner "°*·”·P·""· use the same, any business or professional card, notice, placard, token, device, print, or imlpression, or any other th' whatsoever, in the likeness. or similitu e as to design, color, orufhe inscription thereon, of any of the coins of the United States or of any foreign country that have been or hereafter may be issued as money, either under the authority of the United States or under the authority of any foreign government, shall be fined not more than one hundred Punishment fer. dollars. But nothing in this section shall be construed to forbid or m{l{:g_**•“°¤° P°’· prevent the printing and plublishing of illustrations of coins and medals, or the making of the necessary plates for the ame, to be used in illustrati numismatic and historical books and journals and the circrrlarslfg legitimate publishers and dealers in the same. Sec. 172. All counterfeits 0 any obligation or other security of wfzggdgfgagggux the United States or of any foreign government, or counterfeits of mimi mms. ina any of the coins of the United States or- of any foreign government, ""t,,,_,,_,,_m_ and all material or apparatus fitted or intended to be used, or that shall have been used, in the making of any such counterfeit obli a— tion or other security or coins hereinbefore mentioned, that shallgbe found in the possession of any person without authority from the Secretary of the Treasury or other pro er officer to have the same, shall be taken possession of by any autdbrized agent of the Treasury Department and forfeited to the United States, and disposed of in any manner the Secretary of the Treasury may direct. Whoever ,¤:¤J)¤i;;g*;**¤¤* having the custody or control of any such counterfeits, material, or ' apparatus shall fail or refuse to surrender possession thereof upon request by any such authorized agent of the Treasury Department, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than one year, or both. Sac, 173. The several j ud es of courts established under the laws 1¤·¤c¤f ¤<>¤¤·¤¤ wx of the United States and Ugnited States commissioners ma , upon m°§,e:§,$m_°gi°°?° proper oath or affirmation, within their respective Tjurisdictions, V°'·°°·1*""’· issue a search warrant authorizing any marshal of thel nited States, or any other person specially mentioned in such warrant, to enter any house, store, builr ing, boat, or other place named in such warrant, in which there sha appear probable cause for believing that the manufacture of counter ert money, or the concealment of counterfeit money, or the manufacture or concealment of counterfeit obligations or coins of the United States or of any forei n government, or the manufacture or concealment of dies, huibs, molds, plates, or other things fitted or intended to be used for the manufacture of counterfeit money, coins, or obligations of the United States or of an foreign government, or of any bank doing business under the autliority of the United States or of any State or Territory thereof, or of any bank doing business under the authority of any foreign government, or of any political division of any foreign government, is being carried on or practiced, and there search for any such countefeit money, coins, dies, hubs, molds, plates, and other things, and for any such obligations, and if any such be found, to seize and secure the same and to make return thereof to the prolper authority; and all such counterfeit money, coins, dies, hubs, mo ds, _:,·gfeir¤r¤¤f Mind plates, and other thin s, and all such counterfeit obligations so seized °°` shall be forfeited to tge United States.