Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 35 Part 1.djvu/1141

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1124 srxrrrnrn cosonnss. sm. II. cs. 9,21. 1909. '*`*‘*:m******¥` P°" Sec. 182. Whoever bein the owner driver conductor, master,

ly mu- or other person having chargge of anly stagecoaclf, railway car, steam-

R‘s"'°°‘3°m‘°‘"°' boat, or lpther vehicle or gressel, sha knowingly corivey(pr knowingly ermit the conve ance o an erson acting or em oye as a riva Express for the cdrnveyance olf lhtters or packets, aiid actually in possession of the same for the purpose of conveying them, contrary to P¤¤¤**Y- law, shall be fined not niorlei t an one h)undred sand fifty dollarsh $*****1**8 1******* l’Y - Sec. 183. Whoever s a transmit riva e ex ress or o er unpriigfslélliéleiij p. 110. lawful means, or deliver to any agent lzrhldreof, or dldposit or cause to P°°‘l°*" be deposited at any appointed place, for the purpose ofbeing so transmitted, any letter or packet, shall be fined not more than fifty dollars. 0,mg,*g§gf Sec. 184. Whoever, being the owner, driver, conductor, master, or mum. other person having charge of any stage—coach, railway car, steam- R"S··“°°‘°°“•°‘"°‘ boat, or conveyance of any kind which regularly performs trips at stated periods on any post route, or from any city, town, or place to any other city town, or place between whic the mail is regu arly carried, and which shall carry otherwise than m the mail, any etters or packets, excetpt such as relate to some part of the cargo of such steamboat or o er vessel, to the current usiness of the carrier, or. to some article carried at the same time by the same sta;ge—coach, railway car, or other vehicle, except as otherwise provide by law, P¤¤¤*W- shall be fined not more than fifty doHars. 0,Q*;*g¥m*:H §,f*§;g}gf Sec. 18§. Whoever shall carry any letter or packet on board any R..S.,sw.3!6.P-Til- vessel Whlch carries the mail, otherwise than in such mail, except as P¤¤*¤*¤¤¤**“°*· otherwise prplvided by lava, shall be fine}? notpmcére than fifty do lars, or im risone not more t an one mont , or ot . bW¤1$¤·te°°“;g)’;*;_f*‘;j Sad? 186. Nothing in this cha ter shall be construed to prohibit igwijulla p the conveyance or transmission of) letters or packets by iprivate hands withoplti compensatiopf or by special messenger employed for the artic ar occasion o y. v$;·e¤r1¤e,th<g¤1—;¤;{;§ P Sec. 187. Whoever, not being connected with the letter-carrier lliliirigl wl branch of the ostal service, shall wear the uniform or badge which R·S··“"·““"·¥’·”5· may be prescribed by the Postmaster-General, to be worn y letter munnmeuzrcr. carriers, shall be fined not more than one hundred dollars, or unprisoncd not more than six months, or both. v¤m¤¤¤¤.er¤..¤¤¤im— Sec. 188. It shall be unlawful to aint, print, or in any manner to§e!·iii}li1gii>ii$iGf place upon or attach to any steamboat or other vessel, or any car, ' stage—coach vehicle, or other conveyance, not actually used in carry- ing the mail, the words "United States Mail," or any words, letters, or characters of like import; or to give notice, by publishing ip any newspaper or otherwise, that any steamboat or other vesse , or any car, sta e—coach, vehicle, or other conveyance, is used in carrying Punishmeutfcr. the maili when the same is not actually so used; and every person who shall violate, and every owner, receiver, lessee, or managing operator thereof who shall cause, suffer, or permit the violation of any provision of this section, shall be liable, and shall be fined not more tha; olpe thousand dollars, or imprisoned not more than two ears or ot . - etpuuung mail bmi. y SES 189, Yhdiver shallltearécut, oiéogherwise irppre any mail bag, si. s., wi. sms, p. enc or other - mg user or es e oruse in e conve ance o lm llie mail, or shall draw or break ariyn staple or loosen any pag of any lock, chain, or strap zttacpled thereto, with ingenf go rgb gr steal any

  • ’¤¤i¤¤¤·¢¤¢f¤¤· such mail or to ren er the same insecure, s a e ne not more

than five hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than three years, or both. plitgcffgjg r><>¤¤<>¤¤== Sm. 190. Whoever shall steal, purloin, or embezzle any mail bag a. sgéec. wa, p. or other pro erty in use by or be onging to the Post-Office Departm"' ment, or shall appropriate any such property to his own or any other than its proper use, or shall convey away any such property to the P¤¤i¤¤¤¤¤**¤¤ hindrance or detriment of the public service, shall be fined not more thalpotivo hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than three years, or t . `